Saturday, February 17, 2018


This mammoth 5 days’ Relay Dharna held at Chief PMG office, Meghdoot Bhawan, New Delhi notes with gravest concern that the Postal Administration has gradually become apathetic and inconsiderate towards the genuine grievances of postal employees including GDS/Part time/DRMs. Negotiating forums have been made defunct. Periodical meetings are not being held since long. Even JCM departmental council meeting has not been held since last one year. The Department of Posts is bringing about serious changes in its operation, functioning and launching new services. We are also supporting such changes for ensuring prompt services to people and there by existence of our department. But in our opinion all are being done unilaterally and in a hasty manner without caring the least even for the recommended infrastructure and training. The views of staff of our department, which is the actual resource represented by this Federation and also other legitimate bodies are completely neglected, denied of.

In recent years right from Branch/Division to All India we have conducted a series of agitation programs followed by All India Strike on 23rd August 2017 to express our grievances and also to attract the attention of administration in the interest of services along with the burning issues of staff side. But unfortunately we are feeling that the Postal Administration of different tiers are paying no heed to our genuine protest, rather refusing to start dialogues with the staff side. Even at present our Trade Union rights like grant of special casual leave, leave to attend union meetings and program are also drastically denied of. As a whole, the legitimacy of the staff side is being humiliated every day and purposefully organization is being made insignificant. Sometimes it looks like declaring an administrative war against its own staff and staff representatives.

This august platform still does not believe in conflicts as it would only frustrate the noble purpose of public service rendered by India Post. All ways from our side are still open for dialogue and cooperation. In this background we think for our existence it would be wise if Postal Administration comes forward and starts effective discussions to utilize the potency of the Postal employees taking them into confidence rather than treating as hurdles. With this hope this continuous demonstration demands immediate restoration of all round dialogues with the staff side at all tiers and bringing back all forum into effect. At all India level this dialogue should immediately be started on our 15 Points Charter of Demands (Copy enclosed). Already we have backed by the walls. So if present ongoing pains, miseries of staff and ignorance to staff side still are continued or intensified, the situation will compel the entire postal employees to resort to start wider form of trade union action including Indefinite Strike, for which the Administration will be solely responsible.

(Giriraj Singh)
President, NFPE

& also President of the program

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