Monday, October 13, 2014

The 21st All India Conference of ALL INDIA POSTAL ACCOUNTS EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION being held from 13th to 15th October 2014 in Bangalore city (Bell Hotel).
The meeting was presided over by Com.S.Santhosh Kumar, President, AIP AEA. Com.T.Satyanarayana, General Secretary made a welcome speech on behalf of CHQ.
Com.S.K.Vyas, Patron & Advisor, CCGEW inaugurated the Session.
Com.M.Krishnan, Secretary General, CCGEW & former Secretary General, NFPE presented the key note address. Prof. Haragopal (Prof. Tata Institute of Social Services) addressed in the session.
Shri Chittaranjan Pradhan, Director, Postal Accounts, Bangalore invited as Guest of Honour and addressed in the open session in connection with the progress of DoP in Computerization & Modernization in the area of Postal Accounts wing.
Many other leaders viz., Com.K.K.N.Kutty, Chairman, CCGEW., Com.R.N.Parashar, Secretary General, NFPE, Com. Giri Raj Singh, President, NFPE & General Secretary, R-3., Com.N.Subramanyan, General Secretary(offg), AIPEU Gr.C., Com.R.Seethalakshmi, General Secretary, AIPEU PM&MTS & Dy. Secretary General, NFPE., Com.P.Suresh, General Secretary, R-4., Com.K.Ramachandram, All India President, AIP AOEU., Com.P.Pandurangarao, General Secretary, AIPEU GDS (NFPE), Com.P.Mohan, General Secretary, AIPCPCCWF were invited as chief guests.
Circle Secretaries of NFPE Unions, Karnataka Circle and many veteran leaders were also present in the open session.

Protest against Aadhar Card based Biometric Attendance System for the Central Govt Employees

Resolutions Adopted by the 6th Federal Council Meeting of NATIONAL FEDERATION OF CIVIL ACCOUNTS ASSOCIATIONS Held at Cochin on 17th and 18th September 2014


The 6th Federal Council meeting of the National Federation of Civil Accounts Associations held at Cochin on 18th and 19th September 2014 discussed the decision of Govt. of India to introduce the Aadhar Card based biometric attendance system for the Central Govt. Employees.

The meeting observed that introduction of Aadhar based attendance and punctuality in the offices-
(a) Every employee is expected to be on seat and to start work at the prescribed opening of office hour. Ten minutes grace time may be allowed in respect of arrival time to cover up any unforeseen contingencies.

(b) (i) Every employee should note down the time of arrival and departure under his /her initial in ink in the Attendance Register(S 37)
(ii) The Register should be initialed at the bottom by the Section Officer.
(iii) The Register should be sent to the Branch Officer 10 minutes after the prescribed arrival time.

(c) (i) The Section Officer will see that the entries are made correctly.
(ii) The section Officer will draw the attention of the Branch Officer to the names of the person(s) who frequently or habitually late.
(iii) The section officer shall denote prescribed abbreviations for non- attendance by any official

- This system of recording attendance and watching the punctuality of individual government servants and the portrait of his/her attendance and non- attendance is in vogue from a date prior to independence and its efficacy was never questioned by the Administrative Reforms Committees of any of the six Central Pay Commissions. The administrations of Government departments have been most effectively maintaining the punctuality and discipline in the offices for the last seven decades by using the omnibus register for maintaining the attendance and punctuality.

The meeting felt that giving publicity of the decision of enforcing attendance in a disproportionate manner is retrograde and derogatory to the dignity of the employees and officers of Central Government establishments. The electronic and print media are using this internal administrative decision of the Central Government as an instrument to malign the officers and employees of Central Government which is untenable.

The meeting also noted that the Aadhar Card based biometric attendance system is nothing but pointing of fingers towards the integrity of the employees & officers of central Government establishments. Before taking such decisions, the Government did not bring the fact of deteriorations in the position of attendance and punctuality if any, in the National Council JCM justifying the requirement to replacing the manual system by machine. As per the Government of India, Department of Personnel and Training OM. No. 3/42/87-JCA dated 28th January 1988 read with clause 8(Jurisdiction and functions) of JCM the Staff side is to be consulted before introduction of any new Technology.

The meeting therefore, urges upon the Govt. of India to delink the Aadhar Card from the process of implementation of Biometric attendance system and before implementing the new scheme of biometric attendance system in the Central Government Offices, take the following actions-

1. Discuss the issue of introduction of Biometric attendance system/Adhar Card based Biometric Attendance system in the National Council(JCM) and Departmental Council (JCM)
2. Upgrade infrastructure and communication system in all cities of the country or introduce pickup point system for the employees & officers so that they could report for duty in time.

The meeting also urges upon the Government of India not to consider introduction of aadhar card based attendance. The National Federation of Civil Accounts Association stands for strict implementation of punctuality, discipline and work culture in all central Govt. offices and extend its full support and co-operation to maintain punctuality and discipline in the offices.

The meeting Resolves to forwarded the Resolution to the Cabinet Secretary, Controller General of Accounts, the Secretary, staff side National Council (JCM) and the Secretary General, Confederation of Central Government Employees & workers.

(T.R. Janardanan)

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