Thursday, September 20, 2012


Wednesday, September 5, 2012

New Delhi, September 4, 2012(PTI): Trade unions have jointly called a countrywide two-day strike from February 20 next year to highlight the burning issues facing the common people.
The national convention participated by workers from all sectors have expressed their concern and anguish at the total non-response of the government to address the burning issues, said a release.
The five-point demand jointly formulated by trade unions sought urgent measures to curb prices, employment generation, enforcement of labour laws, social security cover for organised and unorganised workers and stoppages of divestment in state-run PSUs.
As per the action plan, trade unions including AITUC, CITU, INTUC, BMS and HMS have called for mass satyagraha on December 18-19 across the country.
It has also called for a march to Parliament on December 20.

This National Convention of Workers held on 4th September, 2012 at Talkatora Stadium. New Delhi, participated by workers representatives from all over India from all sectors, expresses its deep concern and anguish at the total non-response of the Govt. to address the burning Issues of the working people viz containing price-rise, universalisation of social security rights for unorganized sector workers, ensuring proper minimum wages, mass scale contractorisation, rampant violation of labour laws and onslaught on trade union rights etc., despite consistent persuasion by all in united platform of the entire trade union movement in the country through various forms of countrywide programmes and agitations in a democratic manner since last three years. Such non-response of Govt. to the all-in-united activities and persuasion by trade unions is nothing but an affront on the democratic rights and aspirations of the working people of the country, which the trade union movement cannot accept lying down.
While condemning the government for Its inaction and total indifference towards the miserable plights of the working people who keep the wheel of the economy moving, this National Convention strongly opposes the move of the Govt. to curtail budgeted allocations for pro-people employment and welfare schemes like NREGA and ICDS meant for rural populace and women and child care respectively. The Govt. is hell bent upon carrying the financial reforms by amending the bank and insurance laws to allow entry of MNCs and Corporates in these vital sectors and also pushing through the privatization process in phases through disinvestment of shares in blue chip PSUs In the core and strategic sectors of the economy. The Govt. is gifting natural and mineral resources of the country to corporates and MNCs paving the way for their loot.
Labour law violations are on increase, corporates have been given tree hand to suppress democratic trade union rights including the basic right of forming a trade union and increase in deployment of contract labour on jobs of regular nature. Many millions of workers employed to run several central govt. schemes, like ICDS, ASHA, mid-day-meal, sarva-silksha etc are being denied even the statutory minimum wages and associated rights. The state administration has become subservient to MNCs, and Corporates. The recent unfortunate incident in Maruti Suzuki Plant in Manesar and its aftermath including arrest of 150 workers and dismissal of over 500 workers is a glaring instance of corporate govt. nexus.
It appears the govt. is bent upon continuing the same anti people economic policy even seeking to enact legislations that run contrary to the interest of working people and their social security rights besides generating a severe recessionary impact on the national economy. The growth of economy is as low as 5.2 and index of industrial production declining to less than 1 percent with unemployment situation aggravating severely.
The Convention expresses its deep concern at the refusal of the Central Govt. to respond to the just demands of the united platform of trade unions on which the country had witnessed, as never before, a massive general strike on 28th February 2012.
This Convention while taking note of the precarious economic situation of the country, steep rise in the price of essential goods and commodities and all out attack on trade union aid social security rights and rampant labour law violations decides to further intensify the joint struggles, that were being carried out lot last three years on the following demands.
While reiterating the live point demands formulated jointly by the Central Trade Unions and Federations for 1) concrete measures to contain price rise, 2) concrete measures for employment generation, 3) strict enforcement of labour laws, 4) universal social security cover for organized and unorganized workers and creation of National Social Security Fund and 5) stoppage of disinvestment in Central and State PSUs/ Undertakings, the National Convention demands immediate action by the Govt. of India to ensure :-
No Contractorisation of work of permanent/perennial nature and payment of wages and benefits to the contract workers at the same rate as available to the regular workers of the industry/establishment
Amendment of Minimum Wages Act to ensure universal coverage irrespective of the schedules and fixation of statutory minimum wage at not less than Rs.10,000/- linked with cost price Index.
Remove all ceilings on payment and eligibility of Bonus, Provident Fund; Increase the quantum of gratuity.
Assured Pension for all
Compulsory registration of trade unions within a period of 45 days and immediate ratification of the ILO Conventions Nos. 87 and 98.
The National Convention adopts the following action programme to press for once again the above burning issues facing the working people:
Stated / district / sector level Joint Conventions during September, October and November 2012
Satyagraha /Jail Bharo / Court Arrest on 18th / I9th December2012 in all the states through out the country
March to Parliament on 20th December2012 (mobilization by the unions from the states adjoining Delhi)
Countrywide Two Days General Strike on 20th and 21st February 2013.
The National Convention appeals to the working people of the country and their unions/federations irrespective of affiliations to respond in a massive way the call for countrywide united struggle and participate enmasse in the action programmes formulated by this all-in united platform of workers and employees to press for these vital demands embracing all sections of the toiling class.
BMS                INTUC                        AITUC                        HMS                CITU
AIUTUC          TUCC                         AICCTU                      UTUC             LPFSEWA
And Independent Federations of Workers and Employees

