Friday, September 2, 2011


No. Confd-17/2011                                               31st August 2011

Dear Comrades

            Kindly see the minutes of the meeting of Steering Committee on PFRDA Bill held on 29th Augst 2011, posted in the website.

            The Secretariat appeals to every state Committee to take initiative for the successful implementation of the decisions of the steering committee meeting on 29th August 2011 i.e.

1.       Formation of joint committee in every station with the units of the participating organisations in the Steering Committee viz. AISGEF, Confederation of Central Govt employees and Workers, AIRF, STFI, AIDEF, NFIR, BSNLEU, AIFUCTO, BCPC & NCCPA.

2.       Prepare and mobilise for the Raj Bhawan march on 6th Sept 2011 – under the banner of the joint committee

3.       Conducting Conventions where ever not held. The date of the Convention may be intimated to Confederation HQr so that one Secretariat member could be deputed to attend the convention.

4.       Start signature campaign – by involving all the membership and through them the people at large.

Every member may be asked to collect signatures from his/her family members and from the people at large in their locality.

The signature campaign in public places like railway stations, hospitals etc may be done under the banner of joint committee of the station.

5.       Prepare and mobilise for the March to Parliament on 29th November 2011. The quota for each affiliate is given elsewhere in this circular. The Confederation State Committees has to ensure that the quota given to them be met.

6.       Educate the membership on the perils of the PFRDA Bill and prepare them for a two-hour demonstration on the day the bill is taken up for consideration by the Parliament.

            Every State Committee may send a detailed report on the steps taken by them on the above decisions.


            Each of the affiliate of Confederation may mobilise as per the quota given below.

             NFPE – 7500, ITEF- 1000, Audit-1000, NFAEEA-500, Civil Accounts-250, Ground Water Board-150, Central Secretariat-100, All other affiliates- 50 each.

            The State Committees of Confederation may take necessary steps to co-ordinate at the field level so as to ensure that each affiliate do send personnel as per the quota.

            Delhi and nearly by states of Delhi viz Rajasthan, MP, UP, Haryana and Punjab (Chandigarh included) will be given the quotas separately.


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