Thursday, March 30, 2017

Press Information Bureau
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
29-March-2017 14:23 IST

Age Relaxation in Job

            Relaxation of age up to 35 years (up to 40 years for members of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes) for the widows, divorced women and women judicially separated (JSW) from their husbands who are not re-married, for employment to Group ‘C’ and erstwhile Group ‘D’ post already exists in Department of Personnel & Training’s (DoP&T) Office Memorandum (OM) No. 15012/13/79-Estt (D) dated 19.01.1980. Similar relaxation also exists for Group ‘A’ and Group ‘B’ posts except where recruitment is made through open competitive Examination in DoP&T OM No. 15012/1/87-Estt.(D) dated 05.10.1990. All the above mentioned instructions have been reiterated vide DoP&T OM No. 41034/1/2014-Estt.(D) dated 30.01.2014.

            It is incumbent upon all the Ministries/Departments of Government of India to follow the above mentioned instructions.
            This was stated by the Minister of State in the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions and Minister of State in the Prime Minister’s Office Dr. Jitendra Singh in a written reply to a question by Shri B. Sriramulu in the Lok Sabha today.
 Web-based Pensioners Portal , a Mission Mode Project Under the National e- Governance Plan (NeGP)- Release of Grant-in Aid to 4 newly identified Pensioners Associations for implementation of the objectives of the Portal.(Click the link below to view)

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

नवरात्रि की आपको ढेरों शुभ कामनाएं।
या देवी सर्वभूतेषु शक्तिरूपेण संस्थितानमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नम:

Monday, March 27, 2017

U.P. CIRCLE HELD AT AGRA ON 25th & 26th MARCH-2017




ANSWERED ON: 22.03.2017

Promotion to Reserved Category

KAUSHAL KISHORE   Will the Minister of


(a) whether the non-gazetted employees belonging to the SC/ST categories working with the Central Government and the autonomous institutions are not given promotion as per the reservation guidelines;

(b) if so, the reasons therefor;

(c) whether a number of proposals for amendments in the rules for promotion are under consideration of the Government; and

(d) if so, the details thereof and the reaction of the Government thereto?

Minister of State in the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions and Minister of State in the Prime Minister’s Office. (DR. JITENDRA SINGH)

(a) & (b): As per extant instructions, reservation to the members of the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes is provided in the matter of promotion when promotion is made: (a) through Limited Departmental Competitive Examination in Group B, Group C and Group D posts; (b) by selection from Group B post to a Group A post or in Group B, Group C and Group D posts; and (c) by non-selection in Group A, Group B, Group C and Group D posts. Reservation in all the above cases is given at the rate of 15 per cent for the Scheduled Castes and 7.5 per cent for the Scheduled Tribes. However, reservation in promotion is not given in the grades in which the element of direct recruitment, if any, exceeds 75 per cent.

As per extant instructions, Autonomous Bodies/Institutions including Municipal Corporations, Cooperative Institutions etc. under the administrative control of the Central Government also provide reservation for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in their services on the lines of the reservations in services under Central Government.

However, as desired by the Honble Supreme Court in Contempt Petition No.314/2016, conveyed to the Law Officer and intimated by him, instructions in pursuance were issued by Department of Personnel and Training on 30.9.2016 not to rely upon Office Memorandum of 10.08.2010 for implementation of own merit concept in promotion for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. Due to this, there may be administrative difficulties while considering cases for promotion of employees, including SCs and STs, where selections in promotion have already been made on own merit or are to be made by applying own merit by the concerned cadre controlling authority.

(c): No, Madam.

(d): Does not arise in view of reply given to Part (c) above.

Source : Rajya Sabha
            Com. Bhagwan Dass  Ex G/S R -IV (NFPE)  is NO More 

        Com. Bhagwan Dass Ex General Secretary R-IV NFPE aged 56 years, lost his breath due to Heart attack on 26-03-2017 Morning, this is an irreparable loss to us and  his family.
        P-4 CHQ convey its heartfelt condolence to the bereaved family members & friends.

