Friday, July 7, 2017

Brief report of the Central Working Committee Meeting
            The Central Working Committee Meeting of AIPEU Postmen and MTS was held from 24th  to 25th June 2017  at Heritage Convention Centre Tungangara Main Road, Herohalli, Magadi Main Road, Bangaluru-560091 (Karnataka) under the Presidentship of Comrade Balakishan H Chalke (CHQ President).

             On 24th June 2017 CWC started by flag hosting. National Flag was hosted by Com. M. Krishnan, Secretary General Confederation, NFPE flag was hosted by Com. Giriraj Singh (President NFPE) General Secretary RIII and . P-IV flag was hosted by Com. Balakishan H Chalke (CHQ President). By paying respectful homage to martyrs all were entered into the Hall with slogans.Com. MB Krishnappa welcomed all the guests and CWC members’ Warm welcome given by the Reception Committee to all leaders and guests by garlanding and honoured   with shawls file badge and mementos presented. All CHQ office bearers, Circle Secretaries and other senior comrades who have attended the CWC were also honoured with the same.

             The CWC was inaugurated by Com. M. Krishnan, Secretary General, CCGEW, by lightening lamps along withother guests.   In his inaugural speech he elaborately explained the present national situation, 7th CPC related pending like minimum wage fitment formula, MACP bench mark, New Pension Scheme, pending decision on HRA etc.  In his speech he said first time in the history after 7th CPC Recommendations submitted to the Government again Govt. constituted seven committees to implementation of 7th CPC recommendations and to rectify the anti-recommendation of 7th CPC and to take decision on HRA and other allowances but still no result except delaying tactics of the government.  BJP lead NDA Government is totally anti-worker Government and it is high time for working class including CGE employees to fight against the anti labor policy of Government Com. K Raghvandran, Ex Secretary General (NFPE) and General Secretary AIPRPA greeted the CWC and explained regarding pensioners issues in 7th CPC particularly New Pension Scheme and pending issues for pensioners like cashless medical equal pension to 2006 pensioners etc. He urged upon P-4 comrades to take initiate the steps to form AIPRPA   Com Giriraj Singh (President NFPE) and General Secretary R-III greeted/ addressed the CWC and explained the prevailing situation of working class in the country and in the department of Posts and he explained elaborately the call given by NFPE for our own sectional demands and requested to make every success 23rd August 2017 for one day token strike. Com P Suresh General Secretary R-IV greeted the CWC and explained about how Postmen and MTS deprived from Cadre restructure and he expressed his opinion on changing the colour of uniform is not acceptable and KHAKHI colour should continue as it is identical and convenient colour, if as per recommendations, uniform and kit allowance will be payable in the form of money is welcoming. Com IS Dabas, Ex General Secretary P-IV greeted the occasion and shared his views and experiences regarding postmen norms and new business changing workload in the present scenario, Com Mohan, Casual Contingency Union General Secretary also greeted the occasion. Com N Chandarshekhar organizing Secretary Group C” CHQ greeted on behalf of P-3 CHQ. Com. G Janaki Ram Circle Secretary Gr “C” Karnatka Circle greeted CWC and appealed for support and financial cooperation for AIC Group “C” which will be he held at Bangalore in August 2017. Com. Javarai Gowda, Circle President, Com. V Krishnamurthy Circle Secretary Postal SC/ST Association. Com Srinivas Circle Secretary AIRMS and MMS Group ‘C” Karnatka, Com Prasad, working President of Karnatka COC were also present and greeted the occasion. Open Session was witnessed by more than 250 comrades attended the open Session. Felicitation to Com R.Seethalakshmi General Secretary retired from service on superannuation by Bangalore West Division and Karnatka Circle was held in befitting manner.  Com. Malikarjuna rendered vote of thanks. After inaugural session at 4 pm CWC again assembled for deliberation. All the CHQ office bearers and out of 23 circles 21 Circle secretaries were present. Circle Secretaries of J&K. and UK were absent. Many of the Ex All India office bearers were also present Many Circle office bearers and Divisional Secretaries of Karnatka Circle were also present.   The General Secretary placed agenda and report approved by the house.. Upto 6.30 PM deliberations held. 6.30 to 8.30 beautiful cultural program (Comedy Drama) was arranged by our own postal team headed by Com. Anjaneya (PA Rajajinagar HO)

CWC started at sharp 09 am on 25th June 2017 meaningful deliberations were held on agenda. All the CHQ office bearers and Circle Secretaries participated in deliberation. All expressed their views in support NFPE/ Confederation call for agitation programmes and 23 August 2017 One day token strike as per call given by NFPE. Central Office bearers and many circles felicitated Com R.Seethalakshmi General Secretary on retirement. Comrades of Reception Committee were also felicitated by CHQ. Offg General Secretary Com Vikram Shah replied to CWC and after presidential address by Com. BH Chalke. Vote of thanks was offered by Com. R. Seethalakshmi General Secretary, after national anthem. CWC ended with slogans.

The following decisions were approved in the CWC:-
1) Com. Vikram Shah, Deputy Gen Secretary  will work in CHQ as Offg General Secretary upto next AIC to be held during Feb 2018 and he will discharge all normal duties of General Secretary including correspondence with DG(Posts)
2) As per the previous CWC (at Tindivanum) decision it is rectified and approved next 27th AIC will be held in Rajasthan and delegation fee for next AIC will be Rs 1500/- per delegate.
3) The pending HRA and leave salary amount in respect of General Secretary was approved.
4) To enhance staff salary from Jan 2017 was also approved.
5) Financial help to AIPEU GDS (NFPE) and Confederation was also approved.
6) Foreign Service to Com Vikram Shah, Deputy General Secretary, who is holding Offg charge of General Secretary, was also approved from the month of June 2017.

            The Reception Committee deserves all appreciations for their tremendous efforts made to arrange beautiful venue and comfortable accommodation as well as delicious/healthy food served with love and affection on behalf of P-4 CHQ.  I record my sincere thanks to the host of this CWC Comrades of Karnatka Circle under the leadership of Com P Malikarjuna, Circle Secretary Karnatka and special thanks to Com. MB Krishnappa Divisional Secretary, my own Bangalore West Division and Deputy Circle Secretary Karnatka Circle, Com V.Mukaunda Asstt. Divisional Secretary Bangalore West, Com. V Purushotham D/S P-3 Bangalore West, Com. MV Nagaraj  President West Division, Com. SN Prabhakar Circle President, Com Vijayanairy, Circle Working President , Com H Ramesh Working President Bangalore West Division, Com. Narayana Divisional Secretary BG GPO, Com. Ramamurthy ACS, Com. HR Eswarappa, Circle Treasurer, Com. Dodddaiah DS BG East ,Com. Rajesh DS BG South, Com. Shivaji Rao BG South , Com Venkatesh treasurer BG West, Com. Gopal BG West, Com.Pushpawati BG West, Com. Shivakumariah, Com. MBSR Sindhya, Com M Govindraj, Com. Elangovan, Com. KR Ramesh, Com. Tukkaram, Com.Satish, Com. Sundraiah D/S Mysore, Com. HK Satyan D/S Hassan. Com CK Devadiga, DS Mangalore, Com Varadan D/S Channapatnam Dn. Com Mohindra D/S Nanjangud, Com MS BR Sindhya , Com. BR Jagdish, Com Bajantri, Com Ramesh, Com. M.Govindaraj, Com. Elangovan, Com Venkategowda, Com. Mahadevaiah, Com. K. Ravi, Com. Hucchegowda, Com. Kalegowda  and many others comrades  of BG West  and  Karnatka Circle.

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