Tuesday, September 29, 2020

DATED 28.09.2020







6th November 2020 -- Friday -- Dharna at all District Headquarters and in front of all major offices.


10th December 2020 -- Thursday  -- Dharna at all State Headquarters. 


Start preperations now onwards and ensure that the programme is organized at all centres.


Dear Comrades,

As already notified, the National Executive Committee meeting of Confederation of Central Govt Employees and Workers was held on 26.09.2020 (online video Conference) under the Presidentship.of Com K.K.N.Kutty , National Vice President. 

The meeting commenced after paying respectful homage to all departed leaders , especially Coms : M.S.Raja , R.seetha Lakshmi , S.S.Roy , R.Sivannarayana and Com Mani Achari. Two minutes silence was observed. 

Com R.N.Parashar , Secretary General , Confederation presented a brief report on all the agenda items. Thereafter discussion took place.  The following are the important decisions. 

Agenda No.1 --- Review of the 26th National Conference of Confederation held at Nagpur on 7th & 8th February 2020.


Conference was well organised and arrangements made were excellent. About 36 affiliates and 13 State Coordination Committees (COCs) participated. 238 delegates and 43 Visitors attended. (Male 263 and Female 18).Conference was jointly inaugurated by Com Tapan Sen (General Secretary , CITU) and Com Amarjeet Kaur (General Secretary , AITUC).46 delegates participated in the discussion -- 33 from affiliated organisations and 13 from State COCs. Election of office bearers was unanimous.  Com Ravindran B Nair (ITEF) , Com Tapas Bose ( Audit) , Com R.N.Parashar (NFPE) , Com S.B.Yadav (Postal Accounts - AIPAEA) are elected as President , Working President , Secretary General and Financial Secretary respectively.The National Executive congratulated the COC Vidarbha Region Nagpur for making best arrangements for the successful conducting of the 26th National Conference. 

Agenda No.2 --- Approval of the Accounts of the Confederation prepared by the five member office bearers Committee constituted by National Secretariat


As Financial Secretary has neither attended the Conference nor prepared  and submitted the Audited Accounts for the period from 01.04.2016 to 31.03.2019 , the Audited Accounts could not be presented in the Conference. However he has prepared and emailed an unaudited Accounts for the above period to the then President on 07.02.2020 which was not presented in the house as it was unaudited.  As decided in the National Conference , the National Secretariat meeting held on 28.06.2020 has constituted a five member office bearers Committee , consisting of  President , Secretary General , Financial Secretary , Ex- President and Ex - Secretary General to verify the Accounts with available documents and submit it for approval of the National Executive Committee. Accordingly the Accounts for the period from 01.04.2016 to 31.03.2019 , prepared by the five members committee was circulated among all National Executive Committee members , well in advance and the same was also presented before the National Executive Committee for discussion and approval. The National Executive Committee after detailed discussion approved and passed the Accounts for the period from 01.04.2016 to 31.03.2019.

Agenda No.3 --- Approval of Revised Charter of demands and future course of action. 


The National Executive Committee meeting approved the revised Charter of demands (copy enclosed as Annexure - 1 of this circular)  and decided to organise following agitational programmes , strictly observing Covid protocol. 

6th November 2020 Friday 


Dharna at all District Headquarters and in front of all major offices. 

10th December 2020 -- Thursday. 


Dharna at all State Headquarters. 


Further course of action will be decided by the National Secretariat meeting to be held in December 2020.

Agenda No.4 --- Attack on recognised status of Associations/ Unions and Federations.


The representatives of NFPE and ITEF reported that they have received certain communications from their Departmental heads regarding their recognised status and they are trying to settle it through negotiations with the concerned authorities.  Regarding non-granting or delay in granting recognition to certain affiliated organisations of Confederation , the Federal Executive decided to take up with the concerned authorities and  also through Secretary (staffside) JCM National Council. 

Agenda No.5 -- Organisational matters of affiliates of Confederation and functioning during Covid -19 days.


