Tuesday, July 26, 2011


            The Latest developments on some strike charters are finished hereunder for the consumption of our members.

          Orders on officiating pay in higher posts – ordered are placed for          signing will be released within two days.

    Orders to recommend grant and relief up to 3 days EL to Head Postmasters – will be released tomorrow or day after tomorrow.

    Order to bring staff on Sundays & holidays – orders issued last week itself. Copy could not be obtained today. Will be exhibited after its receipt.

    Revision of Recruitment Rules to Group D – Draft has been approved and will be notified by amendments to recruitment rules.

    Two more chances to appear LGO exam for those exhausted six chances – instead of two more chances, the file has been placed for enhancement of six chances to eight chances. Since the explained the urgency for its implementation in the notified LGO exam, it is assured to released the orders before the end of this month.

    It is informed that the revision of postman recruitment Rules for Postmen will be finalized by considering the number of candidates passed in the proposed postmen examination.

 Orders for dropping the confirmation examination –The draft on orders has been placed for approval.

  Revised Recruitment Rules for Postal Assistants – As per the RR 2002, there are 49 Categories eligible to appear the exam and most of the categories are not in existence. Now the existence of the category is being processed and the recruitment rules will be finalized.

                  (i) All the outsider candidates' secured 60% marks will be allowed to    appear the PA recruitment examination.

                  (ii) Unfilled LGO vacancies will be thrown open to GDS without any mark        condition.

   Revised Recruitment Rules for HSG I – The Staff Selection Commission have raised some queries which have been replied. It is expected that the HSG I Recruitment Rules will be returned from SSC within a week or fortnight, 100% HSG I posts for general line has been already incorporated in the revised recruitment rules.

    Postmaster's cadre Grade III will be filled up regularly only after the approval of HSG-I Recruitment Rules since the seniority to the existing HSG-I Officials on adhoc basis shall be given seniority in the newly formed cadre.

         Appearing PH candidates for IPO exam – now the department has approved for allotment of vacancies for PH candidates in IPO exam and the file will be sent to social welfare Department for information and formal approval.

    MACP fixation on acquiring TBOP/BCR – orders have been issued.

    Cadre Restructuring Committee – we could not meet the concerned Director (SR) informed that it will be convened shortly.

    Separate cadre for PO & RMS Accountants, will be sorted out in the committee.

    We requested to expedite the release of tenure posting conditions imposed on the single handed SPMs.

    Cash handling point to GDS – Proposal for formation of a committee has been initiated to review and implement the decision.

   Protection of TRCA – File has been submitted to Finance (IFW)

    Grant of Special Allowance to all irrespective of MACP I, II, or III – the IFW sought linking of old files and files have been submitted for approval.

    Treasury Allowance – File has been submitted to IFW.

    Director (SR) told that he is processing the case of allotment of staff quarter with reference to old orders related to post attached quarters and will finalise the shortly.

            In respect of other issues, we could not take follow up action today and will process further after returning from Lucknow Federal Executive (i.e.) on 28.07.2011.


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