Tuesday, January 31, 2012




Saturday, January 28, 2012


International Women Day
      Observe 8thMarch befittingly
The Women Sub-Committee of the Confederation of CG Employees and Workers calls upon the entirety of leadership of all Affiliated Organizations to launch effective Programmes like Seminars, Conventions, Special Meetings of Women Workers all over the country on behalf of their respective organisations to befittingly celebrate the "INTERNATIONAL WOMEN DAY". This is an occasion to approach all women members to unionize them in our unions and educate them as well all other menfolk about the rights and privileges of women employees as well as their special problems encountered at the work spots and in society. Please send your reports to the headquarters of Confederation after observing them effectively.
Com. Gita Ghoshal - Chairperson  & Com. C P Shobana   - Convenor.Women Sub Committee
Confederation of CG Employees and Workers

Friday, January 27, 2012




Conf/D-9/2010      Dated:23rd January, 2012 


            The Cabinet  Secretary,

            Rashtrapathy Bhawan Annexe,

            New Delhi. 110 001

Dear Sir,

            This is to give notice that the employees who are members of the affiliates of the Confederation of Central Government employees and workers will go on one day's strike on 28th February, 2012.  The charter of demands in pursuance of which the employees will embark upon the one day strike action is enclosed.


            Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,


K.K.N. Kutty

Secretary General


Encl: Charter of Demands




  1)         Concrete measures to contain price rise

2)         Concrete measures for linkage of employment protection with the concession/incentive package offered to the entrepreneurs,

3)        Strict enforcement of all basic labour laws without any exception or exemption and stringent punitive measures for violation of labour laws.

 4)        Universal social security cover for the unorganized sector workers without any restriction

5)         Creation  of a National Social Security Fund with adequate resources in line with the  recommendation, of NCEUS and Parliamentary Standing Committees on Labour, Stoppage of disinvestment in Central and State PSUs, the  Central Trade Unions also demand immediate  action  by the Govt. of India to en sure:-

6)         No Contractorisatlon of work of permanent/perennial nature and payment of wages  and  benefits to the contract workers  at  the same rate as available to the regular workers of the Industry/establishment

7)         Amendment   of  Minimum   Wages   Act   to   ensure   universal  coverage irrespective of the schedules and fixation of statutory minimum wage at not less than Rs 10,000/-,

8)         Remove the ceilings on payment and eligibility of Bonus, Provident Fund; Increase the quantum of gratuity.

9)         Scrap PFRDA Bill/New Pension Scheme; Ensure pension for all.

10)       Compulsory registration of trade unions within a period of 45 days and immediate ratification of ILO conventions 67 and 96.




1.   Stop downsizing, outsourcing, contractorisation, coporatorisation and privatization of Governmental functions

2.   Fill up all vacant posts and create posts on functional requirements

3.   Revise wages of CGEs with effect from 1.1.2011 and every five years thereafter.

4.   Regularize the GDS, daily rated workers, contingent and casual workers by brining about a definite scheme of regularization.

5.   Remove restriction imposed on compassionate appointment ( end the discrimination on compassionate appointment between the Railway workers and other CGEs)

6.  Stop the move to introduce the productivity linked wage system; Performance related pay; introduce PLB to in all Departments; remove the ceiling of emoluments for bonus computation.

7.  Settle all items of anomalies (including the MACP related anomalies) raised in the National and Departmental Anomaly committees within a fixed time frame of two months; set up the anomaly committees in those Departments where it has not been set up till date with the Standing Committee members of the National Council; convene the meeting of the Departmental Council in all Ministries/Department once in three month as envisaged in the JCM Scheme

8.  Make the right to strike a legal right and stop curtailment of T.U. rights

9.  Implement all arbitration awards

10.Raise the interest rate for GPF. Revise the OTA and Night duty allowance and stitching and clothing rates of uniforms

11.Merge DA with Pay for all purposes including pension as and when the DA rates croses the 50% mark.

12.Vacate all Trade Union victimizations.


