Friday, February 28, 2014


It is hereby notified that the women’s committee meeting of Confederation of Central Government Employees & Workers will be held at Nagpur on 04.04.2014 along with the National convention of central Government Employees and National Secretariat of Confederation. All women committee members are requested to attend National Convention and National Secretariat meeting on 04.04.2014 at Nagpur without fail.
R. Seethalakshmi                                                M. Krishnan
Convenor                                                             Secretary General
Women’s Committee                                         Confederation of C. G.
Ph: 09448819821                                              Employees & Workers

                                                                             Ph: 09447068125

Friday, February 28, 2014


Release of additional installment of dearness allowance to Central Government employees and dearness relief to Pensioners, due from 1.1.2014 
The Union Cabinet today approved the proposal to release an additional installment of Dearness Allowance (DA) to Central Government employees and Dearness Relief (DR) to pensioners with effect from 01.01.2014, in cash, but not before the disbursement of the salary for the month of March 2014 at the rate of 10 percent increase over the existing rate of 90 percent. 

Hence, Central Government employees as well as pensioners are entitled for DA/DR at the rate of 100 percent of the basic with effect from 01.01.2014. The increase is in accordance with the accepted formula based on the recommendations of the 6th Central Pay Commission.

The combined impact on the exchequer on account of both dearness allowance and dearness relief would be Rs. 11074.80 crore per annum and Rs. 12920.60 crore in the financial year 2014-15 ( i.e. for a period of 14 months from January 2014 to February 2015).

Thursday, February 27, 2014


           Com. Umraomal Purohit a legendry leader of trade union movement , Secretary  Staff Side JCM  National Council and the President of All India Railwaymen’s  Federation expired at Mumbai in hospital at 4.15 AM on 27th February, 2014 . He was a great statesman and visionary leader of working class.
           All india postal employes union postman and MTSconveys it’s heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family and Comrades of AIRF and entire working class. AIPEU postman and MTS pays respectful homage to the departed leader and dips it’s banner in respect of him.


Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Tuesday, February 25, 2014


Tuesday, February 25, 2014


The RTP case (OA No. 3532/2013) came up before the Registrar of Principal Bench CAT New Delhi on 24.02.2014. The counsel on behalf of the union of India (Department of Posts) did not appear. Nor have the Respondents given their counter statement (Reply). The case had to be adjourned. The next date is 07.04.2014

Recognised union (Mahadevaiah) accepted the stand of the Government and Postal Board that GDS are NOT Government employees (Civil servants) and hence they cannot be included in the Seventh Pay Commission which is for Government Employees.
Government and Postal Board cleverly managed Mahadevaiah to sign a written agreement accepting their stand, so that he cannot go back from the agreement again.

All organizations in the staff side, JCM National Council including Railways, Defence, Confederation, NFPE & FNPO has taken a firm stand that we will not accept separate committee (Whether separate Judge or Bureaucrat) for GDS this time and GDS should be included in Seventh CPC itself. Recognised GDS union leader (Mahadevaiah) became an Agent of the government and signed Agreement accepting the Government’s stand. Mahadevaiah admitted that GDS are not civil servants and hence a separate committee is enough.
NFPE & FNPO and also the GDS unions of NFPE (AIPEU-GDS-NFPE) & FNPO (NUGDS) strongly condemn and protest against the foul play and treachery of Mahadevaiah and Postal Board.
Hold Protest Demonstrations in front of all offices on 26.02.2014 demanding cancellation of the agreement and inclusion of GDS in the 7th Pay Commission itself.
Dear friends and Comrades,

All of you are aware that all the Unions and Federation of the Staff Side, JCM National Council including Railways, Defence, Confederation, NFPE & FNPO have taken an unanimous stand that Gramin Dak Sevaks of the Department of Posts should be included in the 7th Pay Commission and we will not accept any separate Committee (Whether Judge or Bureaucrat) for GDS. This is the first time the entire JCM (Staff Side) including Railways and Defence is taking such a firm stand.Accordingly JCM (Staff Side) has submitted a letter to the Government (DOP&T) to include GDS in the terms of reference of 7th CPC. The matter is now pending before the Government for a decision. NFPE & FNPO and the GDS unions of NFPE (AIPEU-GDS-NFPE) and FNPO (NUGDS) has conducted two days nationwide strike demanding inclusion of GDS in the terms of reference of 7th CPC. Both NFPE & FNPO has already declared that they will jointly go for an indefinite strike, if the demand for inclusion of GDS under the 7th CPC is not accepted by the Government.

