Monday, December 19, 2016

Dated – 19.12.2016



1)   All National Secretariat Members
2)   All Affiliated organisations
3)   General Secretaries of all C-O-Cs.

Dear Comrades,

The National Executive Meeting of the Confederation was held on 16.12.2016 at MP’s Club hall, New Delhi under the Presidentship of Com. K. K. N. Kutty, National President. After detailed deliberation the meeting took the following unanimous decisions.

1.   15th December 2016 Parliament March.
The meeting reviewed the participation of employees in the Parliament March and came to the conclusion that inspite of cancellation and delayed running of Trains due to adverse weather conditions and also the havoc unleashed by the Cyclone in Tamilnadu, the March and Rally was an unprecedented success and impressive. (Report enclosed).

2. 15th February 2017 one day All India Strike.
The meeting conducted detailed discussion and unanimously decided to implement the strike decision in a most successful manner. The following decision are taken for making the strike a grand success.
(a) National Secretariat members shall undertake campaign programme and address meetings in all states. (Campaign programme will be published in website within two days)
(b)        Strike notice should be served on 28.12.2016 (28th December 2016 Wednesday) to Government and to all the Departmental heads. On that day demonstrations should be organized in front of all offices. Copy of the strike notice may be submitted to all lower level authorities also. (Model copy of the strike notice and charter of demands enclosed. Necessary modifications may be made in the strike notice). In the Charter of demands departmental wise demands can be added as Part-II of the Charter.
(c)  All affiliated organisations of Confederation should serve the strike notice to their respective authoritiesWITHOUT FAIL. Copy of the strike notice served may be sent to Confederation CHQ also for exhibiting in website.
(d) Mass dharna or Rallies should be organized at all state Capitals and District headquarters on 10.01.2017 (10th January 2017 Tuesday). Leaders of other trade unions and fraternal organisations may be invited to address the dharna/Rally.
(e) Press Conferences may be conducted in all states. Maximum publicity may be given through local print and electronic media and also through social media, Whatsapp, facebook etc. etc.
(f)   A brief explanatory note on the Charter of demands will be prepared and placed on website by the CHQ, as campaign material.
(g) All affiliated organistions should immediately convene their managing body meetings and chalk out their own campaign programme of each individual Federations/Association/Union. This is most important and urgent. Without conducting separate campaign in each organization by their own leaders, it will be very difficult to organize this strike effectively in each department. Each affiliated organisations should issue their own separate circular to their lower units and copy should be sent to Confederation CHQ also. The COCs should immediately convene their meetings and plan C-O-C level campaign also. Lapses, if any, on the part of any organization, may be reported to their central head quarters and also to Confederation CHQ by COCs.
(h) A meeting of Central Trade Union leaders and other Federations/Association/unions (like state employees, Pensioners etc.) may be convened by inviting them and the background and demands of the strike may be explained to them and their support and solidarity may be requested.
(i)   Letters may be given to all political parties and People’s Representatives explanning the background and demands of the strike and their support and solidarity may be requested.
(j)   An All India Convention of Autonomous body employees and pensioners organisations should be organsied at Bangalore in January 2017 and maximum participation of autonomous body employees in the strike may be ensured.
(k)  It is decided to include the following demand also in the Charter of demands –“Implementation of the “Equal Pay for Equal Work” judgement of the Hon’ble Supreme Court in all Central Government departments.
(l)   Strike shall commence at 6 AM on 15.02.2017.

3. Women’s Sub Committee meeting decisions.
The first meeting of the newly elected Women’s Sub Committee meeting of the Confederation was held on 15.12.2016 at NFPE office, New Delhi at 4 PM. Com. Usha Bonepalli, Chair person Women’s Sub Committee presided. Com. R. Seethalakshmi, Convenor, Women’s Sub Committee presented organisational report, Com. M. Krishnan, Secretary General, Confederation, Com. R. N. Parashar, Secretary General, NFPE, Com. K. V. Jayaraj, Secretary General, National Federation of Atomic Energy Employees attended and addressed the meeting. The Committee after detailed discussion took the following decision.
(i)   Decided to organize on all India Women’s Trade Union workshop at Bangalore during the month of September/October 2017 in consultation with C-O-C Karnataka. Comrades of NFPE who attended the Women’s Committee meeting assured to share the major portion of expenses.
(ii)  Decided to request all affiliated organisations of Confederation to form separate Women’s Sub Committee in their organization. Similarly, it is decided that all C-O-Cs should from their own separate Women Sub Committee at State/District level. (just like All India Women’s Sub Committee).
(iii) It is decided to co-opt Mrs. Mausumi Majumdar, AIPEU Group ‘C’ (Assam) to the Women’s Sub Committee.

4. The above decision of the Women’s Sub Committee are presented in the National Executive Committee meting of Confederation and the National Executive endorsed the decision for implementation.

5. It is decided to conduct the next All India Trade Union Camp of Confederation at Thiruvananthapuram (Kerala) during the month of April/May 2017. Date will be finalized later in consultation with COC Kerala.

The meeting paid resectful homage to the legendary and Cuban Armed revolution leader & Ex-President of Cuba Com. Fidel Castro, Com. Dipen Ghosh, the great leader of the Central Government employees movement and working class.

The meeting paid special tribute to Com. Gopal Chandra Singh, GDS Mail Packer, Maguria Town Sub Post office under Purulia Postal Division in West Bengal who breathed his last on 15.12.2016 while he was in New Delhi along with the comrades of West Bengal to attend the Parliament March organized by Confederation.

Fraternally yours,

(M. Krishnan)
Secretary General
Mob: 09447068125

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