Secretary General reported that the following calls given by Confederation for organising demonstrations, dharna etc was implemented in all centres, but the participation was less due to Covid restrictions. 

1. 1st May 2020 -- Protest demonstrations against DA/DR freezing.

2. 22nd May 2020 -- Protest demonstrations on Charter of demands and Corona related issues.

3. 3rd July 2020 -- Central Trade Unions programme against various attacks on working class.

4. 9th August 2020 -- Central Trade Unions programme and protest against compulsory retirement orders.

5. 9th September 2020 -- Central Trade Unions programme. 

6. 23rd September 2020 -- Central Trade Unions programme. 

Some of the NE members reported CGHS related and Covid related issues which will be taken up with concerned Ministries / Departments. In some states like Kerala and West Bengal , the state COCs had organised their own state level programmes including webinars.

Agenda No.6 --- Participation of Central Govt Employees in the action programmes chalked out by the Central Trade Unions. 


Secretary General reported that all the action programmes of Central Trade Unions are implemented in the Central Government Employees sector as mentioed in Agenda No.5. However participation of Employees were less due to Covid restrictions. 

The meeting concluded with vote of thanks. 

                                                                                    Fraternally yours   

                                                                                       (R.N.Parashar )

                                                                                   Secretary General 



1.      Scrap New Contributory Pension Scheme (NPS).  Restore old defined benefit Pension Scheme (OPS) to all employees.  Guarantee 50% of the last pay drawn as minimum pension.

2.      (a)     Scrap the draconian FR 56((j) & (i) and Rule 48 of CCS (Pension) Rules 1972.  Stop terrorizing and victimising employees.

        (b)     Withdraw the attack against the recognised status of Associations and Federations.

          (c)     Withdraw the anti-worker Wage/Labour codes and other anti-labour reforms.

          (d)     Stop attack on trade union rights.

3.      (a)     Withdraw the orders freezing the DA and DR of employees and Pensioners and impounding of arrears till 30-06-2021.

          (b)     Implement five year wage revision and Pension revision to Central Government employees and Pensioners.  Appoint 8th Central Pay Commission and revise the Pay, Allowances and Pensionary benefits of Central Government employees and Pensioners with effect from 01-01-2021.

          (c)     Honour the assurance given by Group of Ministers (GoM) to NJCA leaders on 30-06-2016.  Increase minimum pay and fitment formula recommended by 7th CPC.  Grant HRA arrears from 01-01-2016.

          (d)     Withdraw “Very Good” bench mark for MACP, grant promotional heirarchy and date of effect of MACP from 01-01-2006.

          (e)     Grant Option-1 parity recommended by 7th CPC to all Central Govt. Pensioners.  Grant one notional increment to those who retired on 30th June.

          (f)      Settle all anomalies arising out of 7th CPC implementation.

4.      Stop ban on creation  of new posts.  Fill up all seven lakhs vacant  posts in Central Government departments in a time bound manner.  Scrap National Recruitment Agency and introduce Departmentwise recruitment and Regional recruitment for Group B and C posts.  Stop re-engaging retired personnel in Central Govt. services.

5.      Stop Corporatisation and privatisation of Railways, Defence and Postal Departments.  Withdraw closure/merger orders of Govt. of India Printing Presses and Postal Stores depots/Postal Stamp depots.  Stop proposed move to close down salt department.  Stop outsourcing and closure of Govt. establishments.

6.      (a)     Regularisation of Gramin Dak Sevaks and grant of Civil Servants status.   Implement remaining positive recommendations of Kamalesh Chandra Committee Report.

          (b)     Regularise all casual and contract workers including those joined service on or after 01-09-1993.

7.      Settle all Covid-9 related issues pertaining to Central Govt. employees and Pensioners on top priority basis.  Treat the  period of absence during lock down as duty.  Grant full wages to casual, part-time, contingent and contract workers during the lock down period.

8.      Grant equal pay for equal work for all.  Remove disparity in pay scales between Central Secretariat staff and similarly placed staff working in field units of various departments.

