Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Health and Family Welfare Ministry to Implement RSBY Scheme from Tomorrow

Labour and Employment Ministry Transfers RSBY Scheme 
The Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojna (RSBY ) of the Labour and Employment Ministry will now be implemented by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. In pursuance of a recent policy decision of the Government, the Labour and Employment Ministry is handing over the RSBY scheme to the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare with effect from tomorrow( 1st April 2015).The decision will come in to force on as is, where is basis.
The RSBY, the health insurance scheme for BPL(below poverty line) families was launched for the workers in the unorganized sector in the FY 2007-08 and it became fully operational from 1st April 2008. It provides for IT-enabled and smart –card-based cashless healthy insurance, including maternity benefit cover up to Rs. 30,000/- per annum on a family floater basis to BPL families (a unit of five) and 11 occupational groups in the unorganized sector. The ‘’Unorganized workers social Security Act, 2008” came into operation w.e.f 31st December 2008 and it encompassed ten social security schemes benefitting the unorganized workers including the RSBY.
The scheme has benefitted 3,85,15,411 families up to 31st March 2014. As many as 10311 hospitals are rendering services to the insured persons which include 6093 private hospitals and 4218 Government hospitals. Insurance Companies both of public and private sector (Govt-4, Private-12) are participating in this flagship scheme. Central share to the tune of Rs. 3738.05 crores was released by GOI during the last six years and the release during current FY is Rs 548.20 up to 23rd March 2015. 
Out of 29 States and 7 Union Territories, the scheme was never operational in 3 States and 4 UTs and was operational for some time and then stopped in 5 States and one UT. In 21 States and one UT, the scheme is under continuous implementation starting from FY 2008-09. Altogether, 548 districts [out of the country total of 676 districts] have been covered under RSBY so far and 128 districts have never implemented RSBY. 
In India, out of the estimated workforce of 47 crores, only eight crore are organized workers and thirty nine crore are workers in the unorganized sector. 


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