Friday, March 24, 2017

Circulation of Internship Guidelines of Department of Posts (Click the link below to view)
Facilities available for Officers and Officials who are on deputation to APS (Click the link below to view)

Central Civil Services (Leave) Amendment Rules, 2017.

[PART II—SEC. 3(i)]
(Department of Personnel and Training) 
New Delhi, the 15th March, 2017 
G.S.R. 251(E).—In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to article 309 read with clause(5) of article 148 of the Constitution and after consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor General of India in relation to the persons serving in the Indian Audit and Accounts Department, the President hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Central Civil Services (Leave) Rules, 1972, namely:- 
    1.    (1) These rules may be called the Central Civil Services (Leave) Amendment        Rules, 2017.
         (2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. 
   2.     In the Central Civil Services (Leave) Rules, 1972, for rule 48, the following rule   shall be substituted, namely:- 
"48, Special Leave connected to inquiry of sexual harassment -Leave upto a period of 90 days may begranted to an aggrieved female Government Servant on the recommendation of the Internal Committee or theLocal Committee, as the case may be, during the pendency of inquiry under the Sexual Harassment ofWomen at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 and the leave granted to theaggrieved female Government Servant under this rule shall not be debited against the leave account".
[F. No. 13026/2/2016-Estt. (L)]

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Note on the proceedings of the meetings, the NPS Committee had with the Staff Side, JCM.

Note on the  proceedings of  the meetings, the NPS Committee had with the Staff Side, JCM. 

National Council on 20th January, and 17th March, 2017.  

As you are aware,  the Govt. had set up a committee as per recommendations of the 7th CPC to streamline  the procedure and functioning of the NPS. The Staff Side of NC JCM was asked to present their views in the matter. The meeting was on 20th January, 2017. The Staff side made a written presentation to  the committee on the subject. (The note was placed on the website). However, it also took the stand that the consultation with staff side could not be held in the manner of a Raj durbar as quite a number of Associations especially representing the organised Group A services and the All India Service officers were also invited to the said meeting.  The staff side was assured of an independent hearing.  Subsequently the sub-committee III (The Pension Committee had set up three sub committees to interact with various stake holders on different subjects)  under the Chairmanship of Ms. Vandana Sharma, Addl. Secretary of the Department of  Pension and Pensioners Welfare convened  a meeting on 10th February, 2017. The Sub- Committee was more concerned about the applicability of various provisions of the present rules to the NPS subscribers especially those which are punitive in character.  In the event of a Government servant being found guilty under the CCS (CCA) Rules, the Government is empowered to restrict, reduce or reject the Pension and other retirement benefits. Prior to the meeting, the sub Committee had asked for views on various issues to be discussed at the meeting. The official Side wanted similar rules in the case of NPS subscribers. The Staff Side had submitted a written Note in this regard.  The said Note has also been placed on the website.  In the meeting, the Staff Side had made it categorically clear that no such rules could be imposed on the NPS subscriber as the annuity which he purchases on the basis of the contribution made at the end of his service is the product of a financial transaction and cannot be unilaterally altered at the whims of the employer.   Once the contributions of  the employee and the employer is remitted to the investing agency, the employer ceases to be a stake holder any more in the scheme.  
The third meeting was held on 17th March, 2017.  The meeting was chaired by the Secretary Pension.  The said meeting was to specifically interact with the members of the Staff Side.  On behalf of the Staff side, the following comrades took part in the meeting.

1.     Com. M.Raghavaiah (Leader, Staff Side)
2.     Com. Sivgopal Misra(Secretary Staff Side)
3.     Com. KKN.Kutty(Confederation)
4.     Com. C. Sreekumar(AIDEF)
5.     Com. Guman Singh and (NFIR)
6.     Com. Sreenivasan (INDWF)

 As indicated earlier, several Associations of Group A Officers had made their presentations. Some of the important points mentioned by them during the discussions were:

1)     Discrimination between pre and post 2004 officials-

2)   While Govt. determines the quantum of pension subscription   and makes it mandatory it refuses to guarantee a minimum return.

