Wednesday, October 31, 2012

No. A-34012/01/2012-DE
Government of India
Ministry of Communications &IT
Department of Posts,
(DE Section)

Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg. 
New Delhi-110116           
Dated 19th   October, 2012      

 1.       All Chief Postmasters General,      
 2.       All Postmasters General,      


           I am directed to invite a kind reference  to the letter of even number dated 8-10-2012 wherein a detailed schedule was  prescribed for holding of LDCE for Postmen/Mail guard and MTS      

 2.     Subsequently, the nodal branch staff  section vide letter no. no. 45-2/2011-SPB.1 dated 18-10-2012 issued detailed  instructions to the circles for filling the vacancies by holding separate examinations  for each year vacancies and given specific schedule and to complete the process  by 30th  June 2013.      

 3. In view of this revised position, the schedule given by DE section has no more operative and the instructions dated 8-10-2012 is withdrawn with immediate effect. The circles are requested to follow the guidelines issued by SPB.1 section letter no. 45-2/2011-SPB.1 dated 18-10-2012 scrupulously.      

 4.   This issues with the approval of Competent Authority.      

     Yours faithfully,      
 (K.Rameswara Rao)      
Assistant Director General (DE)      

Thursday, October 25, 2012



                   The GDS strike of Mahadeviah group ended on 22.10.2012.  In fact it was fizzled out.  Eventhough from 16.10.2012 onwards the leaders claimed 100% participation in all circles, the truth was entirely different.  Out of 22 circles, in 10 circles it was less than 5% and 6 circles only less than 10% of the Gramin Dak Sevaks went on strike.  In the remaining six circles it varied from 12% to 27% of the GDS. All India average of the strike is 18.1% of the total GDS.  This is the real picture of the strike.  All other claims are false and naked lies.  The percentage came down day-by-day and on 22nd the All India average was only 5% of the total of about three lakhs GDS.  Thus the strike fizzled out without any settlement.  (Those who have doubt about the figures can get it under RTI from all Circles and verify the truth).  Senior officers of the Department including Secretary, Department of Posts, Member (Personnel) and Minister Communications and Minister of State for Communications also rejected the request of the leaders for a last minute face-saving settlement.
                   NFPE has not made any adverse comment or statement against the strike or against the false claim of the leaders regarding All India Strike percentage, eventhough the Mahadevaiah group spread canards against NFPE and its leaders before the strike and also during the strike.  If NFPE had put it in its website the actual percentage of the strike in each circle, the strike would have fizzled out in the second day itself.  But NFPE never wants to break any strike, whether percentage is less or large.  Breaking the strike is not the tradition of NFPE.  So we tolerated every malicious attack against NFPE and its leaders till the strike is over.  Even now, while exposing the lies and hidden agenda of the Mahadevaiah group, we respect the sentiments of the GDS who participated in the strike without knowing the evil designs of the leadership.  We hope that those GDS who are misguided by the leaders, shall join the united struggle of the Central Govt. Employees on 12th December 2012 and also join the united movement of the Postal Employees led by National Federation of Postal Employees.
                   Everybody knows that the attack against the Postal Employees, whether it is GDS regularization or New Postal Policy 2012, is due to the neo-liberal economic policies pursued by the Central Government.  To fight against these policies, the largest unity of the employees and workers is the need of the hour.  Other than united struggle there is no shortcut.  When NFPE is trying to build up such a united struggle, unfortunately everytime the Mahadevaiah group is trying to break the unity at any cost.  During 2008 when NFPE and all its affiliated unions decided to go on indefinite strike from 06.01.2009, against the retrograde recommendations of the Natarajamurthy Committee, Mahadevaiah gave a call for indefinite strike from 17.12.2008, i.e.,  20 days ahead of the joint strike of NFPE.  Now again, due to our efforts when all the employees unitedly decided to go on strike on 12th December 2012, in which GDS demand is also one of the main demands, Mahadevaiah gave another sudden indefinite strike call from 16.10.2012.  He is playing in the hands of the ruling class and deliberately trying to break the unity among the departmental employees and Gramin Dak Sevaks.  The leader is behaving as an agent of the Government and poor GDS are the victims.  GDS are not going to be benefited by such sectarian strike.  Realising this majority of the GDS refused to join the ill-motivated strike this time.