9.      Implement 7th CPC wage revision and pension revision to remaining Auton omous body employees and pensioners.  Ensure payment of full arrears without further delay.  Grant Bonus to Autonomous body employees pending from 2016-17 onwards.

10.    Remove arbitrary 5% ceiling imposed on compassionate appointments.  Grant appointment in all eligible cases.

11.    Grant five time-bound promotions to all Group B & C employees.  Complete cadre review in all departments in a time bound manner. 

12.    Ensure prompt functioning of various negotiating forums under the JCM Scheme at all levels.


Cop to:

1. All office bearers (National Secretariat members). 2. All Affiliated organisations.

 3. All COCs



(Click the link below to view)









Ref: P/4-1/Examination                                                                    Dated – 28.09.2020


The Secretary

Department of Posts

Dak Bhawan, New Delhi - 110001

Sub: - Declaration of Result of Inspector of Post Examination -2019


Your kind attention is invited to our previous letters of even number dated 06.07.2020 under which it was requested to declare  the result of Inspector Post Examination -2019 which was released on 24.06.2020 but it was with held on 29.06.2020.

After inquiry from Directorate it was told that some irregularities have been noticed which require to be rectified. After it came to notice that in some CATs cases have been filed. But now we have come to know that no Court has granted stay against declaration of Result.

It is therefore, requested that if the irregularities as noticed have been rectified then the result  of the said examination may kindly be declared as early as possible , which will give more relief to the candidates who appeared in the same.

Hoping for a positive action

Yours sincerely,

(R. N. Parashar)

General Secretary

Monday, September 28, 2020

 Subject:- Recruitment of ‘Outsourced Postal Agent’- for pick up, booking and delivery of speed post, registered Post (including parcel) and Business & Express parcel under this division.



                        *WHY WE ARE OPPOSING IT?*

                                                                             *M. Krishnan* Vice President,

                                                         Confederation of CGE & Workers 

1.    In the guise of strengthening the administration, the Central Government has issued updated orders to all Ministries/Departments for strict implementation of the provisions of Fundamental Rules 56(j), 56(l) and Rule 48 of Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules 1972, which empowers the authorities for retiring an employee prematurely in public interest.  Eventhough the Rules are old, to give more teeth to it and also to plug all loopholes, the 2020 August 28th orders of Department of Personnel and Training (DOP&T) are made more stringent by incorporating various judgements of the Honourable Supreme Court relating to FR 56(j), FR 56(l) and Pension Rules 48. The time frame for conducting the review to “chop off deadwood” are also fixed for strict adherence by the authorities.

2.    Right from 2014 onwards the above process was initiated.  In a written reply to a Parliament question dated 3rd March 2020, Dr. Jithendra Singh, Minister of State for Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions has revealed that by invoking provisions of FR 56(j) and similar rules 163 Group A officers (including IAS, IPS and other officers of All India services) and 157 Group-B officers are compulsorily retired from service during the period from 2014 July to 2020 January.  The number of lowest level Group-C employees compulsorily retired from service during this period is not available in the Minister’s reply. The reasons stated for premature retirement are lack of integrity and inefficiency. The Minister claimed that through such action in the interest of public, more responsible and efficient public services can be ensured and the speed, discipline and accountability of public services will be increased.  Further, Government in the DOP&T orders dated 28th August 2020, has clarified that “premature retirement” under these rules cannot be termed as a “Penalty” and will not come under the purview of Central Civil Services (Classification, Control and Appeal) Rules 1965.

3.    The revised orders has created a panicky situation among the Central Government employees, especially among those who are going to complete 50/55 years of age or 30 years of service.  Anxiety, uncertainity and fear is visible among all section of employees. The large participation of employees in the “protest day” observed on 9th September 2020 as per the call given by Confederation of Central Government Employees & Workers, at all places and even in smaller offices, is a testimony to this reality.  Irrespective of age, all employees are apprehensive of the implication of these orders on their job security.

