Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Step guide for processing of the proposal for framing / amendment of Recruitment Rules: DoPT OM

Step guide for procession of the proposal for framing/amendment of Recruitment Rules

No. AB.14017/13/2013-Estt.(RR)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, PG & Pensions
(Department of Personnel & Training)
New Delhi the 31 st March, 2015

Sub: Step guide for processing of the proposal for framing / amendment of Recruitment Rules.
The undersigned is directed to state that this Department has issued guidelines on framing/amendment/relaxation of Recruitment Rules vide OM No. AB -14 017/48/2010-Estt.(RR) dated 31.12.2010 which inter-alia provides thirteen column Schedule (Annexure-I) to be annexed with the notification of the Recruitment Rules. A detailed step guide (column-wise) for processing of the proposal for framing / amendment of Recruitment Rules is enclosed. The step guide material may be used for filling up thirteen columns Schedule (Annexure-I) to be annexed with notification part of the recruitment rules for various posts under Ministries / Departments.

2. Hindi Version will follow.

(Shukdeo Sah)
Under Secretary to the Government of India

Step guide for processing of the Proposal for framing / amendment of Recruitment Rules
Column 1: Name of post
The name of the post is to be kept as per the model RRs issued by this Department for common categories of posts. In case of the post where model RRs are not issued the name of the post is to be kept as approved in the creation order of the post. 
Column 2: Number of post
The number of post is to be filled in as per the existing RRs and taking into account the number of the posts created/abolished/upgraded thereafter. Copy of the orders needs to be placed on file while referring the RRs on file to DOPT to substantiate the numbers of the post.
Column 3: Classification of the post
Classification of the post is to be made as per the existing instructions.
Column 4: Pay Band and Grade Pay/Pay Scale
The entry Pay Band... (Rs....... ) and Grade Pay Rs............ /Pay Scale is to be made as per the CCS (RP Rules), 2008.
Column 5: Selection post or Non-Selection post
The entry Selection or non-Selection will come only where promotion is either the sole method of recruitment or one of the methods.
  • The method will be selection in the following circumstances:

(i)When promotion is from a lower Group to a higher Group (e.g. promotion from Group C to Group B post, or from Group B to Group A post)
(ii)Promotions within Group B and Group A except where it is to a Non-functional Grade:,
  • The method will be non-Selection in the rest of the promotion cases.
  • For Non--functional selection grade, entry will be placement on Seniority basis subject to suitability/fitness.

Column 6: Age limit for Direct recruits
Group C posts — between 18 years and 25 years*
* In case of post being filled up by all-India Open Competition, it would be — between 18 year and 27 years.
  • Posts in Grade pay Rs.4200, Rs.4600 and Rs.4800 - 30 years
  • Posts in Grade pay Rs.5400 - 35 years
  • Posts in Grade pay Rs.6600 - 40 years
  • Posts in Grade pay Rs.7600 - 50 years
  • Posts in Grade pay above the Grade of Rs.7600 — Preferably below 50 years**

**Ministry/ Department may examine the age limit requirement at the time of framing of RRs and incorporate specific age limit higher than 50 years.
NOTE: Apart from the age concessions admissible to the SC/ST/OBC category (which is covered under the Saving clause of the notification of the RRs), the following age concessions applicable for Government Servants need to be incorporated:
  • For Group C posts —

(The upper age-limit is relaxable for departmental candidate upto 40 years in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by the Central Government)
  • For Group A & B posts — (Relaxable for Government servant upto 5 years in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by the Central Government)
  • The following entry to be incorporated in all the RRs (where recruitment is made other than UPSC/ SSC) in the form of a Note:
Note: The crucial date for determining the age limit shall be the closing date for receipt of applications from candidates in India and not the closing date prescribed for those in Assam, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Manipur, Nagaland, Tripura, Sikkim, Ladakh Division of J&K State, Lahaul & Spiti District and Pangi Sub-division of Himachal Pradesh, Andaman & Nicobar Islands or Lakshadweep.
  • The following entry to be incorporated in the RRs (where recruitment is made by UPSC/ SSC) in the form of a Note:Note: The crucial date for determining the age limit shall be as advertised by UPSC/SSC.

Column 7: Educational and other qualifications required for direct recruits
The minimum educational qualifications and experience required for direct recruitment may be indicated as precisely as possible, and if necessary, these may be divided into two parts, viz., "Essential Qualifications" and "Desirable Qualifications". These requirements vary from post to post depending upon the scale of ply and the nature of duties. But they should be determined, as far as possible, keeping in view the provisions in the approved Recruitment Rules for similar posts and higher and lower posts in the same hierarchy.
  • For Group A and Group B posts of general or administrative nature, the minimum qualification may be a Bachelors Degree in any discipline from a recognized University; for posts of technical or specialized nature, the minimum qualification may be a Masters Degree in the relevant discipline.
  • Prescribing First or Second Class / Division in respect of an educational qualification e.g. Degree to be avoided and a simple Degree / Master's Degree be prescribed.