                   On 10.05.2012, Sri. Mahadevaiah made following comments in his signed circular, copy of which is available with us:-  “The AIPEDEU is the single largest Postal Union, larger than all other Postal organisations, including NFPE......  They are afraid of AIPEDEU” (!!!).  When somebody claims that I am bigger than everyone else and all are afraid of me, we can imagine the mindset of such a person.  NFPE leaders will never make such egoistic statements.  Again in another circular which was circulated among the GDS throughout the country without putting name, the following derogatory and insulting comments are made against the legendary leader of the Postal Trade Union movement Late Com: K.Adinarayana - “Nobody including the great person repeatedly mentioned as the messiah of Postal workers including EDAs could even stir.  What was he doing?”  Thus it is very clear that the intention of Mahadevaiah is to project himself above all the leaders of the Postal Trade Union movement right from Tarapada to Adinarayana.  In fact he was elected in the year 1999 and became the General Secretary of the only recognised Union with the help of Com. Adinarayana and NFPE.  But after 1999, there was no gain for GDS, eventhose benefits achieved by NFPE through several years of struggle upto 1999, was taken away by the Government during  the tenure of Mahadevaiah.  He continued his attack against NFPE.  His number one enemy is NFPE.  This time the leader thought he can score through making it a fragmented game.  He want to avoid larger unity of entire Postal employees (Departmental and GDS) and also he want to avoid NFPE as he thought that if he join the joint struggle with NFPE he cannot become the hero.  He wanted to play one-upmanship over NFPE.
                   Naturally those who loved NFPE said “goodbye” to such a leader who is undemocratic, anti-NFPE, egoistic and decided to form separate GDS Union called AIPEU-GDS (NFPE) declaring themselves that they will work under the banner of NFPE and will be a part and parcel of NFPE.  NFPE decided to give associate membership to the new GDS Union led by Com. Panduranga Rao.  After formation of the new NFPE GDS Union Gramin Dak Sevaks of majority of the Circles joined the new union enbloc.  Remaining circles also GDS stated deserting Mahadevaiah group in a big way and joined NFPE GDS Union.  The very existence of the so-called recognised union was challenged due to the mass-scale exodus of the GDS.  Even in Karnataka which is the home-circle of the leader, 60% of the GDS joined the new union.  (Anybody can collect the strike percentage of Karnataka Circle under RTI and verify the fact).  It is at this moment the leader decided to declare a sudden strike from 16.10.2012 for his own existence and to prevent remaining GDS from deserting him.  But majority of the GDS realised his hidden agenda and refused to join the ill-motivated strike.  That is why the strike fizzled out and ended without any settlement.
                   NFPE calls upon the entire Postal Employees including Gramin Dak Sevaks to draw lessons from this fragmented strike and guard against those elements who are trying to break the unity of Postal employees again and again by spreading hatred among Departmental employees and Gramin Dak Sevaks.  Let us defeat such forces of destruction and unite together under the banner of our great organisation, National Federation of Postal Employees.  Let us strengthen the new GDS Union, AIPEU-GDS (NFPE) and ensure cent per cent unity among all Postal employees.  Let us work unitedly to make the historic strike of 12 December 2012 a grand success.
                   Remember, we are fighting against the anti-people, anti-working class policies of the Central Government.  Only a class oriented militant trade union like NFPE can alone build the unity of the entire Postal Workers and lead such a struggle in the Postal department.  Fragmented strike will create disunity and disappointment and will weaken the striking potential of the Postal employees and ultimately the Govt. will take advantage of it.  Our enemy is the ruling class and all the toiling masses are our comrades-in-arms in the struggle against the imperialist neo-liberal globalisation policies of the ruling class.  Let us not allow anybody to break this unity.
* * * * *



Conf/ 17 /2012 Dated: 22.10.2012
 Dear Comrades,

As per the decision of the National Executive as conveyed by our circular letter dated 29th July, 2012, we are to conclude our first phase of campaign programme by September and to commence the second phase in October, 2012. In order to undertake a review of the implementation of this decision, we require a brief report at the CHQ.  The following National Sectt. members were entrusted with the State level campaigns.