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


Conf/ 15/2012                                                                                Dated: 3rd September, 2012
Dear Comrade,
                The Word Federation of Trade Unions was founded in a Conference held at Paris from 3rd to 8th October, 1945. It had its deepest crisis when the socialist system collapsed in the erstwhile USSR.  The 15th Congress of WFTU was held at Havana in 2005.  The said Congress helped to revive the active functioning of the WFTU.  The 16th Congress was held at Athens, Greece in April, 2011.  It was a grand success and paved way for the WFTU to become a potent organisation to lead the international working class to militant struggles against the Globalisation agenda of capitalist system.  One of the decisions taken at the Congress was to observe the international day of action every year to unite the working class throughout the world for action on certain important contemporary class issues.  Ist April, 2009 was thus observed as international day of action to raise the issue of workers right and against exploitation.  On 7thSeptember, 2010, when the Indian Working Class organised the greatest ever strike action under the auspices of the united platform of all Central Trade Unions and Federations, the day was observed by WFTU with the slogan that "We will not pay for their crisis".  It was in the background when most of the capitalist countries decided to bail out the giant corporate houses from crisis by tax payers' money.  In 2011 the day was observed on 3rd October  i.e. the foundation day of WFTU and the slogan raised was "Social Security for all, collective bargaining rights, trade union rights and democratic rights, 35 hours of work and 5 day week, better wages etc.

                The Confederation had been carrying out this directive of the WFTU being an affiliate of the TUI, public Services.  In the face of the pension fund privatisation and the PFRDA Bill, the slogan for social security for all raised by the WFTU received appreciation from the rank and file of our membership. The other issues raised by the WFTU were also equally relevant and important for the Government employees of India for they are still denied the right to collective bargaining and other trade union rights.  India, we should remember, is one of the countries of the world, which has still not ratified many of the ILO conventions. 

                This year, the WFTU has decided to raise the following five issues which are of utmost and essential pre requisite for human existence.   i.e. Food, Water, health, Education and Housing for all. Both the CITU and AITUC which are affiliated to the WFTU will be organising this programme throughout our country on 3rd October, 2012.  As an affiliate of TUI Public Services, it is our bounden duty that we observe 3rd October, 2012, with appropriate programmes so that the message reaches all our members.

                The State Committees may chalk out either independent programme of action or hold joint programmes in consultation and association with the State Units of the All India State Government employees Federations, CITU or AITUC.

                With greetings,
Yours fraternally,
K.K.N. Kutty
Secretary General.

Monday, September 3, 2012


Article 16 of the Constitution of India guarantees equality of opportunity for all citizens in matters relating to employment or appointment to any office under the State. Further, it provides that no citizen shall, on grounds only of religion, race, caste, sex, descent, place of birth, residence or any of them, be ineligible for, or discriminated against in respect of, any employment or office under the State.

To enhance the employability of women, the Government is providing skill training to women through a network of Women Industrial Training Institutes. There are 11 National Vocational Training Institutes providing training facilities, exclusively for women in skills having high wage-employment and self-employment potential. Further there are women wings in general ITIs which are under the administrative control of respective State Governments. National Council for Vocational Training (NCVT) has enhanced the percentage of reservation for women from 25% to 30% in training institutes.