  • To be ensured that the qualifications and experience prescribed are the minimum required for the post. On the ground that persons with higher qualifications are available, the minimum required qualification/ experience need not be stepped up. 

Column 8: Whether age and educational qualifications prescribed for direct recruits will apply in the case of promotees
The entry under this Col. will be either 'yes' or `no' or 'not applicable'.
  • The entry will be 'not applicable' where in the particular RRs, direct recruitment/promotion is not a method prescribed
  • Under `no', the entry could be either a simple 'No" or a qualified one —i.e., `No, but must possess at least
  • The entry will be `No' in all cases of RRs of non-technical posts.
  • For junior Group A and Group B posts, only the basic qualification in the discipline need be insisted upon even in scientific and technical posts — e.g. if the minimum qualification is degree in civil engineering for direct recruits, for the promotees it may be at least a diploma in civil engineering. In such cases, the entry under Col. No. 9 will be "No, but must possess at least a diploma in civil engineering".
  • For scientific and technical posts in the Pay Band 3 Rs. 15600-39100 Grade Pay Rs. 6600 and above, the entry shall normally be `Yes'.

Column 9: Period of probation, if any
Probationary period is prescribed only in RRs where direct recruitment or reemployment (before the age of superannuation) is a method or where promotion is from a lower group to a higher group (e.g. from Group C to B, Group B to A).
Period of probation
  • Promotion from one grade to another within the same Group (e.g. from Group C to Group C, Group B to Group B) - no probation.
  • Promotion from a lower group to a higher group (e.g. from Group B to Group A) 2 years.
  • (i) For direct recruitment to posts except clause (ii) below — 2 years
    (ii) For direct recruitment to posts carrying a Grade Pay of Rs. 7600 or above or to the posts to which the maximum age limit is 35 years or above and where no training is involved —1 year

Note. Training includes `on the job' or `Institution
  • Officers re-employed before age of superannuation — 2 years
  • Appointment on contract basis, tenure basis, re-employment after superannuation and absorption — no probation.

Column 10: Method of recruitment whether by direct recruitment or by promotion or by deputation/ absorption and percentage of the vacancies to be filled by various methods
  • The methods to be prescribed and the percentage of vacancies to be filled by each method in each individual case to be decided keeping in view inter alia

(i) Structure of the cadre/hierarchy
(ii) Availability of suitable personnel in the relevant feeder grade
(iii) Need for induction from outside through Direct Recruitment or Deputation
(including Short-term Contract)/Absorption on functional considerations.
Need to provide for adequate promotional avenues to qualified personnel in the feeder grade torn sustain the morale and efficiency of the cadre.
  • While fixing the proportion for promotion, to ensure that the feeder grade concerned has sufficient strength to sustain the same. The feeder grade to promotion grade ratio should be 2 at least for the method of recruitment as 'Promotion failing which Deputation'. In case of feeder grade to promotion grade ratio is 3 to 5 times, the method may be prescribed as 'Promotion'.
  • 'Direct recruitment at successive level to be avoided.
  • Direct recruitment against isolated posts to be avoided.
  • The method of short term contract could be included when services of suitable officers belonging to non-government organizations (ex. Universities, recognized institutes, public sector undertakings etc.) are required for appointment to teaching/research/ scientific or technical posts.
  • Where absorption is prescribed in the RRs the absorption will apply only to officers belonging to the Central and State Government and UT Administrations. 
  • 'The composite method of deputation/promotion or deputation (including short term contract)/promotion to be prescribed where the field of promotion consists of only one post.

