Saturday, April 29, 2017


The GDS Court case proceedings in Pr.CAT, Delhi (on Civil Servant Status & Scrap Conduct & Engagement Rules, 2011) is adjourned to 01-06-2017.





From time immemorial relentless battles are being waged against the slavery and misery of the humanity. The rebellious flag of Spartacus against the Roman Empire, the heroic fight of Africans for generations together in search of Freedom from slavery, the flutters of red flag to save the human values which are under deadly attack on the anvil of industrial revolution.... all are noble struggles to stop the human exploitation. 19th Century stood mute witness to the bloody human history writ with oppression and suppression to maximize the profit at the cost of human lives. Later part of the19th Century ushered in a new creed of slavery to machines. The madness for profits peaked and the workers were reduced to the state of machines and the worker in the factory was a mere tool to earn profit for his master. There were no definite working hours. There were no respect for labour. There was no value for labourer. It is not exaggeration to say that the smoke ridden factories sucked out the life of a labourer at the young age of mere 20 years. This was the state of condition of workers world over.
Many dreamt a great society free from exploitation; many wished for a society of eternal source of full realization of human potential in a pleasant and healthy environment; respect for labour, equal opportunities are the hall marks of a new ideal society. Many dedicated their lives to realize their dream society. Many more risked their lives to realize and reach that goal. Every defining moment, every upheaval in the history was the result of the struggles waged by progressive minds. These are the struggles that steered and decided the course of history of mankind.
At its national convention in Chicago, held in 1884, the Federation of Organized Trades and Labour Unions (which later became the American Federation of Labour), proclaimed that “eight hours shall constitute a legal day’s labour from and after May 1, 1886.” Working class heroes of Hey Market embraced the hanging noose with smile on their lips. The fight for eight-hour working day spread like a wild fire throughout the Continents. European and Russian workers jumped into strikes and walked out of their factories. In India for the first time Howrah Railway workers went on strike for working hours in the year 1882. Later on Indian workers struck the work for more than 25 times on the demand of working hours between 1882 - 1890. Eight-hour work; Eight-hour recreation; Eight-hour sleep had become the slogan of the workers worldwide.
The struggle for eight-hour work has become a stepping-stone for future architect of a new society. The thought itself is horrifying that, had those struggles not happened and but for their sacrifices what would have been our condition in the present day society! How degrading it would be to have no control on our own lives? The struggle for eight-hour work challenged that de-humanizing state annihilating all the atrocities, laid a solid foundation for building a better future society. Thus, the struggle which appears simple and of no consequence for this generation, stood as a single cause for sweeping changes in the present day society.
This May Day is the occasion for remembering reverently all the sacrifices and prepare to shoulder the responsibilities. Still the exploitation is continuing. Only deference is that the exploiter and exploitation has wrapped in sophistication! The form of exploitation changed but the reason and essence remains the same. This situation encompasses all the countries in the world. The three decades of implementation of so called omnipotent new economic policies destroyed the economic fabric of our country. The country became dependent on foreign powers. Our agriculture sector doomed. Monopoly of our farmers on their own seeds ceased. Health and education is not within the reach of common man. Wealth of the nation has been handed over to the private corporates for plundering. Corporate Sector dented the jealously guarded right of 8-hour work. Now we will find casual and outsourced labour working for 12 hours a day. Technology has not ceased the drudgery of the worker. Instead workload increased due to the ban on filling up of vacancies. Unemployment and under-employment increased alarmingly. Central government employees are facing onslaught on their dignity by not honouring the assurance given on the minimum pay, fitment factor and allowances. Attempts are afoot to weaken and render the unions and working class irrelevant.
As the conscious workers, employees and citizens of this country, this May Day has manifolded our responsibilities. The silenced voice of the Chicago Martyrs should explode in reverberation in the raised fists, throats and thoughts of millions of workers. Let’s march in unison with the inspiration of May Day! Let’s protect our own rights and be part of that great effort to build a society of equality, justice and usher in peace and prosperity to the toiling millions of our countrymen.

Now, Posts Offices can do Employment registration

JODHPUR: Post offices will now be acting as employment exchange for the unemployed youth. After the success of the pilot projects in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana, the project has been extended two nine more postal circles of the country, including Rajasthan. 