4.    *What is FR 56(j), 56(l) and Rule 48 of CCS (Pension Rules 1972:*

    As mentioned above, earlier also these rules were there in the statute books.  Central Government employees Unions/Federations including Confederation of Central Govt. Employees & Workers, has been demanding scrapping of these draconian rules.  In the past, before 2014, these Rules were invoked in exceptional cases only, and the compulsory retirement under these rules were very rare. Hence there was no fear psychosis among the employees.  As per these rules an officer who is authorised by the Government has “absolute right” to prematurely retire an employee from service in the public interest.

    As per FR 56 (j) Group A and B officers who entered service before the age of 35 years can be prematurely retired in the public interest, on attaining the age of 50 years or more.  If the officer has entered service after 35 years of age, he can be prematurely retired from service in the public interest on attaining the age of 55 years or more.

    As per FR 56(l) an employee belonging to Group-C service or post who is not governed by any pension Rules, can be prematurely retired from service in the public interest after he has completed 30 years of service.

    Rule 48(i)(b) of CCS (Pension) Rules 1972 empowers the appropriate authority to prematurely retire in the public interest, at any time after a Government servant has completed 30 years qualifying service.  Before compulsorily retiring an official under these rules, three months show cause notice is to be served. If the authority wants the employee to be retired immediately, three months salary is to be paid in lieu of three month’s show cause notice.

5.    All departmental authorities should keep a register of those employees who are to complete 50/55 years of age or 30 years service of service and periodical review of the register is to be done.  Before deciding to retire an official prematurely, the recommendations of the “review committee” constituted under these rules, should be obtained by the Appointing authority. An employee who receive three months show cause notice or immediate retirement orders, can file a representation requesting to review the orders before the “Representation Committee” duly constituted by each department, within three weeks from the date of service of notice or order.


    The validity of FR 56(j), FR56(l) and Pension Rules 48 has been upheld by the Honourable Supreme Court in various judgements in the past.  As per the Apex Court judgement, if the appropriate authority bonafide forms the opinion that the retention of a Government servant in service is not desirable in the public interest, the review committee can take decision to prematurely retire that employee.  The Supreme Court further held that the right conferred on the appropriate authority is an absolute one and the correctness of that opinion cannot be challenged before Courts. The compulsory retirement under these rules is not to be treated as a punishment coming under Article 311 of the Constitution.

    The Court ruled that in certain cases there may not be sufficient evidence to take punitive disciplinary action of removal from service.  But the conduct and reputation of the employee is such that his continuance in service would be a menace to public service and injurious to public interest.  In such cases, the review committee after considering the entire service record and character rolls or confidential reports may take the decision for premature retirement.

    Similarly, the report of conduct unbecoming of a Government servant may also form the basis for compulsory retirement.  As per the judgement of the Apex Court if the conduct of a Government employee becomes unbecoming to the public interest or obstructs efficiency in public services, the Government has an absolute right to compulsorily retire such an employee in public interest.


    First reason is that these rules have no bounds or limits.  “Integrity”, “inefficiency”, “unbecoming of public servant”, “in the interest of public service” or “public interest” etc. cannot be explained in a definitive manner.  It can be stretched to any length. Those who are in power or those who are empowered to impose these provisions can define it to suit their interest. For example, in the Supreme Court judgement quoted in the DOP&T orders dated 28th August 2020 it is held that -

    “If conduct of a Government employee becomes unbecoming to the public interest or obstructs the efficiency in public services, the Government has an absolute right to compulsorily retire such an employee in public interest.”

    As per the CCS (Conduct) Rules 1964 applicable to Central Government employees, a Government servant has no right to strike and even any concerted action which retards the overall functioning of the office can be termed as a strike.   Any violation of Copnduct rules becomes an act of “unbecoming of a Government Servant” which may attract the provisions of FR 56(j)(, FR 56(l) or Pension Rules 48. Further the Sulpreme Court ruled that if a Government servant “obstructs” the efficiency in public service, he can be compulsorily retired under these rules.  Any strike or non-cooperation or go slow or mass dharna etc. can be termed as an action “obstructing the efficiency in public services” and those who participate can be prematurely retired. Supreme Court has also delivered categorical judgement that Government employees have no right to strike.

