Thursday, May 11, 2017

P. V Rajendran, General Secretary, COC Kerala
2 days Trade Union Education Camp organised by confederation CHQ at Thiruvananthapuram became a different experience for the delegates because of the presence of eminent and expert teachers, selection of relevant subjects and the wonderful arrangements made by the Reception Committee. The outcome of the camp will be a guidance for the future agitiations of Central Govt. employees. 193 delegates representing 20 COCs and 27 affiliated organisations were participated in the camp.
Programme started on 6th morning at 9.30AM. Com. KKN Kutty National President hoisted the Confederation flag and then the leaders and delegates paid homages to martyrs column. Inauguration started at sharp 10 AM by Com. A. K. Padmanabhan, All India Vice President of CITU presenting the subject "Challenges and responsibilities in the trade union front". Comrade AKP elaborated the Neo liberal policies of the NDA Govt. and its impacts on the working class including C.G. employees. He explained in detail the role & responsibilities of Central Govt. employees in countering the neo liberal attacks. He also mentioned that continuous and united struggle is the only way to overcome it and CG employees under the banner of confederation will take part in that movement. Com. K.K.N Kutty presided. Com. P. V. Rajendran G/S COC Kerala made the welcome speech and Com.V. Sreekumar COC President delivered the vote of thanks.

At 2 PM in 2nd class Com. M. B. Rajesh MP presented the subject "Trade Union and Social issues". Com. Rajesh pointed out the communal agenda imposing by the NDA Govt. and Sangh parivar movement and the working class is most affected due to this divide and rule policy. Strengthening the class oriented working class movement is the only way to overcome it. Com. R. N. Parashar SG, NFPE presided. In the interactive session Com. K.K.N Kutty presented the subject "7th CPC related and other issues of central Govt. Employees - Role of confederation". General secretaries of affiliated organisations and many delegates participated the discussion by raising doubts and questions. Com. K. V. Jayaraj, Atomic Energy Presided in that session. In the evening Kerala folk instrumental music "CHENDA MELAM" was arranged by the reception committee and the delegates enjoyed the programme.
On 7th morning Com. K. Chandran Pillai CITU National Secretary and Ex MP presented the subject"25 years of Neo liberal reforms and role of working class". Com. Chandran Pillai presented the subject in a very effective manner using power point presentation and it was informative and interesting with datas and examples. Com. Vrigu Bhattacharjee, Financial Secretary of Confederation presided. In class V, Com.M. Krisnan S|G Confederation presented the subject "Significance of Joint campaign by central and state Govt. employees against NPS and outsourcing" in his own style inspiring the delegates. Com. R. Seethalakshmi, All India Womens Commitee convenor presided.

2 days camp concluded at 3 PM. In all sessions delegates actively participated in the discussions by putting doubts and raising questions. In all aspects the Trivandrum camp was a different experience and it will become a catalyst for our future struggles. Participation of delegates is as follows. Kerala 64. Tamil Nadu 33, Karnataka 17, Andhra 17, Telengana 17, Delhi 8, Maharashtra 7, Odisha 6, West Bengal 6, Pondicherry 5, Uttarakand 5, MP 3, UP 3, Rajasthan 3, Haryana 2, HP 2, Andaman Nicobar 2, Punjab 1, Assam 1, Bihar 1 and organisation wise NFPE 113, ITEF 11, Atomic Energy 11, Civil Accounts 9, AGs 7, Pondicherry 5, ISRO 3, Srichitra 3, SIFD 2, NIVH 2, RVTI 2, Meuseum 2, Andaman Nicobar NGO Association 2 and one each from central excise, Doordarshan, LNCPE, DREU, NIT, Civil Aviation, Metriological, Botanical survey, DRDO, RRI, Telecom Accts, AIDEF and CTCRI. Total 193 delegates from 20 COCs and 27 affiliates.

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