To begin with, Employment Registration Centres will be opened at the post offices under all these postal circles very shortly, where the interested unemployed youths will be able to get themselves registered. 

"This registration can be done by the youths on the portal of National Career Service by approaching post offices, where they will be charged of Rs 15 for registration, Rs 5 for updating job seeker profile and Rs 10 for getting printout of application form," said Krishna Kumar Yadav, director of postal services, Rajasthan Western Region, Jodhpur.

He said that once they are registered on this portal, they will have an access to the rich repository of career content on over 3,000 of occupations across 52 sectors with aplenty employment job opportunities matching with the skills and qualifications of the youths. 

The portal will not only provide job matching services in a highly transparent and user friendly manner but also build a bridge between a net-connected urban areas and non-connected rural areas, helping the youth to avail facility to register for employment at their doorstep hassle free.

A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) has been signed between department of posts and ministry of labour and employment to leverage post offices as employment registration centres early this year, following which, a pilot project had been rolled out in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana Circles in February this year.

Yadav said that the necessary training with regard to above project, has been imparted to the staff and on getting formal inauguration date, the registration will begin at all the post offices of the Rajasthan Circle.

Apart from Rajasthan, the project comprises Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Chhatisgarh, Gujrat, Tamil Nadu, Jammu and Kashmir and the North East Postal Circles whereas the remaining circles will be covered during the next phase of project.

One time exemption to Skill Test for GDS who wrote Postal Assistant Exam in 2016

NAPE Group 'C ' request Letter to Secretary , DoP : One time exemption to Skill Test for GDS who wrote Postal Assistant Exam in 2016.

Allowances on Committee Report shall be placed before the Cabinet for approval – Finmin Press Note

7th CPC Allowance Committee Report shall be placed before the Cabinet for approval – Finmin Press Note

Friday, April 28, 2017
The Committee on Allowances headed by Shri Ashok Lavasa, Finance Secretary and Secretary (Expenditure) submitted its Report to the Union Finance Minister Shri Arun Jaitley yesterday; The Report will be now placed before the Empowered Committee of Secretaries (E-CoS) to firm-up the proposal for approval of the Cabinet. 
The Committee on Allowances, constituted by the Ministry of Finance, Government of India to examine the 7th CPC recommendations on Allowances, submitted its Report to the Union Finance Minister Shri Arun Jaitley yesterday. The Committee was headed by Shri Ashok Lavasa, Finance Secretary and Secretary (Expenditure),M/o Finance, Government of India and had Secretaries of Home Affairs, Defence, Health & Family Welfare, Personnel & Training, Post and Chairman, Railway Board as its Members and Joint Secretary (Implementation Cell) as its Member Secretary.
The Committee was set-up in pursuance of the Union Cabinet decision on 29.06.2016 when approving the 7th CPC recommendations on pay, pensions and related issues were approved. The decision to set-up the Committee was taken in view of significant changes recommended by the 7th CPC in the allowances structure and a large number of representations received in this regard from various Staff Associations as well as the apprehensions conveyed by various Ministries / Departments. The 7th CPC had recommended that of a total of 196 Allowances, 52 be abolished altogether and 36 be abolished as separate identities by subsuming them in another allowance.
The Committee took note of all the representations received from various stakeholders on the 7th CPC recommendations on Allowances. Representations and demands for modifications were received in respect of 79 allowances which have been examined in detail by the Committee. In doing so, the Committee interacted with all the members of the Standing Committee of National Council (Staff Side), Joint Consultative Machinery (JCM) as well the representatives of various Staff Associations of Railways, Postal employees, Doctors, Nurses, and Department of Atomic Energy. It also interacted with the representatives of the Defence Forces, DGs of Central Armed Police Forces (CAPFs) namely CRPF, CISF, BSF, ITBP, SSB, and Assam Rifles as also senior officers from IB and SPG to understand the viewpoint of their personnel. As mentioned in the Report, the Committee held a total of 15 meetings and was assisted by a Group of Officers headed by Additional Secretary (D/o Expenditure) in examining the representations. 
Based on such extensive stakeholder consultations and detailed examination, the Committee has suggested certain modifications in the 7th CPC recommendations so as to address the concerns of the stakeholders in the context of the rationale behind the recommendations of the 7th CPC as well as other administrative exigencies. Modifications have been suggested in some allowances which are applicable universally to all employees as well as certain other allowances which apply to specific employee categories such as Railway men, Postal employees, Scientists, Defence Forces personnel, Doctors and Nurses etc.
The Report, now being examined in the Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance, will be placed before the Empowered Committee of Secretaries (E-CoS) set-up to screen the 7th CPC recommendations and to firm-up the proposal for approval of the Cabinet. It may be recalled that while recommendations of the 7th CPC on pay and pension were implemented with the approval of Cabinet, allowances continue to be paid at old rates. After consideration by the E-CoS, the proposal for implementation of 7th CPC recommendations on Allowances after incorporating the modifications suggested by the Committee on Allowances in its Report shall be placed before the Cabinet for approval.