But to our shock and surprise, the recognised GDS Union leading by Mahadevaiah has signed an agreement with the Postal Board agreeing for the appointment of a separate committee for GDS. No Unions/Federations including Mahadevaiah’s union have demanded a separate committee (either Judge Committee or Bureaucratic Committee) in their charter of demands submitted to the Government and the Department of Posts. The 7th Pay Commission is appointed for Central Government Employees (Civil Servants). Separate Committee (even if it is a separate Judge) means GDS are not civil servants and they are only Extra-Departmental. Why should Mahadevaiah accept such a stand of the Department and Government? Earlier also one separate committee of Retired Judge (Justice Talwar Committee) was appointed for GDS. But even now GDS are Extra-Departmental and not treated as Civil Servants. Inclusion in 7th CPC means Government accepting our demand that GDS are Government employees (Civil Servants) and their service conditions and wage structure will be examined and recommended by 7thCPC alongwith other Central Government Employees. Thus a century long discrimination towards GDS shall come to an end. Even Justice Talwar Committee has recommended that in future, no separate committe (either Judge or Bureaucratic) should be appointed for the GDS and they should be included in Pay Commissions itself. By accepting a separate Committee, Mahadevaiah has spoiled the entire future of GDS.

By signing an agreement with the Postal Board, the Recognised GDS Union (Mahadevaiah) has signed the Death Warrant of the 2.76 lakhs Gramin Dak Sevaks. He has played a drama with the Postal Board and Government and cheated GDS and defeated the very purpose of the united stand taken by all the JCM Staff side organizations. Postal Board has cleverly managed Mahadevaiah to sign an agreement itself. Normally after discussions with the unions, minutes are signed and copy given to unions. In this case, the Postal Board was very particular to get an agreement signed by the Recognised Union (Mahadevaiah) so that he cannot go back from the agreement in future. Ironically, for all other demands raised by Mahadevaiah in his Charter of Demands only separate minutes is given by the Department. Departmental officers and DOP&T are very inteligent and shrewd and they obtained what they want!!!

When Recognised union signed an agreement, tomorrow the Government will say to the staff side that as the recognised union has already agreed for a separate committee, we are not including GDS in the 7th CPC. Thus, the Recognised Union of the GDS (Mahadevaiah) has become an agent of the Government. As already stated by us, Postal Board and the Government have succeded in their game of “Divide and Rule”. That is why Mahadevaiah has not joined the joint strike of two days conducted by NFPE, FNPO and the GDS union of NFPE (AIPEU-GDS-NFPE) and FNPO (NUGDS) on 12th & 13th February 2014. In the coming days the hidden agenda behind the separate strike held by Mahadevaiah and the agreement will come out with more clear.

The Department and the Government always used to told NFPE & FNPO that by appointing a separate committee (either Judge or Bureaucratic) GDs will be much benefited. They have compelled NFPE & FNPO to accept separate Committee. We rejected the offer of the Government & the Department as we are well aware, from our past experience, the danger behind it and also the hidden agenda of the Government & the Department. Finally after the two days strike the Secretary, Department of Posts has given us a letter informing that our demand for inclusion of GDS in Seventh Pay Commission is referred to Government (DOP&T) for a decision. The Government understood that when the entire JCM staff side has taken a firm united stand, it will be very difficult for them to reject our demand. They wanted to pre-empt the united stand of the staff side. That is why the indefinite strike drama was played (eventhough participation was very less) and finally an agreement was signed behind the curtain and declaring that this is a greatest achievement (!) and this is a first step towards the liberation of GDS (!!!), as if there was no separate Judge Committee (Talwar Committee) appointed by Government earlier. It proved beyond doubt that both the Recognised Union (Mahadeviah) and the Government want to keep the GDS always outside the Pay Commission and always as “extra-departmental employees”.

NFPE and FNPO and the GDS Unions of NFPE (AIPEU-GDS-NFPE) and FNPO (NUGDS) strongly condemn and protest the anti-GDS agreement signed by the Postal Board and the Recognised Union (Mahadevaiah) and we demand the Government to include the GDS in the terms of reference of the 7th CPC itself instead of a separate Committee (Whether Judge or Bureaucrat). We call upon the entire Postal and RMS employees including Gramin Dak Sevaks to recognise the danger behind the agreement and expose those who signed the agreement which is nothing but a

We further call upon the entire employees to conduct protest demonstration all over India on 26.02.2014 in front of all important offices against the stand taken by the Postal Board and demanding to remit the GDS issues the purview of the Seventh Pay Commission.

