Tuesday, August 4, 2015



            The National Convention of CG Pensioners organised by the NCCPA and hosted by the Telengana State Pensioners & Retired Persons Association in Sundarayya Vignana Kendra at Hyderabad was presided over by Nagpur CGPA leader Comrade Daktod. Comrade Prabhakar Nair leader of the host organisation welcomed all participants. Large number of delegates from several states participated in the convention including three women delegates. AIPRPA's participation was significant with 100 Delegates from 8 States including two women delegates from Kerala. 

            Comrade A.K.Padmanabhan CITU National President inaugurated the convention with his remarkable speech covering the international and national attacks on working class including the Pensioners and Senior Citizens under the neo-liberal policies and the need to unite to carry forward the struggle against these policies. He also narrated the importance of 2nd September strike by all sections of working people in India. 

            Comrade Shivgopal Mishra the General Secretary of AIRF and the Patron of NCCPA delivered his special address. His speech covered the important issues before the Pay Commission including that of the pensioners and the need to go on strike from 23rd November. He also pointed out the privatisation spree of the Central Government and he warned that the indefinite strike of November will be preponed without any notice if the Government tries to implement the privatisation of Railways as per the recommendations of Dr.Bibek Debroy Committee. 

            Comrade Pathak President of the AIDEF also narrated the issues before the CG Employees and Pensioners and the policies of the GOI that are aimed at supporting the Corporates and MNCs. He urged for united struggle of all to meet the dangers.

            Comrade KKN Kutty President of Confederation of CG Employees delivered his special address and pointed out that all should understand the political game of the Government and should be ready to counter it effectively. He touched the issues of Pensioners but called for a larger unity of all pensioners and employees to successfully meet the situation. 

            Comrade Pavitra Ranjan Chakraborti the Officiating SG of NCCPA presented the Draft Declaration of the Convention and addressed on the important points in the Declaration. 

            In the afternoon session Comrades K.G.Jayarajan GS AIBDPA; K.Ragavendran GS AIPRPA; P.C.Nair GS Para-military Pensioners Association; and many other leaders also addressed the session and covered the Draft Declaration presented before the house by the Secretary General and suggested several improvements and modifications. 

            Delegates representing the Affiliated organisatins of NCCPA deliberated on the Draft Declaration and all supported the Draft Declaration and suggested some improvements. 

            The Convention came to an end with the summing up speech of the Secretary General. The Convention has taken important decisions including to organise solidarity action by Pensioners in support of 2nd September Strike in all places according to local conditions; solidarity programmes to CG Employees strike from 23.11.2015; continuous campaign programmes and conventions for popularising the demands of the Pensioners as finalised by the Convention; taking steps for meeting the situation by all Pensioners Organisations unitedly after the submission of recommendations of 7th CPC etc. 

            The National Convention was a grand success and all participants have returned with enthusiasm and determination. Some Photos of the Convention are placed below:


                                                                                                        General Secretary

AKP National President CITU inaugurating

Shiv Gopal Misra GS AIRF special address

KKN Kutty President Confederation special address

Pathak President of AIDEF delivering special address

P.C.Nair GS Paramilitary pensioners association special address

K.G.Jayaraj GS AIBDPA delivering special address

S.S.Roy on behalf of West Bengal COC of CGPA

Sudhakaran Nair on behalf of Kerala COC of CGPA

D.K.Rahate President AIPRPA 

M.N.Reddy GS of Telengana All Pensioners & Retired Persons Association the host organisation
Sankar Kaduskar leader of CGPA Amaravathi Maharashtra

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