Source :

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Beginning in the late 19th century, as the trade union and labour movements grew, a variety of days were chosen by trade unionists as a day to celebrate labour. In the United States and Canada, a September holiday, called Labor or Labour Day, was first proposed in the 1880s. In 1882, Matthew Maguire, a machinist, first proposed a Labor Day holiday on the first Monday of September[nb 1] while serving as secretary of the Central Labor Union (CLU) of New York.[4] Others argue that it was first proposed by Peter J. McGuire of the American Federation of Labor in May 1882,[5] after witnessing the annual labour festival held in TorontoCanada.[6] In 1887, Oregon was the first state of the United States to make it an official public holiday. By the time it became an official federal holiday in 1894, thirty U.S. states officially celebrated Labor Day.[5]Thus by 1887 in North America, Labor Day was an established, official holiday but in September,[7] not on 1 May.
1 May was chosen to be International Workers' Day to commemorate the 4 May 1886 Haymarket affair in Chicago. The police were trying to disperse a public assembly during a general strike for the eight-hour workday, when an unidentified person threw a bomb at the police. The police responded by firing on the workers, killing four demonstrators.[8][nb 2] The following day on 5 May in Milwaukee Wisconsin, the state militia fired on a crowd of strikers killing seven, including a schoolboy and a man feeding chickens in his yard.[10]
In 1889, a meeting in Paris was held by the first congress of the Second International, following a proposal by Raymond Lavigne that called for international demonstrations on the 1890 anniversary of the Chicago protests.[2] May Day was formally recognised as an annual event at the International's second congress in 1891.[citation needed] Subsequently, the May Day riots of 1894 occurred. The International Socialist Congress, Amsterdam 1904 called on "all Social Democratic Party organisations and trade unions of all countries to demonstrate energetically on the First of May for the legal establishment of the 8-hour day, for the class demands of the proletariat, and for universal peace."[3] The congress made it "mandatory upon the proletarian organisations of all countries to stop work on 1 May, wherever it is possible without injury to the workers."[3]
A 1 May rally in Bucharest in 1967
May Day has been a focal point for demonstrations by various socialist, communist and anarchist groups since the Second International. May Day is one of the most important holidays in communist countries such as the People's Republic of ChinaNorth KoreaCuba and the former Soviet Union. May Day celebrations in these countries typically feature elaborate workforce parades, including displays of military hardware and soldiers.
In 1955, the Catholic Church dedicated 1 May to "Saint Joseph the Worker". Saint Joseph is the patron saint of workers and craftsmen, among others.[11]
During the Cold War, May Day became the occasion for large military parades in Red Square by the Soviet Union and attended by the top leaders of the Kremlin, especially the Politburo, atop Lenin's Mausoleum. It became an enduring symbol of that period.
Today, the majority of countries around the world celebrate a workers' day on May 1.

Woman employees may be granted Maternity Leave of two months – CGDA

CGDA Clarification Regarding Granting of Maternity Leave


CGDA, Ulan Batar Road, Palam, Delhi Cantt-110010

AN/XlV/19404/Leave Matters/Vol-lll

Dated :19.04.2017
Subject : Grant of Maternity leave – Clarification
A reference was made to DOP&T regarding quantum of maternity leave admissible to a female government servant consequent upon death of the child(s) after birth.