Coms. S.K. Vyas, K. Raghavendran, Mani Achary, K.V. Sridharan, M. Krishnan, K.P. Rajagopal, Somayya, Doraipanbdian, K.K.N. Kutty, Narasimhan, Giriraj Singh, Vrigu Bhattacharya, M.S. Raja,Ashok Kanojia, Ashok Salunkhe and Jayaraj, Pijush Roy and Nageswara Rao. 

The Sectt.  members are requested to kindly send in a brief report of the tour undertaken and the campaign conducted immediately on receipt of this letter to enable us to undertake a review of the progress in the matter.
We reproduce the relevant portion from our circular letter dated 29th July, 2012 about the action programme decided upon for the month of November, 2012.

1.       19th November, 2012.  Serving Strike notice to all Heads of Departmebnts/offices.
2.       20th to 23rd Evening Dharna between 17 to 21 hours.
3.       Organise vehicle jathas  in District capitals.

The following comrades will undertake a brief review meeting in each State Capitals with the participation of the State Committee members and active workers during the 3rd and 4th week of November, 2012.  The Comrades may fix the date in consultation with the State Committees.

                Com. S.K. Vyas: Delhi, Shimla and Chandigarh.
                Com. Narasimhan. Hyderabad
                Com.K.P. Rajagopal: Bhubanbeswar, Ranchi and Jaipur
     Com. K.K.N. Kutty. Agarthala, , Raipur, Nagpur, Dehradun, Lucknow and
                Com. M.S. Raja.  Mumbai. Guwahati, Ahamedbad, Shillong, and Bhopal.
                Com. M.Krishnan, Trivandrum and Bangalore.
                Com. Pijush Roy. Kolkata and Patna.

Since only a month and half is left, the State Committees are requested to intensify the campaign programme and send periodical reports over phone to the undersigned.

With greetings,

Yours fraternally,

K.K.N. Kutty
Secretary General.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

No P-IV/CHQ/Circular/2012                                                         Dated 17th October 2012
            The CHQ Office Bearers,
Circle Secretaries/Divisional Secretaries/Branch Secretaries.