        Similarly as per the latest instructions of the DOP&T, for promotion under MACP Scheme, “Very good” bench mark for continuous past five years is compulsory.  All of us know that some officers are misusing their powers while writing benchmark grading of an official in the APAR and they utilise the APAR grading as a vindictive measure to settle their scores with the employees, especially trade union leaders, whom they don’t like for various reasons and they deliberately lower their bench mark to “average” and thereby denying MACP promotion.  An official who is not fit for MACP promotion continuously for some years can be termed as “inefficient” and he can be considered by the review committee for premature retirement on attaining the age of 50/55 or 30 years serrvice. These are all the reasons, why we are telling that these rules have no bounds or limits and can be stretched and misused to any extent. (also read the example given in Para 10 of this article).

8.    Secondly, no reason or reasons are to be communicated to an official before retiring him compulsorily under these rules.   No opportunity to prove the innocence is given to an official before ordering premature retirement. If an official commits any misconduct or indulge in an act prejudicial to public interest, there are provisions in the CCS (CCA) Rules 1965 to charge sheet him, informing the official the articles of charges, giving an opportunity to examine the documents based on which the charges are framed and also to cross-examine the witnesses and thus to prove the innocence of the official.  After observing all these formalities, Government can compulsorily retire an official. Unions or employees are not opposing such compulsory retirement awarded after observing all the due formalities under CCS (CCA) Rules 1965. But as per the provisions of FR 56(j), FR56(l) and Pension Rules 48, no such prior intimation of charges through charge sheet or no inquiry proceedings are to be conducted, before compulsorily retiring an official, that too an official with 30 years of service.  In other words, these rules are framed to compulsorily retire employees without informing them the reason for such retirement either in writing or orally. As the whole process itself is in-camera (in secret), these rules are basically undemocratic and hence “black laws”. There are ample scope for misuse of these rules by certain officers against employees who are not in their “good book” for reasons best known to that authority, as a vindictive measure. (also read the example given in Para 11 of this article).

9.    Thirdly, these rules can be used against Union leaders and activists and also against those who question the misuse of power or coruption or illegal acts of the authorities.  In the Central Government services the service rules framed by the British raj are still in vogue, though they have been updated the spirit of the rules remains the same. For example, writing of Confidential Report (CR) by higher officer in respect of lower officials was introduced in India by the Britishers.  The main aim of the CR was that the higher level officers (who were mostly britishers or their stooges) want the lower level officials (who are mostly Indians) to obey them like a slave. If he doesn’t obey them or show signs of questioning, adverse and damaging entries will be made in the CR (which at that time was not communicated to the officials) and the poor official will not get any increment (increment bar was there in the rules), or promotions and he has to either retire from the same post or he will be discharged from service without assigning any reason, whatsoever.  Thus employees are terrorised and fear physosis was created among them. Eventhough, India became independent in 1947, even after 70 years the CR is still retained in the statute book, though its name is first changed to Annual Confidential Report (ACR) and then as Annual Performance Appraisal Report (APAR). The same is the case with many other rules. This is the reason why Confederation of Central Government employees and workers and like-minded organisations are demanding “democratisation of service rules” of Central Government employees including Railway employees. Unfortunately, the Government refused to heed our request and the black laws like Article 311(2)(b), 311(2)(c), FR56(j), FR56(l), Rule 48 of CCS (Pension) Rules 1972, still remain as a “democles sword” hanging over the head of each employee.  In the past there are instances of misuse of these provisions against Trade Union leaders and activists. Com: Sukomal Sen, the legendary leader of Government employees and the working class was dismissed from service under Article 311(2)(c) of the Constitution. Com.N.B.Thrivikraman Pillai, the fire-brand leader of AG’s Office NGO Association, Kerala was also terminated under Article 311(2)(c). India is a founder member of International Labour Organisation (ILO). The ILO conventions 87 and 98 clearly stipulates that the workers including Government employees have the right for collective bargaining and also right to strike. But these conventions are not still ratified by Government of India. In a democracy, trade union leaders may question the anti-worker policies of the Government and also the misuse of power, corruption and other illegal acts of the higher authorities.  They will organise agitational programmes and even give call for strikes when all other remedies fail. The above black laws are used by the authorities to “teach them a lesson” and to “target them” for questioning the ruling class or the authorities. They will be “black-listed” and they can be dismissed or removed or terminated or compulsorily retired, invoking the pmrovisions of above rules, without assigning any cogent or specific reason.