Besides this, the Government has enacted the Equal Remuneration Act, 1976 which provides for payment of equal remuneration to men and women workers for the same work or work of a similar nature without any discrimination and also prevents discrimination against women employees while making recruitment for the same work or work of similar nature, or in any condition of service subsequent to recruitment such as promotions, training or transfer. The Government has taken several steps for creating a congenial work environment for women workers and a number of protective provisions have been incorporated in various labour laws. These include provision of crèches where a certain number of women are employed, maternity benefit and safeguards against sexual harassment of women workers at their work places, etc. With these efforts more and more women would be encouraged to take up employment. However, it is difficult to quantify the number of women likely to be benefited therefrom.

This was stated by Smt. Krishna Tirath, Minister for Women and Child Development, in a written reply to the Lok Sabha today.


No: S.11011/23/2009-CCHS DM/Hospital Cell/ Part IX
Government of India
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
Department of Health & Family Welfare
Maulana Azad Road, Nirman Bhawan
New Delhi 110 108 dated the 31st August, 2012
Subject: Empanelment of private hospitals and diagnostic centres CGHS DELHI & NCR and JABALPUR
        The undersigned is directed to invite reference to the empanelment of hospitals under CGHS vide this Ministry’s earlier Office Memoranda and to clarify that the following modifications have been approved under list of hospitals empanelled under CGHS in Delhi & NCR and Jabalapur.
2.    This Office Memorandum and the rates applicable under CGHS for hospitals and diagnostic centres can be downloaded from the website of CGHS, and other terms and conditions shall remain unchanged.
Deputy Secretary to Government of India
Name of the Hospital/Diagnostic Centre
Empanelled for
Whether NABH/ NABL accredited
Whether already empanelled and services empanelled for
Yashoda Hospital, III-M, Nehru Nagar, Ghaziabad. General Purpose w.e.f. 7.10.2010
Approved as Superspeciality hospital wef 31.08.2012.
Now empanelled as Superspeciality Hospital
Cute smile dental clinic, next to beoharbagh petrol pump, opposite pandey hospital, Beoharbagh, Jabalpur w.e.f 22nd March 2011
has now been shifted to Cute smite dental clinic, 311, Napier Town, opp .Anand Cinema, Next to Maharshi School behind Reebok Show Room, Jabalpur
Dental Clinic


Department of Posts, Ministry of Communications &
Information Technology, Government of India
Chanakyapuri Post Office Complex, New Delhi – 110023

No. 25-1/2011-LI                                                                                               Dated 24.02.2012

All Head of Circles
Addl. Director General (APS)

Sub: -   Clarification in respect of Post Office Life Insurance Rules – 2011

Recently references have received from some Circles raising doubts on following points for clarification thereon. The same have been examined and clarified as under: -

Sl. No.
Doubt Raised
Whether limit of Rs. 5 lakh prescribed for sanctioned of maturity value of PLI/RPLI by Division Head includes total maturity value payable or sum assured?
The limit of Rs. 5 lakh is for Sum Assured Bonus payable is not included in the aforesaid limit.
Whether persons working in Govt. organizations, Nationalized Banks, PSUs etc. on contract basis are eligible for taking policy of PLI?
No. Since their services can be terminated anytime. If their specified requirement is over in that organization.

It is requested to kindly circulate it among all concerned for their information and action accordingly.

This has the approval of Chief General Manager (PLI).
(Vipin Malhotra)
Dy. Divisional Manager (PLI)

        Come September 1 and transport department will deliver the driving licenses through registered post, just like passports or other identity documents, instead of giving it directly to the applicants. This has been done to check the rising number of fake driving licenses and the role of touts.

        This was among the decisions taken by state transport minister Raja Mahendra Aridaman Singh in a meeting with the officials of the department here on Thursday. The meeting also discussed preparations for the upcoming Kumbh Mela in Allahabad.

        The Uttar Pradesh State Road Transport Corporation ( 
UPSRTC) will run 4,500 buses in the state for Kumbh pilgrims. Besides, it will keep at least 500 buses in reserve for emergency.
The minister, however, told the officials that running of buses for Mahakumbh should not cause any inconvenience to local passengers.