Dear Comrade,
First of all the undersigned is happy to inform you that our very pious and religious festivals like DUSHEHRA,  DURGA POOJA , ID, DEWALI, CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR, are approaching very near and for that I wish you very happy and prosperous in all spheres of your life and all your family members as well.
1.  Financial position of NFPE: As regards financial position, there is huge decline for receipt of quota resulting difficult to meet day to day expenditure.  If situation remains, the financial position will go from bad to worse.  In this situation it is advised to donate Rs 10/- per member on payment of bonus /DA.  This would help to augment financial position.  Despite this all divisional secretaries are requested to remit their arrear and regular quota so that financial position could be bridged up to a great extent.
2.  Financial position of CHQ: Now it is mentioned that the CHQ has to meet the unexpected expenditures on: POSTMEN Ki AWAZ ( Heavy exp. on postage due to non-registration, Strike tour programme in connection with one day token strike on 12.12.2012.and Formation of GDS(NFPE) union in all circle, purchase of new Computer for CHQ as Old computer available creates problems in its functions,  Tamilnadu Court Case In order to meet the above unexpected expenditure, CHQ finds difficult to maintain financial position.  To meet such expenditure all members are requested to donate Rs 20/- per head  as special contribution on disbursement of BONUS/DA  which are likely to be disbursed within a week or so.
3.  Filling up vacant posts of Postmen /MTS and allied cadres like Sorting postmen, Mail Overseers, Cash Overseers, Head postmen and L.R staff at the rate of each case against the sanctioned establishment..  Orders have been issued by the DG (Posts) to all Head of the Circles to fill up vacant posts including likely to be vacant upto December 2013.  In this connection all need to be alerted , specially divisional Secretaries/Branch Secretaries  to see whether all the said posts  upto  Dec 2013 have been included for recruitment.  
4. Provisioning of Cycle for all postmen staff by the Department of Posts has been approved.  In this connection Committee including GS as one Member has been approved.  The sample and designed prepared has been approved with some other alterations in the mode.  Next meeting has been proposed to be held on 26.10.2012. It is hoped that new model cycle will be given to the postmen staff during the first week of January 2013.
5. Supreme Court Case: This is regarding grant of pay scale of Rs 3050/- to postmen cadre wef 01.01.1996 instead of 10,10,1997. The case   is lying pending in Supreme Court. As ascertained from the Advocate, the case is likely to be heard in the month of December 2012, which would positively be decided in favour of our postmen staff. The result as and when known will be informed to all concerned/published in our journal.
6. Orders on enhancement of 7% DA (65% to 72%) & Bonus: DA orders have been issued and orders on Bonus are likely to be issued very shortly, i.e., within two or three days.
7. GDS (NFPE): As all are aware that the Old ED Union was no longer working in the interest of their workers. They were laundering the money for nothing but creating tyrannical   and unwarranted situation among the members.  It was working on selfish mottos. In order to get rid of this situation, New GDS(NFPE) union has been formed at Amaravati   In this connection it was unanimously resolved during CWC meeting held on 21 and 22 July 2012. at Trivandrum (Kerala) that all our (P-4) members and specially Divisional Secretaries  will support GDS(NFPE) union and any member who was found supporting old ED union will be dealt under anti union activities.   In order to strengthen GDS(NFPE) union  all members are requested to act accordingly.  NFPE (GDS) union should be supported at all costs.
8. Tamilnadu Court Case: Case of dispute has been resolved/dismissed. Fresh election has been conducted on 04.10.2012 at Chennai under the Presidentship of Com R.Seethalaxmi (Vice-President CHQ).and in the presence of Com D.B Mohanty (Org. Secretary CHQ).. Com. G.Kanan and Com.V.Rajendaran have been elected as Circle President and Circle Secretary respectively.
9. Sale of English Guide: CHQ has published English Guide containing constitution of the union and other rules as also some important  information required in our day to day work.  There is sufficient stock of books.  As such these will be despatched to the Divisional Secretaries by the CHQ on the basis of membership strength.  No Divisional Secretary will return the VPP undelivered.  This may please be noted.
 10. Remittance of Arrear quota: All are directed to clear their arrear of quota within a month otherwise CHQ will be compelled to take action as per our constitution which would be not in the interest of all.  Regular remittance of quota on the basis of membership is highly necessary in order to augment our financial position and avoidance unnecessary correspondence at all levels
11. Strike tour: Strike tour for one day token strike on 12.12.2012 has been given in  NFPE/CHQ website for information of all concerned.  In this connection all are directed to be present  in their station as per date and time published with almost all available staff to  strengthen and  support for successful strike.  This is very important for our further action to achieve goals
. 12. Lengthy Postmen Beats: The matter relating to lengthy beats is lying pending with DG(Posts) as the action regarding actual measurement of beats is not be done by the Divisions approx by all circles.  In this connection, it is advised that all Divisional Secretaries will look into the matter seriously.  In this regard actual measurement of lengthy beats should accurately be measured by the concerned postman with the available help( i.e.Motor Cycle or Scooter etc.).. The details of lengthy beats be submitted to the Divisional Heads with copy to their Circle Secretary for further necessary action with the Head of the Circle.
                                                                                       Comradely yours,
                                                                                       (I. S. Dabas)
                                                                                                           General Secretary



 No P-IV/CHQ/Circular/2012                                                         Dated 17th October 2012

  The CHQ Office Bearers,
Circle Secretaries/Divisional Secretaries/Branch Secretaries.

Dear Comrade,
First of all the undersigned is happy to inform you that our very pious and religious festivals like DUSHEHRA,  DURGA POOJA , ID, DEWALI, CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR, are approaching very near and for that I wish you very happy and prosperous in all spheres of your life and all your family members as well.

1.  Financial position of NFPE: As regards financial position, there is huge decline for receipt of quota resulting difficult to meet day to day expenditure.  If situation remains, the financial position will go from bad to worse.  In this situation it is advised to donate Rs 10/- per member on payment of bonus /DA.  This would help to augment financial position.  Despite this all divisional secretaries are requested to remit their arrear and regular quota so that financial position could be bridged up to a great extent.

