Monday, September 28, 2015

(Associate Member of National Federation of Postal Employees)
CHQ: Dada Ghosh Bhawan, 2151/1, New Patel Road, New Delhi - 110008
  President: Bijoy Gopal Sur                                          e-mail :
 General Secretary:     P. Pandurangarao   Website:

Circular No.01                                                                                            Date :25-09-2015
Dear Comrades,
Festival & Seasonal Greetings and congratulations to all of you

Our 2nd All India Conference was concluded with the constructive resolutions leading towards the emancipation of our cadre. It has given more inspiration and stimulation and also created a great confidence about the future of the GDS among the membership as well as the leadership of our NFPE and GDS (NFPE). The discussions and deliberations made by our GDS delegates are so much appreciated and valued and also directed the higher bodies to ensure to continue our struggle till the reach our goal ‘departmentalization of BOs & regularization of GDS’ organizationally and legally.

NFPE and our CHQ is abiding the directions of all the delegate comrades and representatives of all divisions of all the Circles and commenced our struggle programme immediately after the conclusion of our AIC by conducting a mass dhana at Jantharmanthar in New Delhi on 22-09-2015 demanding the settlement of our GDS demands organized by Postal JCA with the participation of both Secretary Generals of NFPE & FNPO and respective General Secretaries of all affiliated unions of both Federations along with 200 more participants. Even though the department urged and attempted by all means to cancel the dharna, PJCA decided to hold it and focused our resentment over the neglect of the Dept and Govt in resolving the issues of GDS and departmental employees.

The Govt, as expected, rejected the inclusion of GDS in 7th CPC even after repeated attempts made by the Dept of Posts. The long pending demand of ‘cadre restructuring’ for departmental employees is kept doldrums. All other justified demands are being dragged in such a way to come out from the purview and the recommendations of 7th CPC. Even though the Central Pay Commission is ready to submit its report by 30th September, the Govthas extended the date of submission of 7th CPC up to 31st December 2015. There is an ample time of 3 more months for the 7th CPC panel to consider the demand of GDS by modifying the Terms of Reference.

Further the Postal JCA decided to go for strike from 23rd November 2015 for ‘inclusion of GDS in 7th CPC’ as the prime demand. Though there is a call of NC JCM (Railway, Defense & Confederation of CGE) for indefinite strike from 23rdNovembers, irrespective of any decisions, Postal JCA is decided to go for indefinite strike from 23rd November 2015 itself.

The foremost task of our GDS Representatives is to enlighten and educate the members by conducting meetings, giving much publicity about the demands of PJCA by circulars and pamphlets, hand billsfor circulation among the GDS members. Time left for our struggle is just few weeks. Unless we act swiftly, we cannot make the strike a grand success. I hope that every representative of our union from branch level to Circle level will take all out efforts to implement the decisions of CHQ and give much priority to implement the directions  of our All India Conference.

Comrades, our GDS cadre is already under pressure and is being exploited by various decisions taken by the department and the Govt viz., introduction of various BD activities with and without incentives, Direct Benefit Transfer Schemes without observing the basic conditions of the BOs and time factor and the work load, Reduction of allowances, combination of duties, no medical facilities, inadequate supply of amenities to BOs, imposing impracticable targets on various items of work etc.

We are ready to serve for the Department, for the people and the nation but it requires that we should be provided with adequate means of livelihood with the civil status in the department and society. We are being deprived of many facilities in the background of policy offensives and need to overcome all the hurdles created by various factors. This time our struggle is sacrifice oriented. Let us do or die. Let us prepare for that and to prove our ability, strength and militancy through our united struggles with NFPE and PJCA.                                                                             
Grand success of 2nd All India Conference of AIPEU GDS (NFPE) SHIMLA

The 2nd All India Conference of AIPEU GDS (NFPE) has been held on 19th& 20th September 2015 in Ram Mandir Complex, Shimla. It was a grand success with the participation of 483 GDS Delegates representing from 287 divisions and 17 Circles. 13 CHQ office bearers, 15 Circle Secretaries, 3 Mahila Committee Members attended. More than 70 GDS delegates deliberated in the session. It proved the expansion of our union and improvement in the divisions.