Monday, January 23, 2012


Dated: 21.01.2012

Dear Comrade,
            The members of the National  Sectt. of the Confederation available at Delhi met today and decided to launch a campaign to elicit the full participation of Central Govt. Employees in the 28th February, 2012 general strike being organized jointly by all the Trade Unions in the Country against the Government's Economic policies.  It is decided that the National Sectt members must be the observers in the campaign meeting at various Stations.  Appended to this Circular is a list of stations where the meetings are to be organized.  The comrades whose names are indicated against each station will make arrangements for visiting those places on the specified dates.  Arrangements for the stay of the visiting comrades will be made by the respective State Committees.
            The Secretaries of the State Committee will convene a meeting of the members of the affiliates on the specified date.  It must be ensured that the State/ Circle Executive members of each affiliate is present in the said meeting apart from other members.  Ensure that large number of members attend the meeting.  It must be made mandatory that the members of the Managing/Executive Committee do attend the meeting without fail.
            We send herewith draft Strike notice addressed to the Cabinet Secretary, which would be submitted to him by the Confederation CHQ.  Similar notices will be prepared and submitted by each affiliate to their heads of Department or Secretary to the concerned ministry as the case may be.  On 10th February, 2012 demonstrations will be organized in front of all Offices with full participation of all members and the concerned Secretary will  hand over a copy of the notice submitted by the affiliates to their heads of Department.  The affiliates will submit the notices on or before 5th February, 2012.  Confederation CHQ will serve the strike notice on the Cabinet Secretary on Ist February, 2012.
            Apart from placing this Circular letter on our website we are sending it by post, the receipt of which  may be acknowledged through an SMS to the following number:
K.K.N.Kutty-"98110 48303".
With greetings,
Yours fraternally,
 (K.K.N.Kutty),Secretary General.


S.No.   Place                `Date   Visiting Comrades  from Confederation CHQ.
1.      Trivandrum-   14.2.2012    KKN Kutty,M. Krishnan,
2.      Chennai-        15.2.2012    KKN Kutty,K.V.Sridharan, M.Duraipandian,   K.V.Jayaraj
3.      Bangalore-     16.2.2012    KKN Kutty, R.Seethalakshmi, S.Mahadeviah,
4.      Hyderabad-    17.2.2012    M.S Raja,Narasimhan, P.Suresh, S.Raghupathy, S.K.Humayun
5.      Bhubaneswar-15.2.2012   M.S. Raja, Giriraj Singh,N.Somayya,
6.      Patna             14.2.2012     K.Raghavendran, Pijush Roy,D.B. Mohanty.
7.      Kolkata-         16.2.2012     S.K.Vyas, K. Raghavendran,Pijush Roy
8.      Ranchi-          15.2.2012     K. Raghavendran, Pijush Roy,
9.      Guwahati-      15.2.2012    Virgu Bhattacharya,Pranab Battacharya,
10.  Lucknow-         13.2.2012     KP Rajagopal, R.N. Parashar
11.  Kanpur-           14.2.2012     KP Rajagopal, R.N. Parashar
12.  Allahabad        13.2.2012     MS Raja,  Giriraj Singh,
13.  Bhopal-            09.2.2012    MS Raja, KP Rajagopal, I.S.Dabas,
14.  Jaipur-             10.2.2012    S.K Vyas, Giriraj Singh, R.N. Parashar
15.  Chandigarh-    16.2.2012     KP Rajagopal, R.N.Parashar.
16.  Shimla-            21.2.2012    MS Raja, R.N. Parashar
17.  Mumbai-         14.2.2012     SK Vyas, AB Salunkhe,Dabas,D.K.Rahate,  B.K.Chalke,
18.  Nagpur -         08.2.2012    Vrigu Bhattacharya,D.K. Rahate, Nageswara Rao.
19.  Delhi-              02.2.2012     SK Vyas, Vrigu Bhattacharya, Ashok Kanojia, Parasar, Giriraj  Singh,I.S. Dabas.
20.  Dehradun         07.2.2012    S.K. Vyas,Vikram Shah, Giriraj Singh.

