Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Monday, November 6, 2017

The postal circle unions of west Bengal, during the biennial Circle Conference from 4-7 Nov 2017 at Rishi Bhawan, Siliguri, have felicitated Com. Pranab Das, 26 yrs, GDSBPM, Kantore B.O. (Dinajpur Division), for his act and gesture of exceptional sacrifice and comradeship in the shape of donation of his organ (liver) to save the life of Com. Debkumar Mukherjee, PA of same Division who was suffering from liver cancer and was in requirement of immediate liver transplant. Com. M. Krishnan, S.G., Confederation, has handed over flower, a gift and an appreciation Certificate to Com. Pranab Das.

      Entire house has given him standing ovation.

      Com. R.N.Parashar, S.G., NFPE, Com. Vikram Shah, offg. G.S., P-IV and Com. Pandurangarao, G.S.,AIPEU GDS, were also present on the dias and greeted the young comrade with appreciative words.



Dear Comrades,

           It is informed that the main venue of Maha Dharna on 9th , 10th & 11th November 2017 to be held by Central Trade Unions & Independent Federations at New Delhi will be Parliament Street , adjacent to Jantar Mantar (Not Jantar Mantar).

          All comrades of Confederation affiliated Organisations are requested to assemble at Parliament Street at 10 AM where banner of the Confederation will be exhibited.

Secretary General 
Mob & WhatsApp : 09447068125.
Email : mkrishnan6854 @ gmail.com

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