2.  Financial position of CHQ: Now it is mentioned that the CHQ has to meet the unexpected expenditures on: POSTMEN Ki AWAZ ( Heavy exp. on postage due to non-registration, Strike tour programme in connection with one day token strike on 12.12.2012.and Formation of GDS(NFPE) union in all circle, purchase of new Computer for CHQ as Old computer available creates problems in its functions,  Tamilnadu Court Case In order to meet the above unexpected expenditure, CHQ finds difficult to maintain financial position.  To meet such expenditure all members are requested to donate Rs 20/- per head  as special contribution on disbursement of BONUS/DA  which are likely to be disbursed within a week or so.

3.  Filling up vacant posts of Postmen /MTS and allied cadres like Sorting postmen, Mail Overseers, Cash Overseers, Head postmen and L.R staff at the rate of each case against the sanctioned establishment..  Orders have been issued by the DG (Posts) to all Head of the Circles to fill up vacant posts including likely to be vacant upto December 2013.  In this connection all need to be alerted , specially divisional Secretaries/Branch Secretaries  to see whether all the said posts  upto  Dec 2013 have been included for recruitment.  

4. Provisioning of Cycle for all postmen staff by the Department of Posts has been approved.  In this connection Committee including GS as one Member has been approved.  The sample and designed prepared has been approved with some other alterations in the mode.  Next meeting has been proposed to be held on 26.10.2012. It is hoped that new model cycle will be given to the postmen staff during the first week of January 2013.
5. Supreme Court Case: This is regarding grant of pay scale of Rs 3050/- to postmen cadre wef 01.01.1996 instead of 10,10,1997. The case   is lying pending in Supreme Court. As ascertained from the Advocate, the case is likely to be heard in the month of December 2012, which would positively be decided in favour of our postmen staff. The result as and when known will be informed to all concerned/published in our journal.

6. Orders on enhancement of 7% DA (65% to 72%) & Bonus: DA orders have been issued and orders on Bonus are likely to be issued very shortly, i.e., within two or three days.

7. GDS (NFPE): As all are aware that the Old ED Union was no longer working in the interest of their workers. They were laundering the money for nothing but creating tyrannical   and unwarranted situation among the members.  It was working on selfish mottos. In order to get rid of this situation, New GDS(NFPE) union has been formed at Amaravati   In this connection it was unanimously resolved during CWC meeting held on 21 and 22 July 2012. at Trivandrum (Kerala) that all our (P-4) members and specially Divisional Secretaries  will support GDS(NFPE) union and any member who was found supporting old ED union will be dealt under anti union activities.   In order to strengthen GDS(NFPE) union  all members are requested to act accordingly.  NFPE (GDS) union should be supported at all costs.

8. Tamilnadu Court Case: Case of dispute has been resolved/dismissed. Fresh election has been conducted on 04.10.2012 at Chennai under the Presidentship of Com R.Seethalaxmi (Vice-President CHQ).and in the presence of Com D.B Mohanty (Org. Secretary CHQ).. Com. G.Kanan and Com.V.Rajendaran have been elected as Circle President and Circle Secretary respectively.

9. Sale of English Guide: CHQ has published English Guide containing constitution of the union and other rules as also some important  information required in our day to day work.  There is sufficient stock of books.  As such these will be despatched to the Divisional Secretaries by the CHQ on the basis of membership strength.  No Divisional Secretary will return the VPP undelivered.  This may please be noted.

 10. Remittance of Arrear quota: All are directed to clear their arrear of quota within a month otherwise CHQ will be compelled to take action as per our constitution which would be not in the interest of all.  Regular remittance of quota on the basis of membership is highly necessary in order to augment our financial position and avoidance unnecessary correspondence at all levels
11. Strike tour: Strike tour for one day token strike on 12.12.2012 has been given in  NFPE/CHQ website for information of all concerned.  In this connection all are directed to be present  in their station as per date and time published with almost all available staff to  strengthen and  support for successful strike.  This is very important for our further action to achieve goals

12. Lengthy Postmen Beats: The matter relating to lengthy beats is lying pending with DG(Posts) as the action regarding actual measurement of beats is not be done by the Divisions approx by all circles.  In this connection, it is advised that all Divisional Secretaries will look into the matter seriously.  In this regard actual measurement of lengthy beats should accurately be measured by the concerned postman with the available help( i.e.Motor Cycle or Scooter etc.).. The details of lengthy beats be submitted to the Divisional Heads with copy to their Circle Secretary for further necessary action with the Head of the Circle.

