Saturday, February 13, 2016

(Central Head Quarters)
                                                    New Delhi – 110 001                                                               To,                                               
All Circle/Divisional/Branch Secretaries,

All of you are aware that the All India Postal Employees Union – GDS (NFPE) was formed in the year 2012. Now almost four years are going to be completed since the formation. During this peiod, the Federal Council of NFPE, which is supreme decision making body of NFPE has decided to grant “ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP” to the new union. The All India conference of all affiliated Unions / Associations of NFPE also decided to extend full cooperation and support to AIPEU GDS (NFPE).

The AIPEU-GDS(NFPE) has formed Circle/Divisional Branches in 80% of the Circles and Divisions. It’s first All India Conference was held at Chennai in March 2013 and 2nd All India Conference at Shimla in September 2015. It has conducted various agitational programmes including strike along with NFPE and Confederation.  Due to the efforts made by the NFPE & AIPEU-GDS(NFPE) both Confederation of Central Govt Employees & Workers and the National Joint Council of Action (NJCA) of JCM Staffside  organizations (Railways, Defence, Confederation) have included the demand for grant of Civil Servant status and grant of all benefits of regular employees on pro rata basis in their strike charter of demands as an important demand. Postal Joint Council of Action (NFPE & FNPO) has also included the GDS demands as number one demand in their charter of demands.

The ‘recognized, GDS union is not a part of NFPE or Confederation. It is an individual – self centered organization. During the last 15 years the recognized GDS union could not settle any of the demands of the GDS. Upto 2000, GDS conducted joint struggles including strike under the banner of NFPE and whatever benefit has come to the GDS is only because of the struggles conducted by NFPE. After 2000 the GDS Union started separate functioning and started to divide regular employees and GDS. It is refused to join the joint programme of NFPE and always conducted separate programmes. Recognized GDS Union chould not settle any of the demands of the GDS, instead the GDS lost their existing benefits one by one. The Gramin Dak Sevaks have lost faith in the recognized GDS union and it has become a dead-horse. Now majority of GDS are convinced that only through joint struggle under the banner of NFPE, we can make improvement in the wages and service conditions of Gramin Dak Sevaks.

It is in the above background, the importance of new GDS union is to be understood. The new GDS union AIPEU GDS (NFPE) believes and stand for the joint functioning and struggle along with the NFPE and Confederation. NFPE has already given clear instructions to all Circle, Divisional Secretaries to form the AIPEU GDS (NFPE) in all Divisions and Circles. The AIPEU Group-C (CHQ) and AIPEU Postmen & MTS (CHQ) have also given instructions to all P3 & P4 Divisional, Circle unions to form the AIPEU GDS (NFPE) in the Circle/Divisions.

GDS membership verification orders will be issued in February/March 2016. We have no doubt that the AIPEU GDS (NFPE) will become the number one recognized GDS Union. The authorization letter (i.e., declaration form) should be obtained from each individual GDS and to be countersigned by the Divisional Secretary or Authorized Representative of AIPEU GDS (NFPE). Only Divisional Secretary or Authorized Representative can countersign the Authorisation letter. Hence the formation of the Divisional Union or an ad hoc Committee with a Convener in all Divisions is the first prerequisite for Membership verification.

As per the Constitution of NFPE, P3 & P4, all the Circle Secretaries and Divisional Secretaries of P3 & P4 should implement the decisions of NFPE, P3 & P4 CHQs. Inspite of clear instructions by NFPE CHQ and P3, P4 CHQs some of the Circles and Divisions have not formed the Branches of new GDS Union i.e., AIPEU GDS (NFPE).

Divisional Secretaries of P3 & P4 are still conducting meetings jointly with the old GDS union which is not an affiliate or Associate member of NFPE. The managing bodies of NFPE, P3 & P4 have decided to take disciplinary action against those Circle/Divisional unions for non-implementation of the decisions of NFPE, P3 and P4 CHQs including withdrawl of recognition. Hence this letter is issued.

All Circle / Divisional Secretaries of P3 and P4 are once again requested to implement the following decisions before 20-03-2016 WITHOUT FAIL.

1.       Form Divisional Union or Adhoc Committee of AIPEU GDs (NFPE) in all Divisions. If it is an Adhoc Committee, one convenor should be elected.
2.       Intimate the name, designation, office address with pincode & Mobile Number of the Divisional Secretary or Adhoc Committee Convenor to the (1) Secretary General NFPE
(2) General Secretary AIPEU Group ‘C’ (CHQ)
(3) General Secretary AIPEU Postmen & MTS (CHQ)
(4) General Secretary, AIPEU GDS (NFPE),
2151/1, Patel Nagar, Opp. Shadi Pur Bus Depot, Dada Ghosh Bhawan Post Office, New Delhi – 110008.

It is further instructed that , hereafter if any Divisional Union of P3 & P4 conduct joint programme with any/GDS Union which is not an affiliate or Associate member of NFPE, it will be viewed seriously and disciplinary action (including withdrawal of recognition) will be taken for violation of directions of NFPE, P-3 & P-4 CHQ.
Fraternally yours,
R. N. Parashar
Secretary General, NFPE &
General Secretary
AIPEU Group ‘C’ (CHQ)
R. Seethalakshmi
General Secretary
AIPEU Postmenand MTS (CHQ)

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