10.    To make the above observations more clear, I am citing below the cases of two Central Government employees who became victims of these black laws.  First is the case of a Railway employee, Com.R.K.Unnikrishnan, who was working as Station Superintendent at Manjeswar Railway Station in Kasaragod District of Kerala State.  Com: Unnikrishnan was compulsorily retired from service in August 2019, at the age of 57 years under the provisions of Railway rules which is a replica of FR 56(j), (l) and Pension Rulles 48, without giving him time even to breath, by paying him salary for three months along with compulsory retirement orders, and relieved on the spot from service.  I have personally verified all the service records including APAR grading of Com: Unnikrishnan. All the bench mark gradings in the APAR are “good”. Further, Com: Unnikrishnan was awarded with “Certificatre of Merit for meritorious service” for three times by the same Railway authorities.

        Eventhough Com: Unnikrishnan’s performance as a Railway employee was outstanding and his devotion to duty was never questioned, he was an active trade union activist.  He used to question and raise his voice against the misuse of power, corruption and other illegal activities of some of the authorities. Hence he became a headache for the authorities and they decided to get rid of him invoking the provisions of the above rules.  The axe of compulsory retirement fell on his neck and he was silenced.

11.    Second case is that of Com: S.C.Jain, the then Circle Secretary of All India Postal Employees Union Group-C, Madhya Pradesh State.  He was a leader of National Federation of Postal Employees (NFPE) and Confederation of Central Government Employees and Workers. In 2012, one fine morning, Com.Jain was served with a three months show-cause notice for premature retirement under pension Rules 48 by the Postal authorities.  I was Secretary General of NFPE at that time and I went to Bhopal immediately and met the Chief Postmaster General (CPMG) and discussed the case with him. The CPMG was angry and he declared that “as long as I am sitting in this chair as Chief PMG, Jain will not be allowed to continue in service”.  When I asked him what is reason for such an extreme step, he told that Com: Jain is organising frequently agitational programmes against the Circle administration and recently during the agitation of Postmen Staff, he conducted a press conference and criticised the stand of CPMG. This was widely reported in all leading news papers and thereby tarnished the image of the CPMG among the public.  As CPMG was very adamant, I returned to New Delhi and met the Secretary, Department of Posts. Secretary, Posts, assured that the appeal (representation) of Com: Jain before the Representation Committee will be considered dispassionately and on merits. In the CR/ACR/APAR of Com: Jain, there was not even a single adverse entry. The one and the only reason noted by the Review Committee in their findings was that Com: Jain was a habitual striker and he went on more than 30 days strike during his entire carrier, thus indulging in an act of unbecoming of a Government servant, Later on, due to the efforts of NFPE, Com: Jain’s show cause notice for compulsory retirement was set aside and withdrawn by the Representation Committee.