        The corporation could also run private vehicles on contract basis, said the minister. Trained drivers and conductors will be deployed on the Kumbh buses. Transport commissioner Alok Kumar said for the easy movement of devotees during Kumbh, five additional bus stations will be set up in Allahabad. The main mela bus station will be set up at Jhunsi. Acting on the directions of the minister, Kumar has directed the department to tackle the problem of fake driving licenses with an iron hand and cut down the role of touts. He has issued orders to all the officers in the department and RTOs to ensure that documents of DL applicants are thoroughly checked. The officers and employees checking the DL documents will have to write "checked" on every document. Besides, the officers and employees checking the documents will have to put the stamp of their names and designations on the documents.

        The officers have also been instructed to take an envelope with a postal stamp from every applicant who applies for learning/permanent or for renewal of DL. The address on the envelope should be same as mentioned on the DL application form.

        The officers will also have to ensure that DL is not directly given to the applicants or to any other person but delivered through registered post to the address of the applicant. The department will have to maintain the record of driving licenses. The transport minister also directed for the transfer of employees who have been posted for three years in one section of the department to another section.

Source : The Times of India, Aug 31, 2012


The Government has proposed to give performance-based initiatives to its employees to boost their efficiency and productivity

           "Government of India has accepted in principle the recommendation of the Sixth Pay Commission for introduction of a 
Performance Related Incentive Scheme (PRIS) in the form of pecuniary benefit over and above regular salary, based on the targeted performance and performance parameters, out of the Non-Plan budgetary savings, for the Central Government employees," Minister of State for Personnel V Narayanasamy told Lok Sabha in a written reply. 

          He said successive pay commissions, starting from Fourth Pay Commission, have recommended rewarding better performance and some form of performance-related reward

        "Separately, a Performance Related Incentive Scheme has also been recommended for all Central Government employees," he added. 

Source : The Economic Times, August 30, 2012


A proposal of the Pension Implementation Committee (PIC), a Sub-Committee of the Central Board of Trustees, Employees’ Provident Fund (EPF) to enhance the minimum pension under Employees’ Pension Scheme, 1995 to Rs. 1,000 is under consideration of the Government. 
The Union Labour & Employment Minister Shri Mallikarjun Kharge gave this information in a written reply in Lok Sabha today.



PFRDA/CIR/1/PFM/1 Date: 31-08-2012

          All Pension Fund Managers, 
          National Securities Depository Limited 
          Stock Holding Corporation of India 
          Bank of India  NPS Trust

Sub: Revision of Investment Management Fee (IMF) for Pension Fund Managers for Private Sector NPS

1. Based on the recommendations of the Expert Committee to determine the Upper ceiling of the Investment Management Fees or other Fees (if any) to be charged by the PFMs in the Private Sector of NPS and with the approval of the Competent Authority, the upper ceiling of the Investment Management Fees has been fixed at 0.25% p.a. of the AUM (Asset Under Management) with effect from 1st November 2012.

2. This is applicable to all schemes for all Private and Corporate Sector subscribers. The PFMs can fix their own Investment Management Fee for different schemes subject to the upper ceiling of 0.25% p.a. This fee is inclusive of brokerage except Custodian charges and applicable taxes.

3. The Investment Management Fee for the NPS Lite / Swavalamban shall be at par with the Investment Management Fee applicable to NPS Schemes for Government Employees which is currently at 0.0102% p.a.

4. The Investment Management Fee applicable to the NPS schemes for Government Employees would continue at 0.0102% p.a which was revised with effect from 18/04/2012.

5. No differential Investment Management Fee can be quoted in a scheme for different subscriber class (For example: professionals, salaried and corporates would all be quoted the same fee if they subscribe to Scheme-E of any specific PFM).

6. Investment Management Fee is to be calculated on the Assets Under Management (AUM) on a daily accrual basis and charged to the scheme at the end of every quarter.
7. The PFMs will be permitted to revise the Investment Management Fee, once in a year.

8. The following disclosure norms need to be followed at the time of revision of fee

(i) PFM to advise its initial fee to PFRDA 30 days prior to commencement of business after obtaining the registration from PFRDA.

(ii) PFMs with existing NPS business to indicate their IMF at the time of submission of their documents to PFRDA for Registration.

(iii) PFM to advise 30 days in advance before the change of IMF, to PFRDA.