                                                                                       Comradely yours,

                                                                                       (I. S. Dabas)
                                                                                    General Secretary


 No P-IV/CHQ/Circular/2012                                                         Dated 17th October 2012

  The CHQ Office Bearers,
Circle Secretaries/Divisional Secretaries/Branch Secretaries.

Dear Comrade,
First of all the undersigned is happy to inform you that our very pious and religious festivals like DUSHEHRA,  DURGA POOJA , ID, DEWALI, CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR, are approaching very near and for that I wish you very happy and prosperous in all spheres of your life and all your family members as well.

1.  Financial position of NFPE: As regards financial position, there is huge decline for receipt of quota resulting difficult to meet day to day expenditure.  If situation remains, the financial position will go from bad to worse.  In this situation it is advised to donate Rs 10/- per member on payment of bonus /DA.  This would help to augment financial position.  Despite this all divisional secretaries are requested to remit their arrear and regular quota so that financial position could be bridged up to a great extent.

2.  Financial position of CHQ: Now it is mentioned that the CHQ has to meet the unexpected expenditures on: POSTMEN Ki AWAZ ( Heavy exp. on postage due to non-registration, Strike tour programme in connection with one day token strike on 12.12.2012.and Formation of GDS(NFPE) union in all circle, purchase of new Computer for CHQ as Old computer available creates problems in its functions,  Tamilnadu Court Case In order to meet the above unexpected expenditure, CHQ finds difficult to maintain financial position.  To meet such expenditure all members are requested to donate Rs 20/- per head  as special contribution on disbursement of BONUS/DA  which are likely to be disbursed within a week or so.

3.  Filling up vacant posts of Postmen /MTS and allied cadres like Sorting postmen, Mail Overseers, Cash Overseers, Head postmen and L.R staff at the rate of each case against the sanctioned establishment..  Orders have been issued by the DG (Posts) to all Head of the Circles to fill up vacant posts including likely to be vacant upto December 2013.  In this connection all need to be alerted , specially divisional Secretaries/Branch Secretaries  to see whether all the said posts  upto  Dec 2013 have been included for recruitment.  

4. Provisioning of Cycle for all postmen staff by the Department of Posts has been approved.  In this connection Committee including GS as one Member has been approved.  The sample and designed prepared has been approved with some other alterations in the mode.  Next meeting has been proposed to be held on 26.10.2012. It is hoped that new model cycle will be given to the postmen staff during the first week of January 2013.
5. Supreme Court Case: This is regarding grant of pay scale of Rs 3050/- to postmen cadre wef 01.01.1996 instead of 10,10,1997. The case   is lying pending in Supreme Court. As ascertained from the Advocate, the case is likely to be heard in the month of December 2012, which would positively be decided in favour of our postmen staff. The result as and when known will be informed to all concerned/published in our journal.

6. Orders on enhancement of 7% DA (65% to 72%) & Bonus: DA orders have been issued and orders on Bonus are likely to be issued very shortly, i.e., within two or three days.

7. GDS (NFPE): As all are aware that the Old ED Union was no longer working in the interest of their workers. They were laundering the money for nothing but creating tyrannical   and unwarranted situation among the members.  It was working on selfish mottos. In order to get rid of this situation, New GDS(NFPE) union has been formed at Amaravati   In this connection it was unanimously resolved during CWC meeting held on 21 and 22 July 2012. at Trivandrum (Kerala) that all our (P-4) members and specially Divisional Secretaries  will support GDS(NFPE) union and any member who was found supporting old ED union will be dealt under anti union activities.   In order to strengthen GDS(NFPE) union  all members are requested to act accordingly.  NFPE (GDS) union should be supported at all costs.

8. Tamilnadu Court Case: Case of dispute has been resolved/dismissed. Fresh election has been conducted on 04.10.2012 at Chennai under the Presidentship of Com R.Seethalaxmi (Vice-President CHQ).and in the presence of Com D.B Mohanty (Org. Secretary CHQ).. Com. G.Kanan and Com.V.Rajendaran have been elected as Circle President and Circle Secretary respectively.

