Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Felicitation of Newly Elected General Secretary by Delhi Circle:-
Comrades of Delhi Circle arranged Felicitation Programme in CHQ Office on 11th January 2014 at 4 pm. Presided by Com Shub Singh President Delhi Circle. Welcome by Comrade Mahabir Singh, Circle Secetary Delhi Circle. Both Newly Elected General Secretary Com. R. Seethalakshmi & Out going General Secretary Com. I. S. Dabas were honoured by presenting SHAWL & garlands.

            All Divisional Secretaries & Circle office bearers and other active comrades were present in the programme. The General Secretary was welcomed by all Divisional Secretaries of Delhi Circle by garlanding. General Secretary addressed the gathering and requested for total co-operation of Delhi Circle in functioning of CHQ to make the Agitational Programmes including 12-13 Feb 2014 Strike Every Success. Com. I.S. Dabas Former General Secretary shared his experiences as General Secretary of 6 years and thanked.

            Delhi Circle Com. Mahabir Singh, Former Treasurer (CHQ). Their cooperation given to him. Com. Mahabuir Singh, Circle Secretary Delhi Circle assuring cooperation to strengthen the organizational in Dehi Circle. Com. Ramesh Dabas, Newly elected Assistant Treasurer, Com Ramesh Dabas was also honoured. Com. Mahabir Singh, Former Treasurer (CHQ) was also honored. By Delhi Circle Vote of thanks rendered by Comrade Raj Kumar, Treasurer (NFPE)

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