Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

NFPE Special Appeal to the leaders of affiliated unions

Central Head quarter
1st Floor, North Avenue Post Office Building, New Delhi - 110 001

No. PF-01/2014                                                                                Dated: 12.08.2014

         All Circle Secretaries  of affiliated unions/Associations
         All NFPE CHQ Office bearers
         All General Secretaries

Dear Cmrades,

The Central Working Committee of All India Postal Casual part-Time Contingent & Contract Workers Federation has met at NFPE office on 12-08-2014. Com.M.Krishnan, Secretary General, NFPE, Com.R.Sivannarayana, All India President, P-3 CHQ, Com.P.Pandurangarao, General Secretary, AIPEU GDS (NFPE), Com.V.Murugan, Financial Secretary, AIPEU GDS (NFPE), Com.R.N.Parashar, Asst. Secretary General, NFPE CHQ attended and addressed the meeting. Com.D.Sivagurunathan, All India Vice President presided the meeting. Com.P.Mohan, General Secretary presented the work report.

After a detailed discussion following decisions are taken :

1. State Committees (either elected or ad hoc) should be formed in all remaining States before   November 15th, 2014. NFPE CHQ shall issue instructions to all Circle Secretaries to take initiative and complete the formation of State Committees before 15.11.2014.

2. 2nd All India Conference of the Federation will be held in the month of February 2015. All Circle Secretaries of Maharashtra Circle shall extend full support and guidance for the success of the AIC.

3. Decided to convene next Central Working Committee meeting on 23rd and 24h November 2014 at Dwaraka (Gujrat) along with the Diamond Jubilee Celebrations of NFPE.

4. Decided to Register the All India Federation under Trade Union Act. Com.P.Mohan, General Secretary is authorized to complete this work.

5.Decided to file a case before the National Human Rights Commission. General Secretary is authorized to file the case.

6. Decided to publish a “Compilation of all Rulings relating to Casual Labourers” during the next AIC. Com.M.Krishnan, Secretary General, NFPE is authorized to complete this work.

NFPE CHQ once again requested all the Circle Secretaries of NFPE unions to form State Committees of Causal, Part-time Contingent & Contract Workers Federation in all Circles before 15.11.2014. It is also requested to all the Casual Labour Federation leaders to make the above decisions a grand success.

With warm greetings
Comradely yours,

General Secretary
Secretary General

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