Meeting with Sri. Sachin Pilot, Hon’ble Minister of State of Communications, was held today (21.01.2012) at 11.00 AM. Meeting lasted for 30 minutes. The staff side presented a memorandum to the Minister, containing the issues which needs Minister’s intervention. (See the copy published in the website). Minister agreed to examine each case on its merits and take early decision. The following issues were discussed with the Minister, in detail.
(i) Issues relating to Gramin Dak Sevaks
(ii) Issues relating to casual, Part-time, Contingent employees
(iii) Revision of overtime allowance
Regarding GDS issues like status, promotion etc. Minister assured to examine the cases in detail and taken a decision at the earliest. Regarding reduction of existing allowances of GDS, the Minister gave on the spot instructions to the Secretary, Department of Posts, to issue orders protecting the existing TRCA in full. Further regarding cash handling point Minister directed Secretary that it should be finalized before 31st January 2012. He assured that the other issues like Bonus ceiling, providing norms for left out items etc. will also be given sympathetic consideration. Regarding casual labourers issues Minister gave direction to the Postal Board to expedite the orders. Minister further assured that he will definitely call for the files relating to the other items mentioned in the memorandum and an indepth examination of the issues will be made and decision taken early.
The staff side thanked the Minister for giving us an opportunity to present our cases in front of him. The staff side was represented by Com. M. Krishnan (S/G, NFPE), Sri. D. Theagarajan (S/G, FNPO), Com. K. V. Sridharan, (G/S, P3, NFPE), Com. L. D. Kaushik (P3, FNPO), Com. Ishwar Singh Dabas (G/S P4, NFPE) Com. Ashok Sharma (P4, FNPO), Com. Giriraj Singh (G/S, R3, NFPE), Com. Devendra Kumar, Com. Pawan Kumar (R3, FNPO), Com. P. Suresh (G/S, R4 NFPE), Com. Satish Chander (R4, FNPO), Com. Pranab Bhattacharjee (G/S, Admn. NFPE), Com. S. B. Yadav (AIPAEA), Com. O. P. Khanna (G/S AIPAOA), Com. S. S. Mahadevaiah (G/S AIPEDEU), Com. Gautam Das (Org. Secy., NUGDS), Com. R. N. Parashar (ASG, NFPE).