Yours sincerely,
M. Krishnan                                                                                         D. Theagarajan
Secretary General                                                                               Secretary General
NFPE                                                                                                    FNPO
P. Pandurangarao                                                                                P. U. Muraleedharan
General Secretary                                                                               General Secretary

AIPEU-GDS (NFPE)                                                                               NUGDS (FNPO)





Amendment to CCS(Pension) rules,1972


Confederation circular


Two days mass Dharna of confederation leaders
In front of Parliament
On 24th and 25th February, 2014.

To protest against the total neglect and negative attitude of Central Government in the Budget towards Central Government employees.

Dear Comrade,

The National Secretariat met today.  It reviewed the strike participation on the basis of the reports received from the States and the affiliates.  The meeting noted with appreciation the efforts undertaken by the affiliates and the State leaders in making the stake a grand success.  On the basis of the deliberations, the meeting adopted the enclosed resolution and took the following decisions.

1. To organise 48 hour Dharna on 24th and 25th Feb. 2014 at Delhi against the  attitude of the finance Minister in not conceding the demand for Interim relief and merger of DA etc. , while presenting the Vote on Account. The National leaders along with the active workers of Delhi will participate in the programme.

2. To organise a National Convention at Nagpur on 4th April, 2014 from 11 AM to 5 PM to mobilise the    employees for the task for accomplishment detailed in the enclosed resolution, especially in    the coming general election.

3. The State Committees will organise such conventions in all State Capitals for the same purpose.

4. Campaign meetings will be organised in front of all Central Government offices, where the District level and State level leaders will detail the decisions taken by the National Secretariat.

5. The Confederation National Secretariat will meet in May 2014 and decide upon the indefinite strike      action in pursuance of the 15 point charter of demands to be organised in June, 2014.

6. The Tamilnadu State Committee will be requested to explore the possibilities of organising campaign against Shri P. Chidambaram, Finance Minister in the Constituency from where he would seek election to the Lok Sabha.

7. The State Committees will make arrangements for translating the resolution in vernacular and circulate amongst the mass of the employees.

                With greetings,
Yours fraternally,

Secretary General.

            The National Secretariat of the Confederation places on record its appreciation and gratitude over the massive and magnificent participation of the largest number of our members in the 48 hour strike on 12thand 13th Feb. 2014.  It was a great manifestation of the confidence,  the members  had reposed in the organization and their determination to win the demands through struggles.  The reports, the Confederation CHQ received both  from the affiliates and the State Committees indicate the massive participation of the employees in the strike action throughout the county.  In some of the affiliates, the participation had been cent percent.  This must embolden the Confederation to pursue the issue with determination and organize further action programmes to ensure that the demands are got settled.
The Secretariat has noted that the Government  had pretended to ignore the massive action of the employees.  There had been no response from them so far.  In the wake of the strike action, it announced the composition of the 7th CPC disregarding the united demand raised by the Staff side of the JCM National Council for the inclusion of a labour representative.  The Government also chose not to convene the meeting the staff side to discuss the draft terms of reference submitted,.  It did not make any announcement on the question of merger of DA, Interim Relief, inclusion of GDS within the ambit of the Commission and rejected the demand for making the recommendation of the Commission effective from 1.1.2014. 
On every issue, which is included in the 15 point Charter of demands, the Govt. continued with its nugatory attitude.  In the last session of the Parliament, they ensured that the PFRDA bill becomes an Act despite the strongest objection and resistance of the employees by eliciting and receiving the support and patronage of the dominant opposition party, the BJP.  Even on comparatively smaller issues like compassionate appointments, no positive response emerged.   The period witnessed increased outsourcing of governmental functions.  Almost a third of the workforce is presently casual and contract workers with abysmally poor wages taking advantage of the acute unemployment situation in the country.  There had been no settlement of any issue raised by the Staff Side in the National Council JCM.  In fact no meeting of the council was convened and no issue discussed or settled during this period.
The plight of the three lakh Gramin Dak Sewaks of the Postal Department is highly deplorable.  They constitute almost half of the Postal workforce. But for them, the functioning of the Postal system will come to a grinding halt.  Their service conditions are presently worse off than even a causal/daily rated worker. Despite the Supreme Court’s decisions that they are holders of Civil Posts and consequently are entitled to the benefits and privileges of a civil servant, there had been no improvement in their service conditions worth mentioning.  In spite of repeated presentation of their case both inside and outside the Parliament by people from all walks of life irrespective of party affiliation, the Government had been silent to the pleading for bringing them within the ambit of the Pay Commissions.  Confederation is duty bound and determined to change the situation and to bring them within the purview of the 7th CPC.
            During its five year tenure, the UPA II was in power, it intensified the neo-liberal reforms, phased out all welfare measures introduced to benefit the poor by the previous Governments; accentuated the unemployment situation by various job killing devices; divested the PSUs; allowed unbridled entry of Foreign capital to subjugate the Indian people; ruined the indigenous industry, destroyed the livelihood of the farmers and agricultural labourers, allowed the prices of all essential food items to soar, privatised education and health care services, ensured that each of its decision was to favour the rich, granted huge tax concessions to the corporate, indulged in large scale corruption, squandered away the national wealth, siphoned off the poor man’s earning into the hands of a few rich in the country, sided with the entrepreneurs in all labour disputes,  took each and every political decision to sub-serve the interest of the imperialist powers, especially the USA.  The pursuance of the neo liberal policies at the behest of the advanced capitalist countries drove the majority of Indian population to be below the poverty levels. In the comity of nations, our country became the poorest and the last ranking in all fields. Our youth were driven to be beggars at the doors of transnational corporations and developed countries.

