Thursday, June 30, 2011


Dear Comrades!

The high level talks on 27th June also failed because of the adamant attitude of the Secretary Postal Board, who is bent upon implementing all negative recommendations of McKinsey that are aimed at destruction of Indian Postal Services.

We are ready to compromise on anything but not on our livelihood and the existence of our Postal and RMS Services.

The total unity of Postal Workers under the banner of Postal JCA shall have to go on indefinite strike to defend the Postal and RMS Services from further deterioration and destruction.

Whatevet may be the attacks let loose by the Postal Administration and the Government, let us stand united and come forward to sacrifice to protect our services.

The McKinsey has to go!
The plan to abolish RMS should stop!
The idea of reducing the Speed Hubs should go!
The order to abolish 10,000 Post Offices shall be cancelled!
The retrograde idea to create Delivery Hubs by abolishing hundres of Delivery Post Offices shall be given up!
The intention to outsource our functions shall be retraced!
We want to live and we want our Postal Services live longer -

Let us show our might for for winning Justice.

- Ishwar Singh Dabas General Secretary

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