Column 11: In case of recruitment by promotion/ deputation/ absorptiongrades from which promotion/ deputation/ absorption to be made
Entry for promotion:
............(name of feeder grade) in PB............... Rs .............. and GP Rs............ with ......years of regular in the grade and having successfully completed .... weeks training in .......
(subject/ area of work relevant to duties & responsibility of the higher post)*
* The duration of training may be decided taking into account the functional requirement, knowledge & skill up-gradation of feeder grade officers and infrastructure of the organization.
Entry for deputation or deputation/absorption:
`Officers of the Central Government (or the Central Govemment/State Government
or Union territories):
(a)(i) Holding analogous post on a regular basis in the parent cadre or department;
(ii) * With .......... years service rendered after appointment to the post on a regular basis in the Pay Band ............. Rs. ............... Grade Pay ........... or equivalent in the parent cadre or department; and
(b) ** (possessing the qualifications and experience prescribed for direct recruitment under Col. No.7-if DR is a method of appointment).
* Where it is necessary to extend the field of selection for deputation to posts below the analogous level
** Where direct recruitment is not a method in the Rules, appropriate educational qualifications and experience to be prescribed.
Entry for deputation (ISTC) or deputation (ISTC)/absorption:
`Officers of the Central Government, State Government, Union territories autonomous or statutory organization, PSUs, University or Recognized Research Institution:
(a)(i) Holding analogous post on a regular basis in the parent cadre or department;
(ii) * With ................ years service rendered after appointment to the post on a regular basis in the Pay Band .............. Rs ................ Grade Pay ........ or equivalent in the parent cadre or department; and
(b) ** (possessing the qualifications and experience prescribed for direct recruitment under Col. No.7-if DR is a method of appointment).'
* Where it is necessary to extend the field of selection for deputation to posts below the analogous level
** Where direct recruitment is not a method in the Rules, appropriate educational qualifications and experience to be prescribed.
Note: The Central or State Government officers shall only be considered for absorption. (Where absorption is also prescribed.)
Entry for Deputation / Promotion
`Officers of the Central Government, State Government or Union Territories 
(a)(i) Holding analogous post on a regular basis in the parent cadre or department;
(ii) * With .............. years service rendered after appointment to the post on a regular basis in the Pay Band ....... Rs ... Grade Pay ........ or  equivalent in the parent cadre or department; and
(b) possessing appropriate qualifications and experience.'
* Where it is necessary to extend the field of selection for deputation to posts below the analogous level
Note: The departmental .............. (Designation of the officer) in Pay Band ...Rs......... and Grade Pay Rs .............. with ................. Years of regular service in the grade and having the educational qualifications and experience prescribed for considering appointment on deputation basis is considered along with outsiders. If the departmental candidate is selected for appointment to the post; it shall be treated as having been filled by promotion.
Entry for Deputation (including Short Term Contact)/Promotion
`Officers of the Central Government State Government Union Territories, autonomous or statutory organization, PSUs, University or Recognized Research Institution
(a)(i) Holding analogous post on a regular basis in the parent cadre or department;
(ii) * With ......... years service rendered after appointment to the post on a regular basis in the Pay Band ............. Rs ............ Grade Pay ............. or equivalent in the parent cadre or department, and
(b) possessing appropriate qualifications and experience
* Where it is necessary to extend the field of selection for deputation to posts below the analogous level
Note: The departments ............. (Designation of the officer) in Pay Band Rs ............ and Grade Pay Rs ........... with ............. Years of regular service in the grade and having the educational qualifications and experience prescribed for considering appointment on deputation basis is considered along with outsiders. If the departmental candidate is selected for appointment to the post; it shall be treated as having been filled by promotion.
Column 12: If a Departmental Promotion Committee exists what is its composition
  • The entry under this Col. will either be `Not applicable' or composition of the Departmental Promotion Committee (DPC) for considering promotion or Departmental Confirmation Committee (DCC) for confirmation to be incorporated.
  • The DPCwill appear only where the method of recruitment prescribed in Col. No. 11 includes promotion.
  • DCC will appear where probation period is prescribed in Column 9.
  • Composition of DPC
  • Total strength of the Committee shall not be less than 3 including the Chairman.
  • The Chairman and members shall be atleast one level above the post to which promotion is to be made.
  • The level of the Chairman and members, association of members from other departments etc. to be decided as per instructions of DOPT. 
  • Where the UPSC is associated with the DPC, the DPC will be chaired by the Chairman/Member of the Commission.
  • Composition of DPC for confirmation to be on the lines as above with the change that the UPSC will not be associated with it.

Column 13: Circumstances under which UPSC is to be consulted in making recruitment
Where the posts are not exempt from the purview of UPSC as per the UPSC (Exemption from Consultation) Regulations, 1958 as amended from time to time, the UPSC is to be consulted for the following:
  •  for the purpose of recruitment to Group B and A posts; and Circumstances in which the UPSC is to be consulted in making recruitments:*direct recruitment to Group A posts and Group B Gazetted posts;
  • In cases of absorption to Group A posts and Group B posts;
  • For appointment on deputation when the field of selection includes State Government officers and/or Group A and Group B officers of the CentralGovernment. But where field of selection comprises Group A officers only of the Central Government, no such consultation of the UPSC is necessary;
  • In cases of re-employment in Group A and B posts;
  • Where the method of recruitment is the composite method of deputation/promotion' or 'deputation (including short-term contract)/promotion'.
  • Where promotion from Group B to Group A is involved;
  • In all cases of promotion by 'selection' to any Group A post (or Service) except for promotion from PB 3 GP Rs.5400 to PB 3 GP Rs.6600.


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