Thursday, January 8, 2015

            Circle Council Meeting of AIPEU GDS (NFPE) Karnatka Circle was held on 04th Jan 2015 (Sunday) at Samskrit Bhavan Hasan (ktk) under the Joint Chairmanship of Com. Chandar Shekhar Circle President (P-3), Com. Basavana Gouda Patil Circle President AIPEU GDS (NFPE) and Com Raju B Patil Circle Working President of AIPEU GDS (NFPE). At the beginning revolutionary song was recited by Com. C Revanna GDS MD/MC Mallagoudnana Halli Tumkar and his team. Meeting was inaugurated by Com. R. Seethalakshmi General Secretary AIPEU Postmen & MTS. The message regarding inclusion of GDS in 7th CPC, struggle for regularization GDS and gist of task force recommendation was explained. Chief Guest Com. S.Varalakshmi, State Convener of Working Women Coordination Committee and Vice-President of CITU of Karnataka State in her address speech elaborately explained the present situation of working class and policy of the Government in the name of reformation changing laws and its impact on labour class.
          Many other leaders from P-3, P-4, namely, Com. Chandramma Lingraju State President SC/ST Association, Com. Suvarna Ex D/S P-3 Shimoga,  Com. Shylesh Kumar ACS (P-3), Com. Sundariah Circle Working President (P-4), Com. M.B. Krishnappa Deputy C/S (P-4), Com. Veeranna Shetty Ex-Deputy C/S (P-4), Com Vegnanna Divisional  President  (P-3) Tumkar Dn, Com. Yassmin Taj Org. Secretary All India Women Sub Committee, Com. B.R. Jagdish AGS AIPEU GDS (NFPE) and Several Divisional Secretaries of P-3 & P-4 were present and greet the occasion. 16 Divisional Secretaries and Circle Office bearers and women of Sub Committee also participated in Circle Council. Morning inaugural Session more than two hundred representatives from all the divisions of Karnataka attended. Programe was arranged by the P-3 & P-4 including GDS (NFPE) of Hasan Division. All were welcomed by Com Kalpesh Circle Secretary GDS (NFPE). Com H. K. Stayan and Com. Brahama Dev coordinator the programme with President. All guests and retired seniors were felicitated with Shawl and Momento. Vote of thanks by Com. Taranath D/S P-3 Hassan Division. 

Reception Committee headed by Com. Venugopal President (P-3), Com. Somanna President (P-4), Com. TD Rangaiah  President GDS(NFPE), Com. Kumar D/S GDSFPE) Hassan Com  Leela Vathi, Treasurer GDSFPE) Hassan and many other Comrades of Hassan Division made nice arrangements for Circle Council. 



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