Monday, May 12, 2014


            UP Circle P-IV union CWC was held at Lucknow on 10.05.2014. The CWC meeting was presided over by Com. Anil Chaudhary Circle President P-IV UP.
            First of all a warm welcome was given to Com. Seethalaxmi General Secretary P-IV union who came Lucknow for the first time after being elected as General Secretary P-IV  Union. Com. Vikram Shah Circle Secretary P-IV UP and President CHQ garlanded her and presented shawl and memento. Many Comrades of Lucknow Division and Lucknow GPO garlanded her.
            Other leaders including Com. R.N. Parashar, ASG NFPE and Circle President P-III UP ,Com. Virendra Tiwari General Secretary SBCO union, Com. TP Mishra Advisor P-III UP, Com. Subhash Mishra Circle Secretary P-III UP, Com. R K Gupta Circle Secretary R-III UP, Com. Narottam Tripathi Circle Secretary R-IV UP, Com. S B Yadav Circle Secretary Postal Accounts UP, Com. R S Chand Working President P-III UP, Com. Shesh Mani Tripathi ACS P-III UP, Com. V.B. Pachauri ACS P-III UP, Com. Trigun Sen Org. Secretary P-III UP, were also welcomed by the Reception Committee by garlanding and presenting the Mementos.
            Before commencement of CWC homage was paid to the martyrs by observing 2 minutes silence. CWC commenced with the welcome speech of Com. Vikram Shah. The CWC was inaugurated by Com. R. Seethalaxmi who elaborately described the issues related to postmen and MTS Cadre and role of P-IV CHQ and NFPE in resolving the same. Com. R N Parashar, Assistant Secretary General NFPE while delivering the speech thrown light on past glorious history of NFPE and challenges being faced by the unions in the wake of globalization policies.  He stated the present position of pay commission and other various issues related to Postal Department. He appealed all to strengthen GDS NFPE union in UP. All other leaders mentioned above also expressed their views and wished success of CWC and assured all co-operation to P-IV union.
            All CWC office bearers and Divisional Secretaries present in the CWC put their views on agenda , At last Com. Vikram Shah Circle Secretary concluded the discussion and assured to try his best to resolve the issues taken by comrades. He thanked Com. General Secretary and other leaders for taking part in CWC.
            Com. R S Maurya Ex. Circle President P-IV and Com. R S Kathriya also extended their best wishes to the CWC. Com. Naresh Gupta Divisional Secretary P-III Lucknow GPO and Com. Raj Bahadur Yadav Divisional Secretary P-III Lucknow City Division were also present in the meeting.
                        The role of Coms. Sajid, Surender, Pradip Tiwari, Ram Gopal, Ravinder Srivastav deserves appreciation in making the CWC a grand success.

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