3)     Atal Pension Yojana offers better and guaranteed benefit to the Subscribers.

4)    The Government’s assurance that the employees under NPS will get annuity not less than the minimum pension under the defined benefit scheme and might even be more was  made on wrong assumption in as much as -

a)  100% of the corpus was taken for  computation of annuity  whereas as per the  scheme only  40%  of the pension wealth alone would b e available. 

b)  Fund expenses are exorbitantly under- valued.

c)  No benefit for the family the case of a Pensioner, who dies at an early age under NPS.

d)  Annuity is not cost-indexed.

5)  Two officers at the level of the Secretary to GOI retiring on the same day  in 2037( former recruited in 2003 and latter in 2004 )will have a huge differential in pension. The  2003 recruitee will have pension 3.25 times  of the annuity of the 2004 recruitee. Over a period of next 10 years i.e in 2047,(due to cost indexation) the 2003 recruitee will have pension 7.4 times of what  the 2004 NPS official receives as annuity.

6)  In most of the countries where contributory pension scheme is in vogue, the Govt’s (employer) contribution is 25% of the salary while that of the employee is 10%

7)  The NPS Contribution do not enjoy the Tax benefits like PPF, EPF, GPF etc.

The Secretary Pension informed the members that the Committee’s mandate is only to make suggestions to streamline the NPS procedures and make the rules simple and transparent. The basic features will not therefore undergo any change. He concluded that neither the scheme would be  replaced or discarded, nor any guaranteed minimum pension  would be offered. as in both cases Govt. will have to  undertake financial obligations.  He clarified that the Sub Committees have been set up to expedite the work.

The staff Side in their presentation made out inter alia the following points:

a)   The number of employees covered under NPS in increasing day by day and in a decade’s time, they might become significant segment of the Government personnel.

b)   All those who are covered by the scheme are extremely critical and resent that their savings are channelled into private hands to help the corporate bodies to make enormous profits.

c)   There is no likelihood either now or in any time in future that NPS subscribers will be able to   purchase an annuity equivalent to what the pensioners under the Defined Benefit Scheme is entitled. The Government must honour its commitment made to this effect to the staff side in the National Council, when the NPS was introduced.

d)   The Committee in its report must at least   bring it to the notice of Government that the Staff Side of the JCM is of the firm view that the cosmetic changes in the scheme will not bring about any tangible benefit to the subscribers and the Government must as an interim measure guarantee the pension to NPS subscribers equivalent to what is provided for the personnel covered under the defined benefit scheme.

e)    The  Staff Side opined that the committee  will be well  within its term of reference to suggest.

(i)       Cost-indexation of annuity as  the Contribution made by the subscribers and the Government as employer  is 10% of the salary-salary for this purpose being Basic Pay and Dearness allowance. In other words, in every six months contribution increases and therefore it is logical that the annuity is also raised every six months to keep  pace   with the rate of inflation.

(ii)   Minimum guarantee is assured by many countries even under the contributory system of pension and the provision to the contrary in the PFRDA Act must be recommended to be removed.

(iii)     It is a welcome step that the Govt. has now decided to extend the benefit of family pension in the case of all NPS subscribers who die in harness. The family pension can therefore be assured at the prevailing rate  for all NPS subscribers, if necessary by appropriating a one-time  deduction from their pension wealth,  at their option, at the time of retirement.

(iv)      To introduce the GPF again as a voluntary option.

(v)     All NPS subscribers must be provided with a payment slip by the heads of offices  indicating the amount deducted, the amount contributed by the Govt. and the date on which the     sum has been made over the to the fund managers, irrespective of the communication the subscriber is entitled to get from the   PFRDA registry.

(vi)  No rules to be framed to link the pension benefit with disciplinary proceedings.

(vii)  The present investment pattern prescribed must be reviewed for its viability periodically.

