Saturday, February 22, 2014

Friday 21 February 2014


Today Com. M. Krishnan, Secretary General, NFPE held discussion with Secretary, Department of Posts. Com. K. V. Sridharan, Ex-General Secretary, P3 (CHQ) and Com. Balwinder Singh, Financial Secretary, P3 (CHQ) were also present. Mainly two issues were discussed.

(1)   GDS issues            (2) IT Modernisation Project & Recruitment

(1)   GDS Issues:
Regarding GDS issue Secretary, Department of Posts said that as already informed to the Federations, inclusion under the purview of 7th Pay Commission can be considered and decided by Govt. (DOP&T) only. Hence whether GDS shall be included under 7th CPC or separate committee is to be appointed is to be decided by the Government. Secretary, Department of Posts can only refer the matter to Government and cannot take any decision in this matter. We told that accepting any other separate committee (Whether Judicial or Retired officer)will be equal to accepting the argument of the Government and Department that “GDS are not Civil Servants and hence they cannot be included in the 7th Pay Commission”. The JCM Staff side, National Council has already taken a stand that GDS should be included under the purview of 7th Pay Commission itself. Further Confederation of Central Government Employees & Workers & NFPE have conducted a two days strike for inclusion of GDS under 7th CPC. FNPO also conducted two days strike on the same demands. No Unions/Federations in the Postal Department or in the National Council JCM has demanded a separate committee for GDS, whether Judicial or Bureaucratic. Accepting any other Committee will be equal to accepting the stand of the Government that GDS are not Civil Servants. When NFPE & AIPEU-GDS (NFPE) have challenged the stand of the Government that “GDS are not civil servants” in the Hon’ble Supreme Court and when the Delhi High Court has already issued notice to the Department, accepting a separate Committee and thereby accepting the stand of the Government that GDS are not civil servants and hence cannot be included in the 7th CPC will be suicidal at this point of time, as far as GDS are concerned. We made our position very clear. If the UPA Government is not ready to accept our stand, we will place our demand before the next Government and go for indefinite strike. Hence our decision for indefinite strike after election stands.

(2)   IT Modernisation Project:
While extending our cooperation for the implementation of the project, we brought the difficulties being faced by the employees due to the hasty implementation of CBS, malfunctioning of some software etc. for immediate redressal. Secretary, Posts, informed that 10200 recruitment in PA cadre is going to take place and assured that the difficulties pointed out by the staff side will be taken care of and addressed.

(M. Krishnan)
Secretary General

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