2. In reply, DoP&T has clarified that — in case of death of child shortly after birth, the woman employees may be granted Maternity Leave of two months for recovery after delivery of the child
3. Similar cases/requests may be regulated accordingly.
( Kavita Garg )
Click to view the CGDA orders on maternity leave


Dear Comrades,

NFPE & AIPEU-GDS have given a call to hold day long DHARNA in front of all Divisional Offices / Regional Offices / Circle Offices in all Circles demanding the implementation of all positive Recommendations of  Shri Kamalesh Chandra Committee Report on GDS at the earliest.

Shri Kamalesh Chandra Committee submitted its report on 24th November 2017 and after about a month it was made available to the GDS members & public. Further it was published after the assurance given by the Department to Election Commission not to initiate any follow up action till March 15, 2017 because of election code. With this, about 4 months of time has been lapsed without any progress.

The process of implementation of the Committee Recommendations started by 17 March 2017 constituting an 'implementation committee' . It is learnt that now the file is under the consideration of the Finance wing. After that it has to pass through the procedural steps and will take more and more time for implementation of the Recommendations.

With this delay, thousands of retiring GDS lost their genuine & justified benefits, who sacrificed their sweat & tear for  decades-long services in the Department.

We had bitter experiences with the previous GDS Committees' implementation processes which were detained for months & months together caused the lives of GDS at the age of 65 in to distress with heavy financial loss.

Even though Shri Kamalesh Chandra Committee has explored many things good for GDS this time, to our dismay the process kept idle with enough time.

Hence, NFPE & AIPEU-GDS given a call at the first step to show our resentment and demanding the Govt. & Department for the implementation of all positive recommendations of Shri Kamalesh Chandra Committee Report with in a short period.

NFPE & AIPEU-GDS requesting GDS & all the members of affiliated unions to make this agitation programme a grand success in all the Divisions / Circles all over the nation.
Department issued Orders for paid substitutes new salaries from 1-1-2016 

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Allowances Committee Report and Financial Expenditure

                  The Central Government Civilian Employees numbering around  36 lakhs employees and Defence forces numbering around 15 lakhs are waiting for a long period for the allowances committee to submit its report and almost 10 months have passed , the allowances committee has not submitted its report so far , the patience of the Central Government Employees is almost over , the main demand of the CG employees is house rent allowance , the expenditure towards the  HRA is just at 4.15 % of the total expenditure , the breakup of pay and allowances is pay including DA constitute about 80%  and  all allowances together  constitute around 20% of the total expenditure,  even if  the 7th CPC recommendations are accepted the HRA expenditure shall be at just 9% of the total expenditure, even  if the staff side demands of the HRA is accepted the total expenditure shall not cross 10%, let us examine the following facts.

  The total expenditure towards pay & allowances for 36 lakhsCentral Government employees  for the year 2015-16 is Rs 1,50,028.57 ( in crore) , Out of the total expenditure of 1,50,028.57 crore, the percentage expenditure on Pay, Dearness Allowance (DA), House Rent Allowance (HRA) and other allowances are Pay Rs 55,162.69 crores (36.77%) , DA Rs 64,304.33 crores (42.68%) , allowances constitute Rs 30561.55 crores  of which  HRA Rs  6,225.14 crores  (  4.15% ) and.  Transport Allowance constitute Rs 6186.05 crores and other allowances 16.22% respectively.

Out of the total expenditure of Rs 6,225.14 crore on HRA in 2015-16, the HRA expenditure for X class cities is Rs 2287.80 crore which is around 36.75% of the total expenditure on HRA.

Number of Sanctioned Posts is 36,49,468 and Number in Position is 32,28, 921 vacant posts is 4,20,547 , the Defence forces constitute around 15 lakhs with an Indian Army strength of 11 lakh.

Pay commission views : Para number 16.3
16.3 The increases in allowances relate to the following:
a) House Rent Allowance (HRA): This accounts for the principal increase in the
expenditure on allowances since it is calculated as a percentage of the basic pay and the rise in basic pay based on recommendations of the Commission would be reflected as increased HRA. The expenditure on account of HRA is likely to go up from 12,400 crore to 29,600 crore, an increase of17,200 (138.71%). This figure also includes an expenditure of ₹3,700 crore that is likely to occur on account of the expansion in coverage of HRA benefiting personnel serving in the CAPFs (this figures include all Central Government employees including Defence employees)  

Hence the additional expenditure towards allowances will not financially impact the Central Government as already 70% of the 7th CPC expenditure has been borne out by the Government, only additional expenditure of just around 30% that is Rs 30,000 crores has to be met by the Central Government. even if 7th CPC report is fully implemented the expenditure towards pay and allowances shall not exceed 10% of the total revenue    We hope the Government understands the sentiments of the Central Government employees and announce the revised allowances immediately after the arrival of the Honorable Finance Minister from his official tour to US and Russia, which he is expected to return from foreign assignments on 27th April 2017.   