9. Sale of English Guide: CHQ has published English Guide containing constitution of the union and other rules as also some important  information required in our day to day work.  There is sufficient stock of books.  As such these will be despatched to the Divisional Secretaries by the CHQ on the basis of membership strength.  No Divisional Secretary will return the VPP undelivered.  This may please be noted.

 10. Remittance of Arrear quota: All are directed to clear their arrear of quota within a month otherwise CHQ will be compelled to take action as per our constitution which would be not in the interest of all.  Regular remittance of quota on the basis of membership is highly necessary in order to augment our financial position and avoidance unnecessary correspondence at all levels
11. Strike tour: Strike tour for one day token strike on 12.12.2012 has been given in  NFPE/CHQ website for information of all concerned.  In this connection all are directed to be present  in their station as per date and time published with almost all available staff to  strengthen and  support for successful strike.  This is very important for our further action to achieve goals

12. Lengthy Postmen Beats: The matter relating to lengthy beats is lying pending with DG(Posts) as the action regarding actual measurement of beats is not be done by the Divisions approx by all circles.  In this connection, it is advised that all Divisional Secretaries will look into the matter seriously.  In this regard actual measurement of lengthy beats should accurately be measured by the concerned postman with the available help( i.e.Motor Cycle or Scooter etc.).. The details of lengthy beats be submitted to the Divisional Heads with copy to their Circle Secretary for further necessary action with the Head of the Circle.

                                                                                       Comradely yours,

                                                                                       (I. S. Dabas)
                                                                                    General Secretary


File No. 26-05/2012-PAP
Government of India
Ministry of Communications & IT
Department of Posts
(Establishment Division)

Dak Bhawan,Sansad Marg,
New Delhi-110 001
Dated :18.10. 2012
All Chief Postmasters General,
Postmasters General
 General Managers (Finance)
/Deputy Directors of Accounts (Postal)

Subject: - Productivity Linked Bonus for the Accounting year 2011-2012


                        I am directed to convey the approval of the President of India for payment of Productivity Linked Bonus for the accounting year 2011-2012 equivalent of emoluments of 60 (Sixty) days to the employees of Department of Posts in Group `D`,Group `C` and non Gazetted Group `B`. Ex-gratia payment of Bonus to Gramin Dak Sevaks who are regularly appointed after observing all appointment formalities and Ad-hoc payment of Bonus to Casual labourers who have been conferred Temporary Status are also to be paid equivalent to allowance/wages respectively for 60 (sixty) Days for the same period/year.
1.1      The calculation for the purpose of payment of Bonus under each category will be done as indicated below.
 2.1      Bonus will be calculated on the basis of the following formula:-
Average emoluments X Number of days of Bonus
30.4 (Average no. of days in a month)
2.2. The term “Emoluments” for regular Departmental Employees includes basic Pay in the pay Band plus Grade Pay, Dearness Pay, Personal Pay, Special Pay (Allowance), S.B.Allowance, Deputation (Duty ) Allowance, Dearness Allowance and Training Allowance given to Faculty Members in Training Institutes. In case of drawl of salary exceeding Rs.3500/- (Rs. Three Thousand Five hundred only) in any month during the accounting year 2011-12 the Emoluments shall be restricted to Rs.3500/- (Rs. Three Thousand Five hundred only) per month only.
2.3. “ Average Emoluments” for regular Employees is arrived at by dividing by twelve ,the total salary drawn during the year 2011-12 for the period from 1.4.2011 to 31.3.2012, by restricting each month’s salary to Rs.3500/- (Rs. Three Thousand Five hundred only) per month. However, for the periods of EOL and Dies-Non in a given month, proportionate deduction is required to be made from the ceiling limit of  Rs.3500/- (Rs. Three Thousand Five hundred only)
2.4.  In case of those regular employees who were under suspension, or on whom dies-   non was imposed ,or both, during the accounting year, the clarificatory orders issued vide Paras 1 & 3 respectively of this office order No. 26-8/80-PAP (Pt-I) dated 11.6.81 and No. 26-4/87-PAP (Pt.II) dated 8.2.88 will apply.