            Those who were responsible in driving our country men to unprecedented deprivation has to now seek mandate, for their tenure is to end shortly.  No different is the approach of the major opposition party, BJP.  There is nothing to chose from these two political dispensations.  They were hand in glove together to demolish the sovereignty of the country; pauperisation of the people and supported every legislation to intensify the neo liberal exploitation of the common people.  They supported to the hilt the corporate houses.  But for the support extended by the BJP, the PFRDA would never have been made into a law.  The Act now provides for the extension of the new contributory pension scheme to those who were recruited prior to 1.1.2004 and the existing pensioners.  Despite the refusal of the Government to accept their suggestion to guarantee minimum pension, the BJP unashamedly supported the Bill, for they were the proponents of the neo liberal economic policies.  They supported this Government to increase the FDI and FII in all sectors of economy and announced that they would intensify the reform process if elected to power.  The conglomeration of Corporate in the country has now appointed the leader of that party to be the next CEO to run the country.  They have no use for the discredited UPA howsoever subservient it could be.  They know in a democratic system demagogy can play a vital role.  They are certain that BJP and its allies if elected to power will be much more pliant and compliant.

            It is in this background that the workers must assess the political situation.  In the forthcoming electoral battle, every worker must discharge their salutary responsibility.  Since the present state of affairs is the product of the neo liberal policies and since both the UPA and the NDA are the proponents of those policies, he/she must have clear vision and exercise the franchise effectively to ensure that a pro worker, pro people combination of parties is in governance.  He/she must discharge that responsibility for his/her own sake and for the sake of this great nation. 

            The Secretariat came to the inescapable conclusion that the settlement of the demands in the charter will only be possible through intensification of the struggles.  It recognised the need for larger unity. It will strive for bringing about such a united platform for joint action.  The inevitability of an indefinite strike action has to be emphasised.  The Confederation and its affiliates must prepare its members for such an eventual and unavoidable action, if the proposed 7th CPC is to really revise the wages.  It is needed to ensure the withdrawal of the pernicious contributory pension scheme.  It only will ensure that there are no casual or contract system of employment in Government service.   The Government employees must be bestowed with democratic rights and above all must enjoy the facility for collective bargaining and right to strike.  The Gramin Dak Sewak system is a colonial legacy and no civilised country must endure such brutal exploitation.  All is possible through united and sustained action.  The Confederation has proved beyond any iota of doubt that it has built up an organisation capable of carrying out such an action.  Such action must be planned to take place after the electoral battle is over.  Every active worker of the Confederation must fan out and reach out the rank and file of the workers.  Since the task is stupendous, the endeavour and effort must also be equally persisting.

            The meeting of the National Secretariat of the Confederation has decided to call upon all its affiliates, the State Committees, District Committees and units to work in consonance with the understanding depicted in this resolution; mobilise the rank and file for the eventual indefinite strike action in June, 2014 and strive to bring about a revolutionary change in the governance of our polity.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Friday 21 February 2014


Today Com. M. Krishnan, Secretary General, NFPE held discussion with Secretary, Department of Posts. Com. K. V. Sridharan, Ex-General Secretary, P3 (CHQ) and Com. Balwinder Singh, Financial Secretary, P3 (CHQ) were also present. Mainly two issues were discussed.

(1)   GDS issues            (2) IT Modernisation Project & Recruitment

(1)   GDS Issues:
Regarding GDS issue Secretary, Department of Posts said that as already informed to the Federations, inclusion under the purview of 7th Pay Commission can be considered and decided by Govt. (DOP&T) only. Hence whether GDS shall be included under 7th CPC or separate committee is to be appointed is to be decided by the Government. Secretary, Department of Posts can only refer the matter to Government and cannot take any decision in this matter. We told that accepting any other separate committee (Whether Judicial or Retired officer)will be equal to accepting the argument of the Government and Department that “GDS are not Civil Servants and hence they cannot be included in the 7th Pay Commission”. The JCM Staff side, National Council has already taken a stand that GDS should be included under the purview of 7th Pay Commission itself. Further Confederation of Central Government Employees & Workers & NFPE have conducted a two days strike for inclusion of GDS under 7th CPC. FNPO also conducted two days strike on the same demands. No Unions/Federations in the Postal Department or in the National Council JCM has demanded a separate committee for GDS, whether Judicial or Bureaucratic. Accepting any other Committee will be equal to accepting the stand of the Government that GDS are not Civil Servants. When NFPE & AIPEU-GDS (NFPE) have challenged the stand of the Government that “GDS are not civil servants” in the Hon’ble Supreme Court and when the Delhi High Court has already issued notice to the Department, accepting a separate Committee and thereby accepting the stand of the Government that GDS are not civil servants and hence cannot be included in the 7th CPC will be suicidal at this point of time, as far as GDS are concerned. We made our position very clear. If the UPA Government is not ready to accept our stand, we will place our demand before the next Government and go for indefinite strike. Hence our decision for indefinite strike after election stands.

(2)   IT Modernisation Project:
While extending our cooperation for the implementation of the project, we brought the difficulties being faced by the employees due to the hasty implementation of CBS, malfunctioning of some software etc. for immediate redressal. Secretary, Posts, informed that 10200 recruitment in PA cadre is going to take place and assured that the difficulties pointed out by the staff side will be taken care of and addressed.

(M. Krishnan)
Secretary General

Friday, February 21, 2014

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Wednesday 19 February 2014


Shri Mahadevaiah is telling lies and exhibiting false figures only to show that entire GDS are with him and there is no body in the AIPEU-GDS (NFPE). NFPE has the responsibility to expose the lies of Shri Mahadevaiah. In Andhra Pradesh Circle where the General Secretary of AIPEU-GDS (NFPE) Com. Panduranga Rao is working only 25% (2nd day figure) are on strike. In the two days strike of NFPE & AIPEU-GDS (NFPE) 72% GDS participated. In Kerala and West Bengal nobody is participating in Mahadevaiah’s Strike. In Mahadevaiah’s own circle Karnataka only 36% (2nd day it came down) is the strike participation. In the Maharashtra Circle where the All India President of Mahadevaiah is working the strike is only 35% in the second day. North East 2%, Uttarakhand 18%, Madhya Pradesh 30%, Himachal Pradesh 27%, Gujarat 14%, Haryana, Punjab – 20%, Tamilnadu 25%. The figures of other circles are also more or less the same. (will be published later). The overall percentage of the strike is below 25%. More than 75% GDS rejected the leadership and strike call of Mahadevaiah group. That is why he is angry with NFPE and abusing Secretary General, NFPE using vulgar and unparliamentary words. (Read Below also)



The above are the words of Shri. Mahadevaiah, General Secretary of the so-called recognised (!!) GDS Union exhibited in his website on 18.02.2014. He is calling Com. M. Krishnan, Secretary General, NFPE & Confederation of Central Government Employees & Workers and General Secretary, AIPEU Group ‘C’ (CHQ) as “BARKING DOG”. Never in the history of Postal Trade Union movement a General Secretary of a union has used such filthy and unparliamentary words against any other leader.

Why Shri Mahadevaiah has lost his mental balance?

1.      This Leader thought that he can continue his anti-NFPE propaganda and remain as the leader of three lakhs GDS forever.
2.      Those who love NFPE tolerated his anti-NFPE propaganda for more than 12 years and in the Amravathi All India Conference of GDS their protest and anger burst out and formed a new union called AIPEU-GDS (NFPE). Corruption was one of the main issue focused by the delegates who formed the new union.
3.      NFPE gave “Associated membership” to the new GDS Union. The decision was ratified by the Hyderabad Federal Council of NFPE, the highest decision making body of NFPE.
4.      Within a short span of two years the new GDS union formed Divisional Branches and Circle Branches in 80% of the Circles and Divisions. In many circles including Kerala, Tamilnadu, Andhra Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Odisha, West Bengal etc. more than 90% to 100% GDS joined the new GDS Union. In other Circles 60 to 80% GDS joined the NFPE GDS Union.
5.      When the base of the so-called recognised (!!) Union and its leader started eroding very fast, they started malicious propaganda against Secretary General, NFPE. Com. M. Krishnan and then General Secretary of AIPEU Group ‘C’ (CHQ) Com. K. V. Sridharan.
6.      Till the new GDS Union was formed all the GDS used to follow the directions of Shri Mahadevaiah eventhough they were well aware of the hidden agenda of the leader and his anti-NFPE lobby as they have no alternative at that time.
7.      The newly formed GDS Union (AIPEU-GDS NFPE) started organizing agitational programmes jointly with NFPE and its affiliated unions. Regular employees and GDS employees again started organizing joint programmes under the banner of NFPE. The new Union organised phased programme of action on 36 points charter of demands including departmentalisation and civil servant status to GDS and decided to organize a massive parliament march exclusively on GDS demands on 11thDecember 2013. More than 10000 GDS from all Circles participated in the historic parliament march.
8.      Much worried about the decision of NFPE GDS Union’s Parliament march Shri. Mahadevaiah suddenly announced that he will also conduct Parliament March on 12thDecember 2013. Actually on 12th December 2013, all the Central Trade Unions together has conducted a massive Parliament march in which about more than three lakhs workers belonging to INTUC, BMS, CITU, AITUC HMS etc participated. NFPE, AIPEU GDS-NFPE & Confederation also participated in the Central Trade Union’s Parliament March. On that day no other Parliament March was possible as the entire streets of Delhi was filled with Central TU workers and that is why NFPE. GDS Union conducted Parliament March on 11th December. Shri. Mahadevaiah’s GDS Union put one big banner at the side of the Central Trade Union Parliament March and look photos and claimed that more than 10000 GDS participated. (!!!) Only 300 GDS participated. But in the photos other workers of Central Trade Unions are shown behind the banner. Eventhough NFPE & AIPEU-GDS (NFPE) has witnessed the actual number of GDS behind the banner of Shri. Mahadeviah, we have not exposed him at that time. Similarly everybody in Delhi Knows that the Agarwal Dharmshala, Model Town where Shri. Mahadevaiah conducted his National convention on 13.12.2013, has a maximum capacity of 400 only. The hall cannot accommodate more than that. But Shri. Mahadevaiah propagated that more than 10000 GDS participated in the convention. Those who participated know the correct figure which is less than 500.

Everytime Shri. Mahadevaiah conducted this type of Goebelsian false propaganda and many innocent GDS who are not witnessing these programmes used to believe it.

9.      Confederation and NFPE decided to conduct one day’s All India strike on 12th December 2012 on 15 point charter of demands in which GDS demands including Bonus-ceiling raising are included as main demands. Shri. Mahadevaiah’s GDS Union has not joined this strike. He has not given strike notice also. Again Confederation and NFPE declared two days strike on 12th & 13th February 2014. Departmentalisation and grant of Civil Servant status, Inclusion of GDS under the terms of reference of 7th Central Pay Commission are the main demands of February 12th & 13th strike. The strike was a marvelous success. More than 80% of the Departmental and GDS employees went on strike on two days. Shri Mahadevaiah has refused to join this two days strike also and has not given any strike notice.

10.  Thus the “Divide and Rule” policy and hidden agenda of Shri Mahadevaiah was exposed and defeated by the Departmental employees and GDS employees. Even the figures available with the Department proved beyond doubt that in all the 22 circle majority of the GDS participated in the two days strike on 12th & 13th Feb 2014. In some circles the participation of GDS was 100%. Thus the hollowness of the claim of Shri Mahadevaiah that he is the biggest union has been exposed even before the Government and the department.

11.  As a face-saving exercise Shri Mhadevaiah called for indefinite strike from 18th Feb 2014. Again he want to split the GDS and Regular employees. After the emergence of new GDS Union (AIPE-GDS NFPE), the base of Shri Mahadevaiah has started eroding day-by day and during and after the two days strike of NFPE & AIPEU-GDS (NFPE) it reached its peak. By that time majority of GDS has already joined AIPEU-GDS (NFPE) and everybody including the Government and Department knew that the so called recognised (?) GDS Union of Shri. Mahadevaiah is a dead horse.