                                                                                Comradely yours


                                                                           General Secretary   

Now, Aadhaar-based digital payments at post offices in the country

By Express News Service  |   Published: 25th April 2017  |  

HYDERABAD: Taking a step towards Digital India, India Post is mulling over a proposal to provide
Aadhaar-based payment services at post offices in the country. “The aim is to facilitate digital
transactions,” said BV Sudhakar, secretary in the postal department (Hyderabad circle), here on

The enabling software for Aadhaar-based payment developed by AP Technology Services was
 tested at the General Post Office at Hyderabad successfully, said Sudhakar while showcasing
progress on initiatives taken by the postal service in last nine months.

India Post has also tied up with UIDAI to facilitate issuance of Aadhaar cards through post offices.
 The service is expected to begin in June. The department has come up with many new initiatives
 aimed at optimising and cutting down operational costs. “We now have a core system integration
software that will integrate different softwares that have been grounded. We tested the software
at the General Post Office in Hyderabad.” Earlier this month the department extended the Speed Post

to rake in an additional 10 pc profit, he added.

Under the Centre’s Rural Information and Communication Technology initiative, post offices will be
 supplied with hand-held devices that perform postal and savings bank operations. The devices

On the amendments made to the Indian Post Office Act 1898 in the 2017 finance bill, he said the
amendment would now allow the postal department to set the tariff rates for postcards, envelopes,
sample packets, registered newspapers and others. “The amendment now allows us to rationalise
the prices but we will not unfairly hike the prices,” Sudhakar said.

    Monday, April 24, 2017

    Statewise List – Gramin Dak Sevak Dates &Vacancies

    Statewise List – Gramin Dak Sevak Dates &Vacancies
    You can find the list of vacancies for all 23 states from the table below. For detailed information about Gramin Dak Seva Recruitment of your state, you can download the Official notification from the link provided in the table.
    Last Date
    to Apply
    for Each State
    Andhra Pradesh
    Uttar Pradesh
    West Bengal
    Tamil Nadu
    North East

    Given below is the Category-wise for all states.

    Categorywise List – Gramin Dak Sevak Vacancies

    UR → 356, OBC → 151, SC → 86, ST → 52, Total → 645
    Andhra Pradesh:
    UR → 625, OBC → 284, SC → 126, ST → 91, Total → 1126
    UR → 157, OBC → 29, SC → 24, ST → 46, Total → 256
    Madhya Pradesh
    UR → 732, OBC → 301, SC → 309, ST → 517, Total → 1859
    UR → 582, OBC → 97, SC → 157, ST → 236, Total → 1072
    UR → 919, OBC → 133, SC → 246, ST → 279, Total → 1577
    UR → 1056, OBC → 467, SC → 87, ST → 302, Total → 1912 
    UR → 357, OBC → 82, SC → 121, ST → 19 Total → 579 
    Tamil Nadu
    UR → 71, OBC → 39, SC → 18, ST → 0, Total → 128
    UR → 336, OBC → 132, SC → 152, ST → 0, Total → 620
    UR → 1034, OBC → 375, SC → 124, ST → 256, Total → 1789
    UR → 579, OBC → 240, SC → 150, ST → 79, Total → 1048
    UR → 9, OBC → 4, SC → 2, ST → 1, Total → 16
    UR → 157, OBC → 29, SC → 24, ST → 46, Total → 256
    Himachal Pradesh
    UR → 212, OBC → 84, SC → 78, ST → 17, Total → 391
    UR → 250, OBC → 99, SC → 89, ST → 0, Total → 438
    UR → 69, OBC → 2, SC → 18, ST → 34, Total → 123
    UR → 250, OBC → 120, SC → 33, ST → 64, Total → 467
    To read the complete details of Gramin Dak Sevak Recruitment 2017 click on the article below: