Monday, April 16, 2012

Awake! Arise!! Unite comrades!!
Rally round nfpe
Dear Comrades,

            History has its shown course.  Nobody can prevent it. 

            The Gramin Dak Sevaks (GDS) Union was formed in the year 1999 by NFPE with the guidance and blessings of Com. K.Adinarayana, the Legendary Leader who scarified his whole life for the emancipation of GDS.  But the union was hijacked by a group of persons who are totally against NFPE and thus Com. Adi and NFPE was cheated.  They even prevented the GDS employees from shouting the slogan - “NFPE ZINDABAD”.  They looted the GDS money in lakhs and crores.  They purchased flats and buildings.  All the benefits achieved by the NFPE through continuous struggle was snatched away by the Government one by one during the period from 1999 to 2011.  Sufferings of the GDS increased but the ‘anti-NFPE group” could not do anything.  Neros were fiddling when the Rome was burning.  They continued to blame NFPE for their inefficiency.  They published open letters in their journal challenging the NFPE leadership. 

            Through money power and muscle power this “anti-NFPE group” tried to silence all those who questioned the leadership and those protested were sent out of the union in a most undemocratic manner and adhoc-committees were appointed dismissing the duly elected bodies.  Even in the All India Conference, GDS delegates who contested against the leadership were not allowed to contest and were brutally attacked and thrown out  from the conference hall.

            It is at this juncture, the majority of the GDS delegates who attended the All India Conference held at Amaravathi decided to shape their own destiny.  The new union of the GDS called “All India Postal Employees Union GDS (NFPE)” was formed on 7th April 2012 by the majority of the delegates.  Thus the broken link of GDS with NFPE is restored after a long gap of twelve (12) years.  Those black days are over.  Once again the GDS are going to march forward under the banner of NFPE.  We shall fight together for the cause of GDS.  We shall fight against the Govt. which is totally unsympathetic towards the three lakhs Gramin Dak Sevaks.

            In this joint struggle we shall abide by the great traditions of Com. Tarapada Mukherjee, Dada Ghosh, K.G.Bose, N.J.Iyer and Com. Adinarayana. Com: Adi, who fought many a battle for the emancipation of GDS shall be our guiding spirit and the mighty National Federation of Postal Employees (NFPE) shall be our hope and inspiration.

            We shall restore the pride and honour of three lakhs Gramin Dak Sevaks.  We shall unleash series of struggle including strike exclusively for realisation of the GDS demands.  We shall restore our past fighting tradition and the glory of GDS.


            On this occasion of launching the new website for the GDS, NFPE extend its warm greetings to the three lakhs Gramin Dak Sevaks.

            Let us march ahead with determination.
            Victory shall be ours.
            Yours sincerely,
            Secretary General,
            National Federation of Postal
New Delhi,     Employees (NFPE)
       10-04-2012.        New Delhi. 

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