Friday, October 30, 2015


   National Federation of Postal Employees
1st Floor North Avenue Post Office Building, New Delhi-110 001
Phone: 011.23092771                                         e-mail:
       Mob: 9868819295/9810853981               website:

No. PF-01(e)/2015                                                                                Dated – 31.10.2015

            All General Secretaries/NFPE Office Bearers/All Circle, Divisional & Branch          Secretaries of NFPE affiliated Unions

Dear Comrades,

            NFPE alongwith AIPEUGDS (NFPE) has taken decision to go on 48 hours strike on 1st & 2nd December, 2015 on the four point\s charter of demands.

            NFPE had requested Secretary (P) in writing and by meeting personally to resolve the issues which are pending since long. But it is a very sorry state of affairs on the part of Department of Posts that neither any issue is settled nor even a single line in reply is being given.

            As you all are  aware that NFPE along with PJCA had declared indefinite strike from 6th May-2015 onwards. On most of the items  Secretary (P)  gave positive  assurance in writing in the meetings  during negotiations on agenda of strike Charter of demands and the minutes were circulated among all and were published in all union journals. On 5th May Honourable Minister  Communication also called  meeting with both Secretary Generals NFPE & FNPO and  he also gave positive assurances including  GDS wage revision by 7th CPC and for Cadre restructuring he told  that  he has signed the file after approving the proposals and handed over to Secretary Post.

            But after a lapse of 6 months period no progress is being noticed in any of the matter.

            Earlier National Joint Council of Action  of Constituent Organizations of National  Council JCM had taken  decision to go on indefinite  strike  from 23rd  November -2015 in which  our main demand of inclusion of GDS was also  included in the Charter of  demands

            It was expected that Pay Commission will submit its report upto 30th September, 2015. Pay Commission requested to grant 2 months extension to bind up the office but the Government of India was very much generous to grant 4 months extension to Pay Commission. Pay Commission has completed its task but now Government is interfering and Secretary Finance Ministry has directed Pay Commission to give recommendations keeping in view the fiscal condition of the country and it should not give such recommendations which cannot be implemented. NJCA had deferred the decision of strike from 23rd November, 2015. We as NFPE told in the meeting of NJCA that we are going on indefinite strike in Postal. NJCA leadership requested to review  and reconsider  the decision and change the  date as NJCA has given call of a grand Dharna by All India  leaders of NJCA at Jantar Manter, New Delhi on 19 November,2015. Some of our Confederation leaders and senior leaders of NFPE also advised to review the decision. Accordingly NFPE Federal Secretariat meeting was held at Hyderabad on 11.10.2015 and reviewed the situation and unanimous decision was taken to organize 48 hours strike on 1st & 2nd December, 2015 on the following 4 points of Charter of demands:

    (i) Include GDS in 7th CPC for wage revision and other service related matters.

    (ii) Implement cadre Restructuring proposals in all cadres including Postal Accounts      & MMS.

   (iii) Fill up all vacant posts in all cadres of Department of Posts (i.e. PA, SA,  Postmen, Mail Guard, Mail Man, GDS Mail Man, MMS Driver & other staff in   MMS, PA  CO, PA SBCO, Postal Accounts Staff, Civil & Electrical Wing   Staff, as  per actual sanctioned  strength.

            (iv) Stop all types of harassment in the name of implementation of various                     new    services and schemes and Trade Union Victimization.



            Gramin Dak Sewaks constitute 50% of Work Force in Department of Post. They run 89% Post Offices in Rural Areas. Since 2nd Pay Commission, every  time a Committee headed by bureaucrats  has been constituted to look into the wage revision  and other service related matters  except at the time of Vth  Pay Commission when Justice  Talwar  Committee  was formed which gave  very favourable  recommendations to the GDS  but Government  did not implement 25% of its recommendations. This time NFPE raised the issue to include GDS in 7th CPC and this was supported by Confederation and National Council JCM. But Government has not given any attention towards this demand. During the negotiation on Strike  Charter of demands, Secretary (Post) assured to refer the matter  to Government  of India again third time  with strong recommendations  and  on 05.05.2015 , Hon`ble  Minister Communication had also assured to use his influence to get the GDS included in 7th CPC but nothing has been done so far. It is coming to the notice by some sources that Department of Post is going to form bureaucratic Committee again. We have requested several times that when Pay Commission complete its task than this matter should  also be given to him . Now Pay Commission has been allowed to sit idol for 3 months. This period might have been utilized for the wage revision of GDS. But Government of India is not at all concerned about this poor deprived and exploited section of working class. We cannot tolerate this state. So we have to go to agitation to fight this injustice and discrimination.


            Cadre Restructuring proposals were finalized by the Committee 2 years before. On 5th May 2015 Minister also approved.  JS&FA also cleared the proposals. DOP&T has not raised any objection and suggested to take clearance from Finance Ministry. There is no more financial implications even that Finance Ministry has not cleared the proposal. We have asked Department of Post several times but nothing has been done so far. If it is not implemented before implementation of 7thCPC report. It will be of no use.


            Though Recruitment is going on in the Department of Posts here and there. But there is acute shortage of staff in all cadres because recruitment is not being done as per actual sanctioned strength. If recruitment is made as per actual sanctioned strength and shortage is met out then 50%   problems will be solved automatically.

            Our staff in all cadres is facing so much harassment and victimization. Every day any new service or scheme is being launched without proper infrastructure and sufficient man power. CBS and CSI biggest problem for P-III, 100% delivery for Postmen. Harassment of staff in RMS on OTA, More problems in Circle Office, Postal Accounts and Civil Wing and Electrical Wings are being faced due to staff shortage. If any Trade union leader raises his voice against these onslaughts, he is victimized. Holding of Melas and Meetings on every Sunday and Holiday has become the regular practice against the directions given by Secretary (Post).

            So keeping in all these we have to fight against all these onslaughts and wrong policies of department of Posts and Government of India.

            Whatever we have achieved that is due to struggle only. We have achieved so many things in past by struggles only. If we fight unitedly we will win sure.

            For making the strike 100% successful please follow the following instructions:

1.       Campaign programme of All India leaders have been declared and published in websites, all circle secretaries of NFPE affiliated unions are requested to consult each other and make all arrangements for the meetings of All India leaders. If any change is needed, can be made with consultation of all.

2.     All India leaders should attend the programmes compulsorily.

      3.     Maximum publicity should be given to the campaign programme.

      4.    Strike notice will be served on 06.11.2015 to the Secretary (Posts) by NFPE leaders.It should be served at all levels by organizing mass demonstrations.

      5.   Joint campaign programme should be conducted by all Circle/Divisional Secretaries in their respective Circles and Divisions and make maximum efforts for grand success of strike by organizing Gate meetings and General Body meetings.

      6.   Circulars/Pamphlets /Hand bills and Posters should be published and send to all. These should be published in regional language also.

7.  Please leave no stone unturned for success of strike.

8.  Give Wide Publicity in local Press and Media.
Yours fraternally,
(R. N. Parashar)
Secretary General

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