Ref: PJCA/GENL/2012 Dated – 21.01.2012
Minister of State for
Communications & Information Technology
Government of India, New Delhi - 110003
Respected Sir,
We record our immense pleasure for the kind gesture of the Hon’ble Minister of State for Communications & I. T. for arranging an interview with the staff unions to discuss the pending issues.
We record our sincere thanks to the Hon’ble Minister and we assure our fullest cooperation in the improvement of service to public. We further desire to bring the following issues which are pending for a long to the kind notice of Hon’ble Minister requesting his kind intervention for the mitigation of the same.
1. Issue relating to Gramin Dak Sevaks
The following long pending issues of the three lakhs Gramin Dak Sevaks may kindly be considered favourably.
(a) Grant of civil servants status for all purposes.
(b) 25% outside quota recruitment in Postmen promotion may bewithdrawn.
(c) Enhancement of Bonus ceiling to Rs.3500/- at par with regular employees.
(d) Revision of tightened norms for cash handling etc.
(e) Stop reduction of existing allowance (TRCA) and grant full protection.
(f) Review of the tightened norms for compassionate appointment.
(g) Scraping of the newly notified “GDs Conduct and Engagement Rules” and restore previous “GDS Conduct and Employment Rules”.
(h) Counting of GDS service for pension on promotion to the post of postmen and Group ‘D’ (MTS).
2. Grant of Minimum Pay to the casual labourers working in postal department and regularization.
Despite crystal clear orders in existence to grant the minimum of Group ‘D’ Pay on pro-rata basis to the casual labourers as per the Sixth CPC report, it has not been extended so far to the casual, part-time, contingent employees working in the Postal department. There is an inordinate delay in releasing the orders. In all other departments pro-rata payment has already been made in the year 2008 itself. Notwithstanding the implementation of the recommendations of the committee on casual labour issues constituted by the Postal Board, it is requested to cause immediate orders to pay the minimum of the pay to the casual labourers w.e.f. 1.1.2006. Action may also be taken for regularization of the service of casual, part-time, contingent employees.
3. Regularization of RTP Services and ending the discrimination between the restwhile RTPs
(i) As per the Directorate letter dated 19.4.96, the implementation of the Ernakulam CAT judgment granting the past RTP service as regular service for all purposes was restricted only to the applicants of the O.A. This is against to the decisions of the various judicial pronouncements that the benefits should be extended to the similarly situated persons.
(ii) During 1970 to 1974, even the pre training services of certain officials engaged as postal clerk were regularized. The RTPs were trained and utilized full time in the clerical posts to manage all the works of the post office. They were recruited only under the Postal Assistant recruitment Rules and no separate recruitment rules were framed at this time.
(iii) The CAT, Chennai held that the services rendered by the ex RTPs at APS shall be counted as qualifying services for all purposes. The Chennai High Court, on appeal by the department has upheld the decision of the CAT in WP no 37117 to 37119 of 2002 and directed the department to extend the benefits. Based on this the service rendered by RTP was regularized for several APS RTPs.
(iv) In another case, the Apex court under Civil Appeal No.5739 of2005 filed by Sri M. Mathivanan, Postal Asst, Cuddalore division upheld the decision of extending the benefits and dismissed the appeal filed by the department with costs. Several APS RTPS were regularized based on this also.
(v) The Directorate has directed the Circle Heads to collect, compile and furnish details of ex-RTPs deputed to APS to consider for extending the benefits to all similarly situated persons. There after there is no action in this regard.
(vi) The Mumbai High Court has also delivered favourable judgment in this regard on 31.8.2010.
(vii) When the issue was earlier taken up through the Minister of State by our union, the department has called for the particulars about the RTPs from all circles vide its letter no 44-1/2011- SPB II dated 13.01.2011.
(ix) We are not demanding the wages for the past periods and only seeking the service be taken for promotion. This will not affect any one’s seniority since during 1983 to 1989, there was no recruitment due to ban in filling up of vacant posts. By construing their service, they will get their LSG and other promotions earlier which will not have any financial benefits to them since all of them, by that time will be in Pay Band II. If their services of RTP are taken for MACP, they will get some monetary benefits for which also there is no provision in the existing rules.
Since this will not have any financial implications, it is requested to kindly consider the same without sticking to the Apex Court judgment issued in 1986 in different context in this case by brushing side the bare facts of justification and other subsequent judgments.
4. Creation of System Administrators cadre & extend other facilities