12.  The first day of Shri Mahadevaiah’s strike on 18.02.2014 proved the above facts beyond and iota of doubt. In majority of circles the strike is below 20% In Kerala and West Bengal there is no strike at all. In Uttar Pradesh the strike percentage is 1%. As we know very well from our past experience narrated above, that if NFPE keep quiet and do not tell the truth to the employees, Shri Mahadevaiah will go on propagating “100% strike 100% strike everywhere” and innocent GDS may believe it. So we decided to put an end to this Goebelsion tactics and placed the strike percentage received from Circles in our website to put the records straight.

13.  To show how false propaganda is made by Shri Mahadevaiah through his journal we will give one example. (We can give many such examples). In his journal’ Rural Postal Employees” (Feb 2014) Shri Mahadevaiah published an article in Hindi written by his Guru and Mentor Shri Govind Singh Asiwal (G. S. Asiwal). In the article the following lines are written.

“Recently in West Bengal and Kerala Circle 6 + 5 Thousand GDS has joined Mahadevaiah’s GDS Union.” (translation).”

Meaning “due to the effort of Shri Mahadevaiah 6000 GDS in West Bengal and 5000 GDS in kerala joined his GDS Union.”

What is the real fact:

In Kerala and West Bengal all the GDS were in Mahadevaiah’s GDS Union. After formation of the new AIPEU-GDS (NFPE) union 100% GDS left the Mahadevaiah union and joined NFPE GDS Union.

Shri Mahadevaiah formed his GDS Union in Kerala with the help of less than 20 GDS who resigned from other GDS Unions due to their internal problems. Not even a single NFPE GDS member has joined Mahadevaiah. Any GDS employee or anybody from Mahadevaiah Union can ask under RTI to Chief PMG Kerala and verify it. We challenge Shri Asiwal and Shri. Mahadevaiah to prove their claim of 5000. Same is the case with West Bengal also. The very fact that no GDs went on strike on 18th Feb or 19th Feb in West Bengal & Kerala itself proves that there is no Mahadevaiah GDS Union in West Bengal and Kerala. This is the model of false propaganda of Shri Mahadevaiah and his group.

14.  This time NFPE decided to expose their false claim as otherwise innocent GDS will be misguided and we did it. Shri Mahadeviah has never expected this. He thought this time also he can continue his lies and fool the GDS without conducting any serious strike at grass root level. In his own Karnataka circle about 50% GDS rejected his strike call. And in Madhya Pradesh, his Guru’s Circle only less than 20% went on strike. Thus the “paper castles built by lies” started collapsing one by one and it is total panicky in Mahadevaiah’s camp.

15.  In the coming days Shri Mahadevaiah is going to face his “Waterloo”
We are confident that in the next membership verification the newly formed GDS Union of NFPE (AIPEU-GDS NFPE) will become the number one union and the Mahadevaiah union is going to face its “Waterloo”. Confederation and NFPE has already declared indefinite strike in the month of June 2014 immediately after the formation of new Government, whichever party’s Government may come to power, demanding settlement of 15 point charter of demands in which GDS Departmentalisation and civil servant status is one of the main demand. NFPE & AIPEU-GDS (NFPE) have declared the biggest mass protest of 50000 (Fifty thousand) GDS in front of Parliament in the month of September 2014. Before that an All India “GDS liberation March” lead by NFPE & AIPEU GDS (NFPE) leaders covering all the 22 circles will be organised.

16.  We are fighting both legally and organizationally.
As all of you are aware first time in the history of GDS NFPE & AIPEU-GDS (NFPE) has filed writ petition in the Hon’ble Supreme Court (Writ Petition No. WP (Civil) No. 1003 of 2013) requesting implementation of the 1977 Supreme Court judgment and grant of Civil Servant status and all other benefits of departmental employees to 2.76 lakhs Gramin Dak Sevaks. The Hon’ble Supreme Court have pleased to direct the Delhi High Court to hear the writ petition and decide the case on behalf of three lakhs GDS. Accordingly the writ petition stands transferred to Delhi High Court and registered under WP (Civil) No. 168 of 2014. The First hearing of the case was held on 13.12.2013 and the Hon’ble High Court directed to issue notice to the Government and Department of Posts. The next hearing of the case is on 07.05.2014. We believe that the judgment in this case will be a turning point in the history of the GDS. Eventhough Shri. Mahadevaiah is the General Secretary of the so called recognised (?) GDS Union from 1999 onwards (15 years) he could not file a writ petition in the Supreme Court requesting implementation of 1977 Judgment. He spent the entire money and period carrying out anti NFPE propaganda. The new GDS Union of NFPE has done it, within two years of its formation eventhough they have no money.

