Thursday, August 16, 2012


Confederation  Circular  No. Conf/   14 /2012 Dated: 14.08.2012

Dear Comrade,
4TH SEPTEMBER, 2012-08-14

                The meeting of the representatives of the eleven Central Trade Unions held at the BMS Head Quarters on 11thJuly, 2012 adopted a resolution to call upon the Indian Working Class to intensify the united battle to higher form to force the Government to change its economic policies, which had been the prime cause for the higher level of inflation in the economy and pauperisation of workers.  The Central Trade Unions which sent in their representatives to participate in the July meeting were the CITU, AITUC, INTUC, BMS, HMS, AIUTUC, TUCC, ATCCTU, UTUC, LPF and SEWA.

                In order to decide upon a massive Trade Union action, the meeting has decided to convene a National Workers Convention at Talkatora Stadium, New Delhi on 4th September, 2012.   Confederation has been asked to deploy delegates to participate in the said convention.

                It is decided that the Central Govt. employees who had been participating in the strike action since 1992must participate in the convention in large numbers.  Accordingly, the affiliates and the State Committees are requested to depute the office bearers to attend the convention on 4th September, at New Delhi, besides the members of the National Sectt. of the Confederation CHQ..  On 5th September, 2012, the National Sectt. will meet at the CHQ to consider as to how best the programmes of actions chalked out by the Convention could be carried out.  The meeting will also discuss the ongoing campaign programme to make the ensuing 12th December, 2012 strike a grand success, which is being organised by the Confederation in pursuance of the 15 Point charter of demands.


                The CHQ received two suggestions, one from the President and the other from the Working President after the campaign programme was placed on the website.  Both the suggestions had been placed on the website.  We hope that all must have gone through these proposals. In acceptance of the suggestions we request that the State Committees will make it certain that the State Conventions as and when it is organised will have the presence of theoffice bearers of the State Units of the affiliate besides the State Committee members of the Confederation and all the District and Divisional / Branch Secretaries of all affiliated unions.  No doubt the active comrades of the station in which the convention is held must form part of the participants in the convention.  All the affiliates of the Confederation are requested to convene a meeting of their decision making fora viz. The National Executive or the National Sectt. as the case may be in the month of October or  November, 2012 to review the preparation for the strike action on 12th December, 2012.  The Confederation CHQ may be informed of the date of such meeting so as to enable us to depute one of the Sectt. members to participate and interact with the comrades who would be attending such meetings.  The meeting so convened by the affiliates, as Com. President has indicated will   give an opportunity to review the efforts so far made to make the strike successful and take corrective steps wherever deficiencies had crept in. 

                The Sectt. is preparing a pamphlet to explain in detail each of the 15 demands, the realisation  for  which the strike is organised.

                With greetings,
Yours  fraternally

Secretary General

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