Tuesday, August 29, 2017


Eligible serving employees/pensioners have to apply in the prescribed form (available on CGHS website www.cghs.nic.in and in the wellness centers)

The form should be completely filled up with individual photographs pasted as specified in the form

Following documents need to be attached

In case of serving employee:
·         Proof of residence.
·         Proof of stay of dependents.
·         Proof of age of son.
·         In case of differently abled dependent son above 25 years, disability certificate from competent authority as specified.
In case of pensioners:-

            In addition to 1 to 4 above: Surrender certificate of CGHS Card (only if CGHS Card was issued during Service Period).

            Attested copies of PPO/Provisional PPO/Last Pay Certificate (in case PPO is not readily available immediately after retirement.)

            Demand Draft in the name of “PAO CGHS New Delhi” (in case of Delhi) or Additional Director of the CGHS city where the card is to be made.

            The amount of Demand Draft will be for contribution due for one year if the card is to be made for yearly renewal basis and for 10 years if whole life card is required.

Dependency criteria- In pursuance of the recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission, it has been decided that for availing the medical facilities under the scheme, parents (or parents-in -law in case of female employee), unmarried son till 25 years of age, dependent unmarried/widowed/divorced/separated daughters and sisters, minor brothers will be deemed dependent on the Government employee if they are normally residing- with him and their income from all sources including pension and pension equivalent of DCRG benefit is less than Rs. 3500 +DA per month. This criteria does not apply to spouse and disabled son irrespective of age (please see definition of disability in instructions for filling CGHS card)

Channel of submission:-In case of serving employees the application is to be submitted through the department after due endorsement. In case of Pensioners the application with enclosures are to be submitted to Addl. Director (HQ) in Delhi and concerned Addl. Director of the city.

Provision for making pensioner CGHS card while in Service:-

A serving employee can apply for a pensioner CGHS Card along with his pension papers.

Application with enclosures and bank draft is to be forwarded to the CGHS through the office of the employee. The pensioner Card will be issued on the day of retirement (provided it is applied for at least six weeks before retirement date) and will get activated from next day.

Addition/Deletion of names in CGHS Cards

On the death of the main card holder, the card becomes invalid and fresh card has to be applied for by the spouse after he/she starts drawing the family pension. Old CGHS card and a Death Certificate need to be attached with the application.

A serving employee on marriage or on the birth of his/ her child may get the names of spouse /child added to the card after submitting the form for addition duly endorsed by his department

After the death of spouse and death/marriage/employment of a son/daughter/dependent it is the responsibility of main card holder to inform CGHS for necessary deletion of the card

Validity of the CGHS Card

The service card will be valid till the date of retirement if otherwise the employee is eligible. In case of yearly contribution pensioner cards, in order to continue validity, contribution is to be made prior to completion of the continuing year.
In case of transfer of serving employee to a non CGHS covered area the service card will be valid for the family members up to six months after transfer provided CGHS contribution for 6 months is made before hand. CGHS card is valid in all CGHS cities for treatment/investigation/Hospitalization. There is no need for transit permit to get treatment in another CGHS city except for receiving high value medicines classified as “lifesaving”/restricted supply medicines for which temporary attachment to a wellness center is required.
Transfer of CGHS Cards

In case of serving CGHS beneficiary transferred from one department /ministry to another in the same city, the same CGHS card will continue. The new department/ministry will duly inform CGHS so that necessary changes can be made in the database of the employee. In case of transfer of a serving CGHS beneficiary from one CGHS covered city to another, the CGHS card is to be surrendered in the existing city of posting and a new CGHS card is to be issued from the new city of Posting.

CGHS Card for Pensioners residing outside CGHS Cities

Pensioners residing outside CGHS covered area can opt for a regular CGHS Card or an IPD (Indoor treatment) CGHS Card with fixed medical Allowance (in lieu of OPD treatment) from the nearby CGHS city. IPD card holders will not be eligible for OPD treatment & issue of medicines from CGHS Wellness Centers.

Click to Download Application Forms

Application Forms available for download for Plastic Card

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