The Reception Committee deserved all appreciation for their hospitality and warm reception in making nice and good arrangements for the Guests, Invitees, Delegates and visitors. In fact, Shimla division situated in the small circle like Himachal had taken challenge to hold All India Conference for GDS (NFPE) union and also made it grand success which was witnessed by all. On behalf of our CHQ we extend our sincere thanks and greetings to the team of NFPE leaders and GDS comrades for their commitment and zeal over the organization and receptivity.

On 19.9.2015 at 10.30 hrs, the National flag was hoisted by Com K.V.Sridharan, Former General Secretary, P3 and the NFPE flag was hoisted by Com R.Sivannarayana. Our Union flag was hoisted by Com Gopal Sur, All India President in the midst of thundering slogans. Then the Delegate Session was inaugurated by Shri Sanjay Chauhan, Hon’ble Mayor, Shimla and Chairman, Reception Committee. Shri Nirmal Singh, Director of Postal Services, Shri T.R.Sharma, Member (Retd) Postal Services Board, Shri Singhal, SSPOs, Shimla, Shri K.L.Gautham, General Secretary, CoC, Shimla, Shri Rakesh Singh, Ex-MLA are prominent dignitaries attended and addressed.

Open session was inaugurated by Com. Tapan Sen, Hon’ble Member of Parliament & General Secretary, CITU. Com.K.K.N.Kutty, President, CCGEW, Com.R.N.Parashar, Secretary General, NFPE & General Secretary, Com.Giriraj Singh, President, NFPE & General Secretary, Com.K.Raghavendran, Former Secretary General, NFPE & General Secretary, AIPRPA, Com.K.V.Sridharan, Former General Secretary, AIPEU Gr.C& Leader JCM Staff-side, Com.R.Sita Lakshmi, General Secretary, P-4, Com.D.B.Mohanty, Dy. Genl. Secretary, P-4, Com.P.Mohan, General Secretary, AIPCPCCWF, Com.J. Ramamurthy, All India President, AIPEU Gr.C., Com.R.Sivannarayana, Former All India President, AIPEU GR.C., Com.Balwindersingh, Fin. Secretary, Gr.C-CHQ, Com RashminPurohit, Working President, P3 CHQ  and many leaders of affiliated unions, veteran leaders  Com.T.P Mishra(UP), Com.K.L.Verma (HP) also attended and addressed in the conference.

The following set of office bearers were elected unanimously for the ensuing period:

Com.Bijoy Gopal Sur (West Bengal)

Wkg President-1
Com.Asha V. Joshi (Gujrat)
           -do-       -2
Com.Virendra Sharma (HP)
Mahila Sub Committee :
Vice President -1
Com.Nirmal Ch. Singh (Odisha)
Chairman:Com.Supravapaul (NE)
           -do-        -2
Com.Gana Acharya (Assam)
Convener : Com.Yashmintaj (Karnataka)
General Secretary
Com.P.Pandurangarao (Andhra Pradesh)
Member : Com.B.Padmavathi (AP)
Dy. Genl. Secy
Com.R.Dhanraj (Tamilnadu)
Member : Com.Sulochana (HP)

Com.B.R.Jagdeesh (Karnataka)
Member : Com.Sali George (Kerala)
            -do-      -2
Com.K.C.Ramachandran (Tamilnadu)
Member : Com.V.I.Lakshmi (TN)
            -do-      -3
Com.Jaiprakash Singh(Uttar Pradesh)
Member : Com.Malini (Karnataka)

Fin. Secretary
Com.Kumaran Nambiyar (Kerala)
Member : Com.Kaladevirajak (MP)
Asst. Fin. Secy
Com.Harish Kumar (Punjab)
Orgg Genl. Secy          -1
Com.Sambhusingh Chauhan (Rajasthan)
-do-     -2
Com.Chandra N. Chaudhary (Bihar)
-do-      -3
Com.Supravapaul (North East)

The Annual Report and Audited Accounts, Policy & Programme, enhancement of union subscription from Rs.10- to Rs.20- per member/month and some important resolutions were adopted unanimously.

Our CHQ thanking all the Guests, Invitees, delegates, visitors for their immense participation in the 2nd All India Conference of AIPEU GDS (NFPE) in Shimla and made it a grand success.

Yours fraternally,

General Secretary 

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