Monday, July 24, 2017


National Federation of Postal Employees 
1st Floor North Avenue Post Office Building, New Delhi-110 001
Phone: 011.23092771                                  e-mail:
       Mob: 9868819295/9810853981              website:

No. PF-16/2017                                                                               Dated: 22nd July, 2017

            Shri A. N. Nanda,
            Department of Posts,
            DakBhawan, New Delhi – 110001

Sub: - PO & RMS Accountant’s Special Allowance – reg.

            As you are aware 7th CPC has recommended as follows:

“Para 8.2.5 – The General approach adopted by the Commission is as under –
1.    We have considered all allowances reported to us, in this chapter. Any allowances, not mentioned here (and hence not reported to the Commission), shall cease to exist immediately. In case there is any demand or requirement for continuation of an existing allowance which has not been deliberated upon or covered in this report, it should be re-notified by the Ministry concerned after obtaining due approval of Ministry of Finance and should be put in the public domain”

            One of the most important allowance relating to Postal department i.e.; PO & RMS Accountant Special Allowance did not find any mention in the 7th CPC report, as Department of Posts has failed to report that allowance to 7th CPC. Subsequently when Govt. constituted an Allowance Committee under the chairmanship of Secretary, Finance Expenditure, JCM Staff side and NFPE has submitted a memorandum to the Committee and requested restoration and enhancement of the allowance. It is told that Department of Posts also submitted the case to Allowance Committee for restoration. But unfortunately, in the notification issued by the Govt. after acceptance of Allowance Committee report by Cabinet, the PO & RMS Accountant Special Allowance is not mentioned. Finance Ministry has issued an order that all other allowances which is not mentioned in the Govt. notification on allowances stands abolished and drawal of such allowances should be discontinued with effect from 01.01.2017. Accordingly field units have stopped drawal of PO & RMS Accountant Special Allowance.

            In order to become eligible to be posted as PO & RMS Accountant and official should qualify an examination called PO & RMS Accountant examination, which covers the knowledge in almost all rules of Postal Department spread in various manuals and Rule Books. The PO & RMS Accountant’s job profile requires deep knowledge in rules and is of higher responsibility when compared to the work of Postal Assistant/Sorting Assistant. In fact, taking into consideration the nature of duties, responsibilities and Accountability of the post, we have demanded higher pay scale (LSG pay scale) for PO & RMS Accountants.

            In the above circumstances, it is a grave injustice to discontinue the PO & RMS Accountant’s Special Allowances. Employees should not be made to suffer due to the omission and failure on the part of the Department of Posts to report this Allowance to the 7th CPC with full justification for enhancement.

            I request your immediate intervention in this case, so that action will be taken to restore the Allowance with effect from 01.07.2017.

With regards,

Yours faithfully,

(R. N. Parashar)
Secretary General

Copy to: -

All CWC Members
All Circle Secretaries
National Federation of Postal Employees 
1st Floor North Avenue Post Office Building, New Delhi-110 001
Phone: 011.23092771                                  e-mail:
       Mob: 9868819295/9810853981              website:

Ref. PF/67-13/2017                                                                         Dated – 22.07.2017


            The Secretary
            Department of Posts
            Dak Bhawan, New Delhi – 110001

Sub: - Curtailment and recovery of Transport Allowance of employees of Kamptee – request for personal intervention to stop curtailment/recovery.


            It is reported that Transport Allowance being paid at A-1/A class city rates to the employees of Kamptee has been curtailed and recovery orders as per the objection made by the Audit party. The Audit para reads as follows: -

“Para – 4 – Irregular drawl of higher rate of Transport Allowance (TA) at Nagpur rate at Kamptee from 01.09.2008 onwards –
As per Ministry of Finance (Department of Exp.) OM No. 21(2)/2008-E-II (B) dated 29.08.2008 the Transport Allowance has been revised with effect from 01.09.2008. For the cities other than A-1/A class it is allowed at the rate of 400 + DA and 800 + DA according to basic pay and grade pay of the officials. Kamptee HO and all its SOs come under other than A-1/A class city. Therefore officials posted there are entitled for transport allowances at the rate of 400 + DA or 800 + DA as admissible. Whereas on verification of pay bills it was observed that officials posted at Kamptee HO and few of its SOs have been paid Transport Allowance at the higher rates applicable to A-1/A Class cities i.e.; 800 + DA and 1600 + DA resulting over payment of transport allowance. There are no orders for drawl of Transport Allowance at higher rate for Kamptee. Hence apart from stopping the payment of higher rate of Transport Allowance immediately, excess paid amount of TA from 01.09.2008 onwards may be assessed and recovered under intimation to DA (P) Nagpur”.

