Tuesday, January 13, 2015

 Staff Side NC JCM writes to Cabinet Secretary for Interim Relief, Merger of DA etc.

Secretary Staff Side NC JCM writes to cabinet secretary regarding demands of central government employees:-
Shiva Gopal Mishra
National Council (Staff Side)
Joint Consultative Machinery
for Central Government Employees
No. NC/JCM/2015                                                              Dated: January 11, 2015

The Cabinet Secretary,
Government of India,
Cabinet Secretariat,
Rashtrpati Bhawan Annexe,
New Delhi

Dear Sir,

I solicit your kind attention to my letter in No.NC/JCM/2014 dated 16 th December, 2014, wherein we had conveyed the decisions taken at the National Convention of representatives of the organisations participating in the JCM. We are distressed that you have chosen not to respond to our letter till date. We have so far not received any communication from any quarter of the convening of the National Council of the JCM. No effort has also been taken by any Ministry to convene the Departmental Councils.  

We have now been given to understand that the Government has taken serious steps to set up a corporation to carry on the functions of the 41 ordnance Factories, presently functioning under the Ministry of Defence. We have also noted that the report of the Committee set up by the Government to corporatize the functions of the Postal Department. The inordinate delay in settling the demands for Interim Relief and Merger of DA is causing distress amongst the Central Government employees. The Railwaymen are particularly agitated over the decision of the Government to induct FDI to the extent of 100% in Railways, which we are aware cannot be done without privatisation of the Railways. The declaration of the Convention, which we had forwarded to you vide our letter cited had amply explained the anguish of the Central Government employees.

In order to register our opposition to the recent decision of the Government to corporatize the functions of the Ordnance factories, we have amended Item No.2 of the charter of demands. We send herewith the revised charter of demands.  

The National JCA met today and took note of the silence on the part of the Government to our pleadings. The meeting has, therefore, decided to go ahead with the agitational programmes, the first phase of which will culminate in a massive March to Parliament by Central Government employees on 28th April, 2015. If no settlement is brought about on the 10 point charter of demands, we will be constrained to go for an indefinite strike action, the date of commencement of which will be decided on 28 th April, 2015.
Thanking you,

Comradely yours,
(Shiva Gopal Mishra)
Secretary (Staff Side)

Copy to: Secretary, DoP&T – for information and necessary action please.
Copy to: Director, JCA – for information and necessary action please.
Copy to: All Constituents of NC/JCM(Staff Side) – for information.

National Joint Council of Action
4, State Entry Road New Delhi–110055
Dated: January 11, 2015

Dear Comrades,

As scheduled, the meeting of the National JCA was held at the Staff Side office today, i.e. 11th January, 2015. The list of members who attended the meeting is annexed to this communication. The meeting was chaired by Com. M. Raghavaiah, General Secretary, National Federation of Indian Railwaymen. The meeting made the following observations and took the following decisions:

  1. The Statement made by Shri Narendra Modi, Honourable Prime Minister of the country at Varanasi to the effect that the Railways would not be privatised was misleading and intended to create confusion in the minds of the Railwaymen, especially in the background that the proposal to induct FDI in Railways to the extent of 100% is being pursued vigorously.
  2. The Government has decided to set up a Corporation to carry on the functions of the 41 ordnance factories under the Ministry of Defence.
  3. Except in a few States, the steps required to be taken for form the State level Committees of the JCA have not been undertaken.
  4. In order to expedite the formation of such committee in all States, the NC JCM website will carry the names and addresses of the State leaders of the participating organisations 
  5. The Zonal Secretaries of AIRF will be asked to ensure that such committees are formed at all State Capitals before the end of this month and the convention is held on a mutually convenient date for all but before 15th February, 2014. 
  6. District conventions or March to Collectorates will be organised by the Committee in all District capitals of the country.
  7. The entire month of March and the first half of April will be utilised for campaigning amongst the employees at all work- spots.
  8. The March to Parliament will be organised on 28th April, 2015.
  9. Every effort will be taken to reach a target of 5 lakh workers to participate in the said March. Target quota for each organisation will be fixed.
  10. The State Committees will advise the National Convenor as to which organisations (those CGE organisations who are not presently participating in the JCM must be addressed to join the movement. 
  11. The State Committees after the convention will hold Press Conferences to give media publicity to the decisions taken including the decision to go on indefinite strike action.
  12. The National JCA will hold a Press Conference at Delhi prior to the March to Parliament programme.
  13. The Charter of demands will be amended (Item No.2) to include the following words: “and ordnance factories under the Ministry of Defence.”
  14. Reminder letter will be sent to the Cabinet Secretary expressing distress over his silence and the non convening of the National Council, Anomaly Committee and Departmental Councils of the JCM.
  15. The Convenor reported that the 7th CPC has informed him of their intention to convene the meeting of the organisations for tendering oral evidence in the month of February, 2015.
(Shiva Gopal Mishra)
List of Members who participated in the meeting:
Comrades Rakhal Das Gupta & Shiva Gopal Misra(AIRF), Guman Singh & M. Raghavaiah(NFIR) S.N. Pathak & C. Srikumar(AIDEF), K.K.N. Kutty,(Confederation) Giriraj Singh,(NFPE) Ashok Singh &, R. Srinivasan (INDWF) and S.K. Vyas.(Confederation).

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