Monday, March 26, 2018

Ref: Confdn/Genl/2016-19                                                                                       Dated – 20.03.2018
Shri Narendra Modi Ji
Hon’ble Prime Minister of India
South Block,
New Delhi – 110001
Sub: -  Abolition of Posts lying vacant for more than five years – reg.
Ref: -   (1)       Govt. of India, Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure OM No. 7 (1)/E. Cord-1/2017 dated 16th January 2018.
            (2)      Govt. of India, Ministry of Home Affairs OM No. 19011/01/2015-Fin.II (Pt.) dated 19th January 2018.
This representation is submitted with the most fervent hope that the Hon’ble Prime Minister will be condescend to intercede on behalf of the 32 lakhs of Central Govt. Employees who are very much aggrieved by the above mentioned orders of the Finance Ministry and Home Ministry.
Sir, It is with much shock and dismay the Central Govt. Employees came to know about the above mentioned orders of the Finance Ministry, Department of Expenditure to abolish all posts lying vacant for more than five years in all departments of Govt. of India. In this regard we would like to submit the following facts for your benign consideration and favourable orders.
(i)        Post are lying vacant for more than five years, not because that there is no work load justified for retention of such posts. It is because of the dismal failure of the authorities to take timely and prompt action to complete the recruitment process to fill up those posts in a time bound manner. Due to this inordinate delay in filling up of those vacant posts, the remaining staff are compelled to do the work of those posts also. The abnormal delay in completing the recruitment process by staff Selection Commission is also a main reason for posts remaining unfilled for years together. In some cases, outsourced contract and casual employees are working for years  together against those vacant posts. Thus it can be seen that a blanket order to abolish all posts lying vacant for more than five years is unrealistic and not rational.
(ii)      Posts are created after assessing the workload based on time-tested parameters and time tests. Abolishing such posts, in a most mechanical manner, even without re-assessing whether present workload justified retention of such posts by carrying out establishment review, will lead to imposing of heavy workload on the existing staff on a permanent measure which may create a chaotic situation in Govt. offices as the efficiency of offices may be adversely affected due to unbearable workload.
(iii)    It may be pointed out that it is during the last NDA Govt’s time in May 2001 executive orders were issued to abolish 2/3rd (two-third) of all direct recruitment vacancies based on annual Direct Recruitment Plan in all departments without assessing whether the posts are justified or not. Lakhs of posts are abolished during the period from 2001 to 2008. Finally Sixth Central pay Commissions severely criticized the Govt’s policy of abolishing direct recruitment vacancies and opined that this has led to an “ageing bureaucracy” and strongly recommended to withdraw the abolition orders. Accordingly Govt. has withdrawn that orders and DOP&T has issued orders for filling up of all vacant posts.
(iv)     It is most unfortunate that again the present NDA Govt. has issued another orders in 2018 to abolish all posts lying vacant for more than five years without giving any consideration to the facts as to what is the reason for posts remaining vacant for such a long period, whether there is justification for retention of those posts as per establishment review etc.
In view of the above facts, I, on behalf of the Central Govt. employees, most humbly request the Hon’ble Prime Minister to intervene immediately so that the orders issued by Finance Ministry will be reviewed in an objective, dispassionate and rational manner and be either withdrawn or kept in abeyance.
Yours faithfully,
(M. Krishnan)
General Secretary
& Member, Standing Committee
National Council, JCM
Mob: 09447068125

Ref: Confdn/Genl/2016-19                                                                                       Dated – 19.03.2018
Shri J. P. Nadda
Hon’ble Minister for Health & Family Welfare
Government of India
Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi – 110011
Sub: -  Providing CGHS facilities at Vijayawada, state Capital of Andhra Pradesh.
Even though four year years are over after the formation of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana states by dividing erstwhile Andhra Pradesh state, no separate CGHS Head Quarters is established for Andhra Pradesh state at its capital Vijayawada and the discrimination continues inspite of Several memorandums submitted earlier by various organisations and people’s representatives. As a newly formed state capital Vijayawada is entitled for establishment of CGHS facilities as the CGHS existing at Hyderabad has become a part of Telangana state. It is reported that state Govt. is providing required land for establishing Central Govt. offices in the proposed city “Amaravathi” the future Capital City of Andhra Pradesh. Land will be allotted for establishing CGHS also in the proposed capital city, if applied for by CGHS authorities new itself. AIIMS has already been allotted land. Pending Construction of own building the CGHS can function in rented buildings as being functioned in many others states.
Your kind intervention is requested to Immediate establishment of
(1)   New CGHS Headquarters of Andhra Pradesh at Vijayawada with branches at Visakhapatnam and Tirupathi.
(2)   Further those pensioners who enrolled CGHS membership from Non-CGHS area and continuing since 10 years may be granted permanent membership on payment of ten years subscription as per the rate of subscription on the date of their retirement excluding the amount already paid by them on temporary basis.
Awaiting early favourable action,
Yours faithfully,
(M. Krishnan)
Secretary General
& Member, Standing Committee
National Council JCM

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