            In this regard the following points and facts are brought to your kind notice.

1.    Kamptee comes under the Urban Agglomeration (UA) of Nagpur. Copy of Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure) OM No. 2 (21)/E-II (B)/2004 dated 13th November 2004 is enclosed in which Kamptee (UA) is clear shown under the Urban Agglomeration of Nagpur (UA).

2.    In the Audit objection Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure) OM No. 21(2)/2008-E.II(B) dated 29.08.2008 is referred. Orders for Revision of Transport Allowance). In that order also there is clear mention about Nagpur (UA). Please refer copy of the orders enclosed.

3.    Kamptee is placed under Nagpur (UA) vide Ministry of Finance Memo referred in para-1 above. At that time in 1994 Nagpur was B1-city and subsequently declared as A-City. Inclusion/consideration of Kamptee in Nagpur UA was based on 1981 census which relates with population and HRA/CCA at Nagpur rate was paid.

4.    CCA has been replaced by Transport Allowance. According to Sixth CPC classification (X, Y, Z) Nagpur came under ‘Y’ category. According to Ministry of Finance OM No. 2 (13)/2008. E.II (B) dated 29.08.2008 (copy enclosed) certain OMs issued for HRA/CCA were abolished which does not include the Specific OM of 1994 under which higher rate of HRA/CCA is extended to Kamptee as a special case.

5.    Thus it can been seen that Kamptee still comes under the Nagpur (UA) and is eligible for Transport Allowance at higher rate entitled for Nagpur.

6.    I request you to review the case judiciously and cause issue of orders for restoration of higher rate of Transport Allowance of Nagpur rate to the employees of Kamptee (UA).

Yours faithfully,

(R. N. Parashar)
Secretary General
Copy to:
Com. S. S. Sathe, Asst. Circle Secretary, AIPEU Group ‘C’ Maharashtra Circle and PRI (P), Nagpur GPO

National Federation of Postal Employees 
1st Floor North Avenue Post Office Building, New Delhi-110 001
Phone: 011.23092771                                  e-mail:
       Mob: 9868819295/9810853981              website:

NO. PF-16/2017                                                                               Dated : 22nd July,2017


            Shri. A. N. Nanda’
            Department of Posts’
            Dak Bhawan, New Delhi – 110001

Sub: - Dress Allowance to Postman/Mailguard/MTS Staff of Department of Posts – reg.


            As you are aware, 7th CPC has recommended that all uniform related allowances should be subsumed in a single Dress Allowances (including shoes). It has also recommended the rates of Dress Allowance for various categories of uniformed staff in Para 8.16.14 of its report. In that para no mention is made about the Dress Allowance of uniformed staff of Postal Department viz; Postmen, Mailguard and MTS.

            There is a mention regarding other categories of staff as follows:
“other categories of staff who are supplied with uniform and are required to wear them regularly, like Trackman, Running staff of Indian Railways, staff car drivers etc.” Their rate of Dress Allowance is fixed as Rs.5000/- per year.

            Even if is presumed that the Postmen, Mailguard, MTS Staff of Postal department comes under “other categories”, the Dress Allowance recommended by the 7th CPC is far below the amount of various items relating to Dress (washing allowance, cost of shoes uniform etc.) they are getting at present.

            Subsequently Govt. constituted an Allowance Committee headed by Secretary, Finance & Expenditure to review various allowances recommended by 7th CPC. Before the Allowance Committee NFPE has submitted a memorandum requesting enhancement of Dress Allowance of Postmen, Mailguard and MTS staff to 15000/- per month. But from the notification issued by Govt. after accepting the recommendations Allowance Committee, again no mention is made about Postmen/MG/MTS and no increase in Dress Allowance is made. The entire Postman/MG/MTS staff are aggrieved over the decision of the Govt.

            In para 8.16.14 of 7th CPC regarding Dress Allowance there is a special recommendation as follows: -

            “While the Committee has recommended that other categories of staff who are supplied with uniform and required to wear them regularly should be provided Dress Allowance at the rate of Rs.5000/- per year, the Ministries/Departments may taka a decision on whether the rate should be Rs.5000/- or Rs.10000 per year”

            From the above recommendation it is clear that the Department of Posts can take a decision to enhance the Dress Allowance to Rs.10000/- with the approval of Finance Ministry.

            In view of the of the above, I request the Secretary, Department of Posts to take immediate necessary action to raise the Dress Allowance of Postmen, Mailguard and MTS, at least Rs.10000/- per year, as per the recommendation of 7th CPC.

Yours faithfully,

(R. N. Parashar)
Secretary General

Copy to: -
General Secretary, AIPEU Postmen/MTS
General Secretary, R-IV
All Circle Secretaries

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