Saturday, April 30, 2016


            The present NDA Government lead by BJP after coming in power is going ahead to intensify the so called economic reforms in the wake of neo-liberal economic policies. Within these two years every decision taken by this Government is in favour of Corporates/Capitalists and against the working class. Subsidy to the poors on LPG is being snatched away in a phased manner. The rates of petroleum products have been deregulated and handed over to market forces. The rates of crude oil have  come down drastically but no benefit has been given to the public. The Treasurery of the Government and Oil Companies are being filled up. Subsidy on fertilizers , seed, electricity and irrigation water is being reduced,  resultantly hardship is being created to farmers. Fees in Government educational Institutions like IIMS and IITs is being enhanced putting more burden on common man. The prices of essential commodities mainly food items is increasing daily. No recruitment in Government services and Public Sector, Private Sector  is also not generating more jobs resultantly lakhs and lakhs educated youth is wondering on the roads in search of job. Lakhs and Lakhs vacancies are available in Central Government Departments like Railways, Defence, Postal, Audit, Income Tax and other Departments. Coporatization and Privatisation of Government Departments and Public Sector is in process. 100% FDI in Railways and 49% in Defence has been declared. Disinvestment in profitable Public Sector is going on. Labour Laws have been amended in favour of Industrialists and Capitalists.

            All the Central Trade Unions and Independent Federations are launching struggles continuously and consistently. Last 2nd September-2015 Strike was historic in which about 15 crorers workers from all sectors participated which resulted in increase of ceiling limit of bonus.
            Recently Government had issued two orders one imposition of income tax on withdrawal of EPF which was protested strongly by the workers and government has to roll back these orders.
            Again on 21st April-2016 Government of India issued notification restricting the employees to withdraw the amount from EPF.  Under these revised rules the employee was permitted to withdraw the employees share from the fund. Which is 12% of the wages? However it was prescribed that the employer’s share of contribution towards the provident fund which is 3.67 % of wage, would be allowed to be withdrawn only at the age of 58 years.

            When this move of Government  was opposed and protested  by the  workers launching  an united struggle, the Government  of India  was compelled  to withdraw the  said  notification.
            With these two examples the working class should clearly understand that to resist the attack in the wake of neo-liberal economic  policies i.e. . Globalization policies, the united strong movement of working class is urgently required.
            All the Central Trade Unions and Independent Federations after convening National Convention  on 30th March, 2016 has declared  One Day  Strike on 2nd September,2016 in support of  their 12 points  Charter of demands which  are related to all sections of society and working Class.
            Further  the  convention  has  called upon all the  trade unions and  Federations across the sectors to widen  and consolidate  the unity  at grass  root level and prepare  for country wide  united  movement and observe following  programme  of action:
(i)         Joint Conventions and Campaigns during June-July-2016 in state, districts and at industry level and take initative to involve peasants, agrilabourers and mass of the people in campaign.
(ii)        Day Long Mass Dharna /Satyagraha in the Capital of States and Industrial Centres preferably in the auspicious day of 9th August-2016(QUIT INDIA DAY).
            NFPE calls upon the entirety of Postal , RMS and GDS employees to launch the agitational programmes as  declared  by the Central Trade Unions and make  all the programme  including  ONE DAY NATIONAL STRIKE ON 2nd SEPTEMBER-2016 a  historic success.
            If we fight unitedly we can resist the attacks on working Class in the wake of globalization policies.

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