A rapid modernisation takes place in the department and around 1872 crores have been allotted for further extension of modernization. To modernize the existing Post offices, the role of the existing System Administrators are laudable. They are working from dawn to dusk for the efficient functioning of Pos in computers. But for their active involvement, the modernization of Postal Services could not be possible without incurring any expenditure to the department in the initial stage. Most of the softwares were developed by these section of employees. Now the Department is stating that creation of system Administrator posts is not viable. We have already dropped the demand of creation of System Administrators which carry 5400 Grade Pay as there is no full time justification for such post. ‘System Assistant’ cadre with Grade Pay of Rs.4200/- is in existence in other Government departments. Similar kind of System Assistant cadre may please atleast be created in the department and all the existing personnel may please be absorbed in the existing vacancies since the role of these Technocrats are very much essential for the maintenance of computers & software.
5. Revision of OTA rates and stop recovery of OTA paid to the officials who are engaged compulsory on OTA overlooking the pay ceiling.
At present, over time Allowance is being paid at the rate of Rs.15.85 per hour which was fixed by the Fourth Pay Commission in 1987. There was to revision eventhough the committee of secretaries to look into the OTA issue has decided to continue the scheme of OTA without revising the rate of OTA. In the Railways the rate has already been revised. Further the pay ceiling as fixed by 4th CPC as Rs. 2200/- P.M. has not also been revised. As per the new pay, almost all crossed the ceiling amount and they have been ordered to perform OTA compulsory and in many cases they have been charge sheeted for not performing OTA. The meager amounts paid at the rate of Rs. 15.85 has also been recovered subsequently. In all the departments, except Postal, the OTA rates have been revised.
It is therefore requested to kindly cause action to revise the OTA rates and waive the OTA amount already paid based on the duty performed due to unscientific application of OTA ceiling fixed by the 4th CPC.
6. Grant of cash payment for uniforms and kit items for Postmen, Mailguard, MTS/Group ‘D’
At present the quantity of the uniform supplied is not good. Abnormal delay is also taking place. Action may be taken for cash payment for uniforms and kit items.
7. Delay in filling up of vacancies in all cadres especially in Postal civil wing and Postal Accounts and Postmen cadre.
(a) Eventhough Government has lifted ban on filling up of vacant posts in 2009 iteself, the recruitment process for filling up of vacant posts in civil wing and Postal Accounts are yet to be completed. Postmen posts are also lying vacant due to non-conducting examination. Action for filling up vacant posts in their cadres may also be expedited.
(b) Further it is requested to take action to revive all the 2/3rdvacant posts kept in skeleton for the period from 2005 to 2008. In metro cities/sub urban areas additional justified Postmen post may be created. Action may also be taken to fill up all MTS posts.
8. Decentralisation of PLI/RPLI work
It is requested to roll back the decentralization of PLI/RPLI work.
9. Extend Apex court Judgement in the case of Relaxation of Recruitment Rules (RRR) candidates to all approved candidates awaiting absorption
It is requested to kindly extend the benefits already provided to RRR candidates of Tamilnadu circle to the similarly situated candidates, They are praying mercy and fair play from the Minister as they are being continuously engaged over 14 years and there is no chance for any employment at this stage.
10. Convening the 11th Meeting of Postal Service Staff Welfare Board
The Hon’ble Minister of State for communication & IT has fixed to 11th meeting of postal services Staff Welfare Board on 05.04.2011 for discussions on 27 items in the agenda which was subsequently postponed. Almost all the items placed in the agenda are pertaining to the welfare of the staff. We request the Hon’ble Minister to convene the meeting and decide the items as notified in the agenda as welfare measure to Postal staff.
11. Counting of Special pay to PO & RMS Accountants on TBOP promotion
For implementation of High Court, Karnataka judgment in W.P. No. 7593/2003 dt. 18.11.2010 on this issue, the Ministry of Law has opined that this is not a fit case by way of filing SLP before Apex Court. However, the Directorate has sought the opinion from all circles about filing SLP against Karnataka High Court orders. A kind attention is drawn to order 1 of Appendix 8 of FR & SR 1 which is stated inter alia: -
“The Special Pay would henceforth be termed as Special Allowance as recommended by 5th CPC in para 109.5 of the report and would be granted as hitherto fore subject to same conditions as are stipulated in FR 9 (25)”
(Dept of per & Trg OM No. 4/4/97-Estt (Pay II) dt. 22.4.1998)
The Karnataka High Court has upheld the order of Ministry of Personnel granting special Allowance subject to the same conditions of special pay vide FR 9 (25). In the Draft memo circulated by Directorate to all Heads of Circles seeking their opinion, the following are not reflecting the facts of the case.
i) In para 6, 3rd line it has been mentioned that “special pay having been converted into special Allowance” ….. Whereas in Government order, “as per recommendations of 5th CPC, special pay has been termed as Special Allowance.”
ii) In para 6, 9th line, it has been mentioned that “Payment of special pay was completely stopped,” – but the stoppage of special pay was not accepted by Govt. As per Vth CPC recommendations, the Special pay is now termed as Special Allowance and would be granted as hitherto are subject to same conditions as are stipulated in FR 9 (25)
Under these circumstances, it is not fair to move with SLP in this case as the DOPT vide its OM dated 22.04.1998 clearly stipulated that the special pay was now termed as special allowance subject to the same condition and as such the problem of pay fixation by taking Special Allowance can be sorted out.