17.  First time the Government was compelled to include GDS issues in the agenda for discussion of JCM National council.
Due to the effort made by NFPE & AIPEU-GDS (NFPE) through Com. S. K. Vyas, the legendary leader of Central Government Employees & Advisor Confederation, first time in the history of JCM, the Government (DOP&T) was compelled to admit the GDS items in the agenda of the items to be discussed in the JCM National Council.

18.  And now, as an impact of the two day’s strike of February 12th & 13th of 80 to 100% employees (both Departmental & GDS) the Postal Board has referred the demand of NFPE & FNPO and the GDS Union of NFPE/FNPO for inclusion of GDS under the terms of reference of 7th CPC, to the Departmental of personnel & Training (DOP&T) for decision. Secretary, Department of Posts has written a letter to Secretary General NFPE & FNPO communicating the above decision.

19.  AIPEU-GDS (NFPE) obtained stay order from CAT against abolition of posts and Department issued order keeping in abeyance the abolition of more than 5000 Postmen and MTS Posts, which are promotional Posts of GDS.
As per the orders of the DOP&T Postal Departmental issued orders for abolition of about 5000 Postmen and MTS posts for the period from 2005, 2006, 2007 & 2008 thus affecting the promotional chances of 5000 GDS. The new GDS Union AIPEU GDS (NFPE) filed a case in the CAT principal Bench Delhi along with the P4 Unions of NFPE and FNPO and got stay orders. The department dragged the implementation of CAT order and AIPEU-GDS (NFPE) filed contempt petition with P4 against the department. Finally Department (Directorate) issued orders not to abolish any Postmen/MTS posts and to keep the abolition order in abeyance. Mahadevaiah GDS Union has not done anything when thousands of posts are abolished from 2001 onwards. Now also they are sleeping and NFPE GDS union which is formed just two years back has done it.

20.  AIPEU-GDS (NFPE) and NFPE conducted one day strike on 12th December 2012 in which the raising of bonus ceiling of GDS to 3500 was main demand. Secretary General of NFPE & FNPO met the Minister Communications and the Minister assured to recommend the case and sent the file to Finance. Secretary, Department of Posts also took a favourable stand. Knowing very well that the Minister has agreed to recommend the case, due to the effort made by Secretary Generals of NFPE & FNPO, Mahadevaiah GDS Union conducted a fragmented strike and unconditionally withdrawn the strike even without any discussion with Postal Board. Due to the effort and follow up action taken by NFPE & FNPO, the Bonus ceiling was raised. Mahadevaiah group tried their best to claim the credit for it, but majority GDS who understood the truth did not believe it.

21.  Time and again, history has proved that all those who cheated the NFPE and tried to break the unity of departmental employees and GDS, after getting elevated to the General Secretary posts with the help of NFPE, are thrown to the dustbin of history. Shri Mahadevaiah was made as General Secretary of the GDS Union by Com. Adinarayana and other top leaders of NFPE. After reaching Delhi, he started joining hands with the anti-NFPE lobby and hijacked the GDS Union to anti NFPE camp and made it his “Private Limited company”. But history has its own rule and that is how new GDS Union (AIPEU-GDS NFPE) has emerged upholding the truth and the tradition of our great and glorious organisation NFPE. The days of those “anti-NFPE slogan walas” are counted and the new GDS Union of NFPE shall lead the entire GDS in future. No force on earth can prevent it. And no filthy language or unparliamentary words can deter NFPE and AIPEU-GDs (NFPE) from its onward march for the liberation of 2.76 lakhs Gramin Dak Sevaks.

“Let Empty Vessels Make Much Noise, But NFPE and AIPEU-GDS (NFPE) leadership will not be provoked by such slanderous write ups and we will always keep the decency and decorum which is the hallmark of NFPE leadership right from Com. Tarapada Mukherjee to Com. Dada Ghosh to Com. K. G. Bose to Com. Adinarayana and N. J. Iyer and other leaders who lead the Great Postal Trade Union movement.

(M. Krishnan)
Secretary General
National Federation of Postal Employees
Mob: 09447068025

(Remaining parts will be published later if required)