(iv) Each change in IMF to be hosted on website of the PFM at least 15 days in
advance, and an e-mail to be sent to each subscriber through CRA and notified in an English and Hindi national daily and a vernacular daily where the H.O. of the PFM is situated (15 days in advance) to give sufficient notice to the subscriber.

(v) The annual statement to subscribers by CRA to include all the changes in IMF by the PFM. PFMs to submit this to CRA for this well in advance before the issue of statements.

9. The Investment management fee as revised above would be applicable from 1st November 2012.
          This circular is being issued in terms of resolution issued by MOF(DEA-ECB and PR division ) dated 10th October 2003.

 Mamta Rohit
(Chief General Manager)


Good news for applicants of PA / SA Recruitment 2011 & 2012. You can get it through Online.

Dte has requested the outsourced agency to print 10 lacs OMR kits for sale throughout India thro selected POs. Due to huge sale of forms, it is difficult to print within short period. Hence Dte is decided to upload the forms in so as to download by the applicants.Online application kits will be available in from 03.09.12 to25.09.12 only.Those applied thro OMR kits need not apply again.

Online Procedure :
Click “Register Online” link.
Enter the details like a. Name b.DoB c.e mail ID d. Alternative e mail ID.
Click Submit button.
The following forms will be sent to the provided e mail ID within 24 hrs.
a. Special instruction sheet.
b. Application form.
c. Instruction sheet / Information brochure (11 sheets).
Fees :
Cost of Application form - Rs.50
Exam fee – Rs.200. Female, SC, ST & PH applicants are exempted, however they should pay Rs.50.
Total Rs.250 should be paid under Unclassified Receipts thro any POs and attach Original alongwith the Application form. Applicants can keep Xerox copies.
Applications should forward thro either Speed Post of Regd Post (other meant not accepted)to the following address.
Direct Recruitment Cell,
New Delhi HO,
New Delhi 110 001
Applicants can check the status of receipt of Cell on
For more details, pl refer the advertisement of the concerned Circles.
Dte Memo No : A-34012 / 5 /2011-DE Dt. 31.08.12.



We all know Sixth Pay Commission recommended for New Health Insurance Scheme in lieu of present CGHS. Though employees covered under CGHS have apprehensions whether this proposed new scheme would be better than existing CGHS, in respect of employees residing in Non-CGHS area this scheme is definitely a boon.

The present CS Medical Attendance Rules under which employees residing under non-CGHS area are covered has no real intention to provide for proper medical treatment be it In-Patient or Out-Patient treatment as the cost reimbursed under CS Medical Attendance Rules would be a paltry sum compared to the actual cost of medical treatment in non-CGHS areas.

In the case of Pensioners too residing in non-CGHS areas, the fixed medical Allowance of Rs.300 per month provided to them may not be even sufficient to meet out the cost for one visit to a nearby Doctor for cold.

Under these circumstances, Central Government Employees and Pensioners residing in non-CGHS are really in need of good medical treatment at par with their colleagues in CGHS Areas. When New Medical Insurance Scheme was proposed by Government in the year 2008 as per the recommendations of 6CPC, it was believed that it would come as a relief for employees and pensioners in non-CGHS area.

But this scheme is still not a reality as in spite of repeated promises in the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha that the scheme would be implemented soon, it it yet to take off.

Now, on 28.08.2012, there was another query regarding implementation of this Scheme for which Health Ministry has replied as follows



a) whether it is a fact that in the year 2010, Government mooted a plan to provide health insurance scheme to its serving and retired employees;
(b) if so, the present status of that scheme;
(c) whether it is also a fact that beneficiaries including Members of Parliament are not getting required medicines from dispensaries specially Ayurvedic dispensary of North Avenue and elsewhere; and
(d) if so, by when Government would seriously consider providing health insurance cover to CGHS beneficiaries in order to provide better healthcare?

ANSWERED ON-28.08.2012

(a) & (b): There is a proposal for introduction of a health insurance scheme for central government employees and pensioners on pan-India basis with special focus on pensioners living in non-CGHS areas. As per the directions of the ‘Committee of Secretaries’, a proposal for inclusion of this scheme in the 12th Five Year Plan has been sent for consideration of the Steering Committee of the Planning Commission, before placing the same for approval of the competent authority.
(c) : No.
(d): No specific time frame can be given for introduction of the proposed health insurance scheme.