It is therefore requested to kindly implement Karnataka High Court decision to all the similarly situated officials and render justice to the aggrieved officials.
12. Recovery of alleged overpayment of pay and allowances to postman on account of fixation from the officials of Accounts branches of HPOs
The drawing & disbursing officers should not be made as scapegoats in this case. According to Rule 87 of P&T FHB Vol I, any excess payment can be recovered at any time. The Apex Court also confirmed that any excess paid due to administrative mistake, there is no rule which prohibits such recovery (Udaysankaran Vs. Union of India JT 1996 (4) SC). The most pertinent point is that the Inspection Parties of ICI and Audit have approved and certified such drawal in many places. There was confusion in interpreting the orders then for which Group C officials are becoming the victims.
On 13.1.09 The Secretary (P) assured to reconsider the issue and ensure no recovery on part of APM Accounts & Accountants. The Secretary observed as unfortunate in the case of Rule 14 initiated charges on the date of superannuation of Sri. V. V. Nargida, APM, Accounts Pune city as he did not pay Rs.727671.61 towards contributory factor for excess drawal to postmen on implementation of 5th CPC orders.
Instead of filing SLP against the decision of the principal CAT, the department has resorted to imposing recovery on APM Accounts and Accountants for the excess drawal resultantly, many officials were charge sheeted and lakhs of rupees is being ordered as recovery. This is totally unjust and against to the natural justice. The Secretary during the talks held on 10.01.2012 has agreed to consider the issue on humanitarian angle.
It is therefore requested to kindly protect the innocent officials from the recoveries arbitrarily imposed in many circles.
13. Denial of three MACP benefits to the Promotees in the Department of Posts
As the promotion to Postal Assistant acquired by writing competitive examination is equated with one MACP promotion, the senior promotees even after acquiring 30 years of service in Postal Assistant cadre could not get the benefits of Rs.4600/- Grade Pay under MACP, where as their juniors are reaching the benefits without any hurdle.
Similarly the Group ‘D’ promoted to Postmen and then appeared for Postal Assistant examination and becoming Postal Assistant could avail only upto Rs.2800 Grade Pay whereas he was earlier availed 4200 Grade Pay under the BCR Scheme. This has caused a resentment among the postal employees and the officials may be discouraged in writing promotional examination if this anomaly is not sorted out. It is requested to kindly consider that in the case of promotees, if they completed 10 years service in the cadre continuously they shall be accorded MACP promotion with next grade Pay.
Further application of bench mark shall be deleted upto pay band II levels as in the Postal there is no provision of review of C. R. entries at divisional level and whatever be the entry made by the divisional superintendent, it becomes final. It is requested to consider deletion of bench mark application in case of officials up to pay band II level in the Department of Post.
14. Stop harassing staff on Contributory factors for simple and flimpsy reasons by misusing the provision of unbecoming of Govt. servant’ deviating the rules contained in Volume II, FHB etc.
The Directorate guidelines issued vide letter No. 6/8/59-Disc dt. 09.7.1959, 25/44/60-Disc dt. 30.11.60 and 15-9/74-INV dt. 10.02.75 and subsequent orders are being violated and the officials are being proceeded under contributory negligence factors on flimpsy reasons and awarded with huge recoveries. The provisions contained in Rule 106,107,108 & 111 of Postal volume III and the provisions of honest errors can be condoned contained in Rule 204 A (1) Vol. II and the provision of Rule 58, Appendix 4 of FHB Vol. I in dealing of recovery have been totally ignored and sidelined.
The main intention of the Govt. while deciding the degree of an officer’s pecuniary liability , it will be necessary to look not only to the circumstances on the cases but also to the financial circumstances of the officer since it should be recognized that the tendency should not be such as to impair his future efficiency.
We placed this item in the Departmental Council for issuing proper guidelines in deciding, such cases. But it is constrained that the orders issued vide letter No. 14013/03/2010 – VP dt. 22.06.2011 does no mention about all the above said provisions and not a speaking one. Resultantly no one is showing any cognizance to such clarification and innocents are being harassed continuously.
In many cases, the officials at the verge of retirement are being charge sheeted and amount recovered making them as scope goats – The real culprit and main offender become scot free. The main offenders are being dealt with casually. In many places instead of initiating action to recover the amount from the depositors in respect of minus balances, straightaway charge sheets are being issued to recover the amount. The contributory negligence provisions is being misused as a tool against the innocent employees.
It is therefore requested to direct the department to kindly cause appropriate instructions by citing all the above said orders on the subject and to avoid misuse of the provisions.
We seek the intervention of benign Hon’ble Minister of State on the above said items for the immediate settlement of these problems for which we will ever be grateful.
We assure our fullest cooperation in the improvement of service and providing better customer satisfaction to the public.