2.5. Those employees who resigned, retired, left service or proceeded on deputation within the Department of Posts or those who have proceeded on deputation outside the Department of Posts on or after 1.4.2011 will also be entitled to Bonus. In case of all such employees, the Bonus admissible will be as per provisions of Para 2.1 to 2.3 above.

3.1  In respect of Gramin Dak Sevaks who were on duty throughout the year during 2011-2012, Average monthly Time Related Continuity Allowance will be calculated taking into account the Time Related Continuity Allowance (TRCA) plus corresponding Dearness Allowance drawn by them for the period from 1.4.2011 to 31.3.2012 divided by 12 (Twelve). However, where the Time Related Continuity Allowance exceeds Rs 2500/- (Rs.Two Thousand Five hundred only) in any month during this period., the allowances will be restricted to  Rs 2500/- (Rs.Two Thousand Five hundred only) per month. Ex-gratia payment of Bonus may be calculated by applying the Bonus formula as mentioned below:-
Average TRCA  X  Number of days of Bonus
30.4 (Average no. of days in a month)
3.2       The allowances drawn by a substitute will not be counted towards Bonus calculation for either the substitute or the incumbent Gramin  Dak Sevaks. In respect of those Gramin Dak Sevaks who were appointed in short term vacancies in Postman/Group `D` Cadre, the clarificatory orders issued vide Directorate letter No. 26-6/89-PAP dated 6.2.1990 and No.  26-7/90-PAP dated 4.7.91 will apply.

3.3       If a Gramin Dak Sevak has been on duty for a part or the year by way of a fresh appointment, or for having been put off duty, or for having left service,he will be paid proportionate ex-gratia Bonus calculated by applying the procedure prescribed in Para 3.1 .

3.4.      Those Gramin Dak Sevaks who have resigned, discharged or left service on or after 1.4.2010 will also be entitled to proportionate ex-gratia Bonus. In case of all such Gramin Dak Sevaks, the Ex-gratia Bonus admissible will be as per provisions of Para 3.1 above.

3.5.      In case of those Gramin Dak Sevaks who were under put off duty or on whom dies non was imposed, or both during the accounting year ,the clarificatory orders issued vide Para 1 & 3 respectively of this office order No. 26-8/80-PAP (Pt I) dated 11.6.81 and No. 26-4/87-PAP (Pt II) will apply.

4.1            Full Time Casual Labourers (including Temporary Status Casual Labourers ) who worked for 8 hours a day, for at least 240 days in a year for three consecutive years or more (206 days in each year for three years or more in case of offices observing 5 days a week) as on 31.3.2012 will be paid ad-hoc Bonus on notional monthly wages of Rs.1200/- (Rupees Twelve Hundred only)
                              The maximum ad-hoc Bonus will be calculated as below:-
                        (Notional monthly wages of Rs.1200) X (Number of days of Bonus)

                                                30.4 (average no. of days in a month)

            Accordingly, the rate of Bonus per day will work out as indicated below:_

                                                Maximum ad-hoc Bonus for the year
            The above rate of Bonus per day may be applied to the number of days for which the services of such casual labourers had been utilized during the period from 1.4.2011 to 31.3.2012. In case where the actual wages in any month fall below Rs. 1200/-during the period 1.4.2011 to 31.3.2012 the actual monthly wages drawn should be taken into account to arrive at the actual ad-hoc Bonus due in such cases.
5.         The amount of Bonus /Ex gratia payment /Adhoc Bonus payable under this order will be rounded to the nearest rupee. The payment of Productivity Linked Bonus as well as the ex-gratia payment and ad-hoc payment will be chargeable to the Head `Salaries` under the relevant Sub –Head of account to which the pay and allowances of the staff are debited. The payment will be met from the sanctioned grant for the year 2012-2013.
6.         After payment, the total expenditure incurred and the number of employees paid  may be ascertained from all units by Circle  and consolidated figures be intimated to the Budget Section of the Department of Posts. The Budget Section will furnish consolidated information to PAP Section about the total amount of Bonus paid and the total number of employees (category-wise) to whom it was distributed for the Department as a whole.
7.            These issues with the concurrence of Integrated Finance Wing vide their diary No. 262/FA/12/Cs dated 18.12.2012.

8.            Receipt of this letter may be acknowledged
Assistant Director General (Estt)