(viii)   The Sub Committee which goes into the issue concerning framing rules may be asked to interact with the Staff Side once the draft rules are ready.

(ix)     In so far as customer friendly procedures are concerned, the committee may look at the best international practices with a view to adopt and incorporate them.

It could be seen from the deliberations in the committee that nothing short of replacing NPS with Statutory   defined     Benefit Pension Scheme will bring about anything good for new recruitees. Our endeavour must be in that direction whereby sanctions are generated and compulsions  are felt by the Govt as early as possible.
K.K.N. Kutty
Member, Standing Committee
National  Council, JCM &
National President, Confederation

How to Apply Online for GDS Vacancy in India Post?

Following points should be remembered before going to apply online for GDS vacancy.

1. Keep your mandatory documents are in Scanned format such as 10th Certificate, Photo and Signature. Community Certificate is mandatory for other than Un reserved category.

2. Documents scanned and resized based on requirement. (read notification)

3. Keep your mobile in hand for applying 2nd Step i.e Apply Online Option. In this option OTP will be send to your mobile within a minute or more based on the server response. (Sometime it will take 5-10 minutes. Don't click resend OTP again and again)

Aadhar to be made mandatory for filing I-T return, applying for PAN card

Aadhar to be made mandatory for filing I-T return, applying for PAN card
 The government has proposed to make Aadhaar card mandatory for filing income tax return and also applying for permanent account number (PAN). 
The new proposal has been made through an amendment to the Finance Bill. 
Recently, the I-T department had announced a mobile app for paying taxes and tracking of refunds. It had also said it was considering issuing PANs on real time basis using Aadhaar biometric. 
"Income Tax department is considering issuing of Permanent Account Number (PAN) on a real time basis using Aadhaar's e-KYC facility. The proposal is at an initial stage of consideration," Minister of State for Finance Santosh Kumar Gangwar had said in a written reply in Lok Sabha on March 10. 
Aadhaar-based e-KYC facility would allow individuals or entities wanting to apply for PAN to verify details such as date of birth or address by way of biometric identification using thumb impressions. 
So far, more than 111 crore Aadhar numbers have been issued. The unique identification number is being used for getting a new SIM card, for opening bank accounts, transfer of subsidies and also for biometric based digital payments under Aadhaar Enabled Payment System. 
As per the government estimate, every year 2.5 crore people across the country apply for PAN cards. 
There are more than 25 crore PAN card holders in the country. 

(With inputs from PTI)

Source : The Economic Times

Apply online for GDS posts

  Candidates belonging to SC/ST and Female need not to pay Fee. They Can Register and apply Online directly with Registration Number. Candidates belonging to UR/OBC Male are required to make Fee payment after Registration Process and can Apply Online after availability of Fee ID and Registration Number. Candidates who has to pay fee payment can make payment only at Head Postoffices.No other mode of payment is allowed. Click here for list of offices Registration Apply Online

Central Civil Services (Leave) Amendment Rules, 2017.

[PART II—SEC. 3(i)]
(Department of Personnel and Training) 
New Delhi, the 15th March, 2017 
G.S.R. 251(E).—In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to article 309 read with clause(5) of article 148 of the Constitution and after consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor General of India in relation to the persons serving in the Indian Audit and Accounts Department, the President hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Central Civil Services (Leave) Rules, 1972, namely:- 
    1.    (1) These rules may be called the Central Civil Services (Leave) Amendment        Rules, 2017.
         (2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. 
   2.     In the Central Civil Services (Leave) Rules, 1972, for rule 48, the following rule   shall be substituted, namely:- 
"48, Special Leave connected to inquiry of sexual harassment -Leave upto a period of 90 days may begranted to an aggrieved female Government Servant on the recommendation of the Internal Committee or theLocal Committee, as the case may be, during the pendency of inquiry under the Sexual Harassment ofWomen at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 and the leave granted to theaggrieved female Government Servant under this rule shall not be debited against the leave account".
[F. No. 13026/2/2016-Estt. (L)]