    The Central Government is going ahead with implementation of pro-corporate and anti-working class neo-liberal reforms in an aggressive manner.  All sections of the working class and peasants are on struggle path. Central Government employees are no exception. Large scale outsourcing, ban on creation of posts, non-filling up of about seven lakhs vacancies, move to corporatise Railways, defence ordnance factories and Department of Posts, Privatisation of various functions of the Government, freezing and impounding of Dearness Allowance and Dearness Relief, closure or merger of various Central Government establishments, refusal to scrap Contributory Pension Scheme (NPS) or to guarantee 50% of last pay drawn as minimum pension, refusal to modify retrograde recommendations of 7th Central Pay Commission, non-implementation of the assurance given to JCM (staff side) leaders by the Group of Ministers regarding increase in Minimum Pay and Fitment formula, rejecting the demand of granting Civil Servant status to Gramin Dak Sevaks and also regularisation of Casual and Contract Workers - all these are the direct outcome of the neo-liberal reforms.  All these measures have provoked the Central Government employees and their anger, protest and discontentment is growing day by day. Defence Employees Federations have served indefinite strike notice. Railway Unions are joining together and campaigning against the Railway privatisation. Other section including Postal employees are also on struggle path under the banner of Confederation of Central Government Employees and Workers.

        Government want to silence the employees and workers by terrorising them and want to suppress their struggles by victimising those who come out openly against these onslaughts.  The aggressive move of the Government to suppress and alter labour rights legislations is a direct attack on the democratic rights of the working class. The draconian rules FR 56(j), FR56(l) and Rule 48 of CCS (Pension) Rules 1972 are powerful weapons in the hands of the Government to terrorise the employees and to make the higher level officers “more loyal than the king”.  This is why Confederation of Central Government Employees & Workers and like-minded, organisations are demanding scrapping of these draconian rules and democratisation of other service ruiles.

        While vowing to continue our fight against these black laws, we like to remind the authorities in clear terms that - “you can destroy a few roses, but you cannot prevent the onset of spring”.




FORM NO. 15G [See section 197A(1), 197A(1A) and rule 29C] PART I

Declaration under section 197A(1) and section 197A(1A) of the Incometax Act, 1961 to be made by an individual or a person (not being a company or firm) claiming certain receipts without deduction of tax

Download Form 15G


FORM NO. 15H[See section 197A(1C) and rule 29C(1A)]PARTI


Declaration under section 197A(1C) of the Incometax Act, 1961 to be made by an individual who is of the age of sixty years or more claiming certain receipts without deduction of tax.

Download Form 15H




Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions

Rules relaxed for divorced daughters to receive Family Pension: Dr. Jitendra Singh 

Posted On: 26 SEP 2020 6:24PM by PIB Delhi 

Rules have been relaxed for divorced daughters to receive Family Pension and now a daughter will be entitled to receive the Family Pension even if the divorce had not finally taken place but the divorce petition had been filed by her during the lifetime of her deceased parent employee/pensioner.

Disclosing this while briefing the media about some of the important reforms brought in by the Department of Pension and Pensioners’ Welfare, Union Minister of State (Independent Charge) Development of North Eastern Region (DoNER), MoS PMO, Personnel, Public Grievances, Pensions, Atomic Energy and Space, Dr Jitendra Singh said that the earlier Rule provided for payment of Family Pension to a divorced daughter only if the divorce had taken place during the lifetime of deceased parent pensioner or his spouse. The new circular will not only bring ease in the life of pension receiving individuals but also ensure respectable and equitable rights for the divorced daughters in the society.

Orders have also been issued for grant of Family Pension to a Divyang child or sibling even if the Disability Certificate is produced after the death of the pensioner parent but the disability had occurred before the death of the parents. Similarly, to bring ease of living for the Divyang pensioners, Dr Jitendra Singh said, the Attendant Allowance for the helper has been increased from Rs. 4,500 per month to Rs..6,700 per month. 

Dr Jitendra Singh said, one of the most noteworthy initiatives taken by the Pension Department is with regard to the Digital Life Certificate. Keeping in view the difficulty faced by the senior citizens who have gone and settled abroad with their children after retirement, he said, circular has been brought out on Consolidated Instructions on Life Certificate and commencement of Family Pension for those living abroad vide which the concerned Bank Branch abroad and the Indian Embassy/ Consulate/High Commission have been instructed to provide Life Certificate and commencement of Family Pension there itself. 

At the same time, Dr Jitendra Singh said, all Pension Disbursing Banks have been instructed to provide doorstep Life Certificate to those pensioners who are unable to visit the bank.