Tuesday, December 27, 2011



CIRCULAR No. 24   Dated: 24.12.2011                                                                                                                                                    

Dear Comrades,


National Council meeting and decisions.


                The National Council meeting as scheduled was held at Gananam Hotel Conference hall, Ernakulam, Kochi, Kerala on 16th December, 2011.  The National Council was inaugurated by Com. P. Rajiv, M.P. and was presided over by Com. Narasimhan, Vice President.  The meeting commenced with observance of two minutes silence to condole the death of comrades who passed away during the period between December, 2010 and December, 2011. The meeting specially moved and adopted a resolution to condole the death of Com. M.K. Pandhe, Member of the Polit bureau of CPI (M) and former General Secretary and President of CITU. 


                Com. Secretary General presented a brief report to the Council meeting touching upon the events of importance both at national and international arena. He also submitted a work report for the consideration of the house.  Decisions taken at the meeting on various agenda items are briefly as under:


           Agenda Item Nos 1 to 4. These agenda issues were discussed together.  The following were the conclusions.


(a)    Review of 25th March to Parliament Programme and the signature campaign


          The meeting evaluated the participation of CGE in the programme as very good.  It however felt that had some State Committees and the affiliates taken a little more efforts to comply with the quota fixed, the target could have been achieved.  The campaign for eliciting the participation of large number of comrades from nearby stations in Delhi had not been properly undertaken.


          Reviewing the efforts undertaken by the affiliates and state Committees in the matter of signature cam0paign, the meeting decided to record its disappointment over the laxity in the matter shown by many affiliates and State Committees.   The Council praised  the endeavour of the Kerala State Committee in the matter as that State alone accounted for almost 1/3rd of the total 3.5 lakhs signatures collected.



(b)   Subscription: The Secretary General informed the house that no improvement has been registered in the matter of remittance of subscription to CHQ by the affiliates.  He assured to present the receipt and payment position since the last conference to the next National executive.  The non-payment of subscription, he added, had a cascading effect in as much as the decision to start a journal, to effect intensive campaign on demands amongst the mass of the employees, the setting up of District level Committees etc., could not be implemented.  The Council asked the Sectt. to get in touch with each affiliate to ensure remittance.


(c)    Com. R.P. Singh informed the house that the Maharashtra State Committee will try to host the next Conference at Mumbai.  No final decision in the matter could be taken at the Council.


(d)   The Council felt that the charter of demands must be pursued with action programmes.  However, taking into account the fact that the Central Trade Unions have decided to organise a day's strike on 28th Feb. 2012, the National Sectt. of the Confederation was authorised to chalk out campaign programme to popularise the demands and organise agitational programmes culminating in a day's strike action  in the monsoon session of the Parliament (i.e. July- August, 2012). The earlier decision to organise a massive march to Parliament on the charter of demands was reiterated.  The date will be finalised by the National Sectt.   The campaign on the charter of demands will commence after 28th Feb. 2012. 


(e)   The Steering Committee's decision to organise two hour walk out and demonstration on the next day of the taking up the PFRDA Bill in the Parliament was reiterated.  It was also decided that campaign on the ill effects of the Bill must be brought to the notice of all MPs and they may be requested to oppose the Bill.   Taking into account the unanimous decision of the Standing Committee to incorporate a minimum guaranteed pension, the Council decided to emphasise that the Central Government employees must be ensured with the guarantee of Minimum pension of 50% of the last pay drawn, family pension benefit and such other facilities as are presently available. 


Agenda Item No. 5.


Participation in the ensuing strike action on 28th Feb. 2012.


          The Council unanimously endorsed the decision of the Central Trade Unions to organise a day's strike action on 28th Feb. 2012 and a resolution was adopted to call upon all CGEs organisations affiliated to Confederation to take strenuous efforts to ensure the participation of all members in the strike action on 28th Feb. 2012.





Agenda Item No. 6, National anomaly committee - Secretary General informed the council that the National Anomaly Committee is slated to meet on 5th Jan. 2012.  He however, informed the members that no settlement on serious issues is likely to come out in the said meeting. 


 Agenda Item No.7


          The Council adopted a resolution to be submitted to the Cabinet Secretary demanding the revival of the functioning of the Departmental Councils of Various Ministries.


          Another resolution was adopted to extend the solidarity and support of the Confederation to the Postal Employees who have decided under the auspices of the Joint Council of Action of Postal organisations to embark upon indefinite strike in Jan. 2012 for the Postal Board did not honour the commitment made earlier especially in the matter of closure of RMS offices as per the suggestion of the McKenzie Committee report.


          The Council decided to deplore through a resolution the terror attacks on T.U. Activists going on in West Bengal after the last general election. 


          The Council also adopted a resolution demanding grant of regular recognition to NFPE enabling it to be represented in the NC of JCM.


                The Kerala State Committee had made excellent arrangements for the conduct of the Council meeting and for the stay of the Council members.  On behalf of the National Secretariat Com. KV Sreedharan, Vice President, Confederation profusely thanked the State Committee and the volunteer comrades who made it possible.  Com PG Saseendran, Secretary, Ernakulam District Committee of Confederation offered vote of thanks.


                With greetings,


Yours fraternally,


Secretary General

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