Monday, December 12, 2011


Dear Comrades,

                                    Dated: 10th December, 2011 

            Placed hereunder is the Statement dated 2.12.2011 issued by the Central Trade Unions calling upon all Federations/Associations/Unions to organize a day's strike on 28.02.2012. The National Council of the Confederation which is slated to meet at Ernakulam on 16th December, 2011 will discuss as to how best we would be able to organize the Central Government employees to participate in the proposed strike action. All National Council members are requested to make it convenient to attend the meeting without fail.  

With greetings,

Yours fraternally,

Sd/- K.K.N. Kutty





          The Central Trade Unions, in a meeting congratulated the mass at the working people for their massive response TO the programme of countrywide Jail Bharo (Satyagraha) of 8* November 2011 jointly organized by Central and other Trade Unions of India.

            The Central Trade Unions also convey their appreciation to the- independent All India Federations of the employees and workers for their active wholehearted Support to the call of countrywide Satyagraha/Jail Bharo.

            The Central Trade Unions noted with serious concern that despite several rounds of united protests by the entire trade union movement of the country, the Govt has remained  totally unresponsive to major concerns of the working people Rather anti-people moves are being taken to further aggravate the rise in prices through frequent hike in power tariff, urea etc., besides complete decontrol of petrol prices.  Existing labour rights including right to form union are sought to be curbed and social security and pension are under attack through various legislative and administrative moves. Mass scale contractorisation of the regular work Is continuing in all the workplaces inducing in PSUs and Govt. establishments, Contract workers are not being paid in most of the places even the statutory minimum wages Disinvestment of shares of Public Sector Units Is being actively pushed through by the Govt.  to facilitate phased privatization of the highly profit-making PSUs .

            The Central Trade Unions also expressed serious concern over the flaring up of the rampant corruption all around and huge black-money-generation in the economy resulting In widespread popular discontent and disgust over the Issue of corruption. The CTUOs demand concrete legislative and administrative measures and change in the economic policy regime to eradicate and prevent corruption and bring back the black money stashed abroad.

            The Central Trade Unions reiterate the most pressing demands of the workers highlighted by the Jail Bharo/Stayagraha agitation on 8th November 2011:

            While reiterating the five point demands formulated jointly by the Central Trade Unions and Federations for 1} concrete measures to contain price rise 2) concrete measures for linkage of employment protection with the concession/incentive package offered to the entrepreneurs, 3) Strict enforcement of all basic labour laws without any exception or exemption and stringent punitive measures for violation of labour laws. 4) Universal social security cover for the unorganized sector workers without any restriction and

            Creation  of a National Social Security Fund with adequate resources in line with the  recommendation, of NCEUS and Parliamentary Standing Committees on Labour, Stoppage of disinvestment in Central and State PSUs, the  Central Trade Unions also demand immediate  action  by the Govt. of India to en sure:-

            1) No Contractorisatlon of work of permanent/perennial nature and payment of wages and benefits to the contract workers at the same rate as available to the regular workers of the Industry/establishment

            2) Amendment   of Minimum   Wages   Act   to   ensure   universal coverage irrespective of the schedules and fixation of statutory minimum wage a not less than Rs 10,000/-,

            3) Remove the ceilings on payment and eligibility of Bonus, Provident Fund; Increase the quantum of gratuity.

            4) Assured Pension for all.

            5) Compulsory registration of trade unions within a period of 45 days and immediate ratification of ILO conventions 67 and 96.

            To press for the above demands, the Central Trade Unions decided to observe countrywide genera! strike on 28th February, 2012

            The Central Trade Unions also urge upon their state committees and all the trade unions irrespective of affiliations to hold state wise and Industry wise conventions and launch immediately other forms of joint campaigns to make the countrywide general strike on 28th February, 2012 a total success.

            The Central Trade Unions call upon mass of toiling people end their organizations irrespective of affiliations to join the call for general strike enmasse throughout the country.




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