Thursday, October 25, 2012



Conf/ 17 /2012 Dated: 22.10.2012
 Dear Comrades,

As per the decision of the National Executive as conveyed by our circular letter dated 29th July, 2012, we are to conclude our first phase of campaign programme by September and to commence the second phase in October, 2012. In order to undertake a review of the implementation of this decision, we require a brief report at the CHQ.  The following National Sectt. members were entrusted with the State level campaigns.

Coms. S.K. Vyas, K. Raghavendran, Mani Achary, K.V. Sridharan, M. Krishnan, K.P. Rajagopal, Somayya, Doraipanbdian, K.K.N. Kutty, Narasimhan, Giriraj Singh, Vrigu Bhattacharya, M.S. Raja,Ashok Kanojia, Ashok Salunkhe and Jayaraj, Pijush Roy and Nageswara Rao. 

The Sectt.  members are requested to kindly send in a brief report of the tour undertaken and the campaign conducted immediately on receipt of this letter to enable us to undertake a review of the progress in the matter.
We reproduce the relevant portion from our circular letter dated 29th July, 2012 about the action programme decided upon for the month of November, 2012.

1.       19th November, 2012.  Serving Strike notice to all Heads of Departmebnts/offices.
2.       20th to 23rd Evening Dharna between 17 to 21 hours.
3.       Organise vehicle jathas  in District capitals.

The following comrades will undertake a brief review meeting in each State Capitals with the participation of the State Committee members and active workers during the 3rd and 4th week of November, 2012.  The Comrades may fix the date in consultation with the State Committees.

                Com. S.K. Vyas: Delhi, Shimla and Chandigarh.
                Com. Narasimhan. Hyderabad
                Com.K.P. Rajagopal: Bhubanbeswar, Ranchi and Jaipur
     Com. K.K.N. Kutty. Agarthala, , Raipur, Nagpur, Dehradun, Lucknow and
                Com. M.S. Raja.  Mumbai. Guwahati, Ahamedbad, Shillong, and Bhopal.
                Com. M.Krishnan, Trivandrum and Bangalore.
                Com. Pijush Roy. Kolkata and Patna.

Since only a month and half is left, the State Committees are requested to intensify the campaign programme and send periodical reports over phone to the undersigned.

With greetings,

Yours fraternally,

K.K.N. Kutty
Secretary General.

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