Friday, April 13, 2018

National Federation of Postal Employees
1st Floor North Avenue Post Office Building, New Delhi-110 001
Phone: 011.23092771                                          e-mail:
       Mob: 9868819295/9810853981            website:

No. PF-68/Admn/2018                                     Dated:  13th  April, 2018.

Shri A. N. Nanda
Secretary, Deptt. of Posts
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg
New Delhi-110 001.

            Sub:  Request to maintain status-quo for separate identity in Postal Assistant Cadre (PACO) in Circle Administrative Offices/Regional Offices/DPLI Office, Kolkata due to reasonable administrative grounds.

          Ref:  Circular of Postal Dte. bearing No. 37-33/2009-SPB-I dated 13-12-2017 and No. 09-03/2017-SPB-I dated 18-10-2017.


          Kindly refer to the aforesaid communications of Postal Dte. regarding draft notification of proposed recruitment rules for the post of Postal Assistant/Sorting Assistant, MTS, Postman and Mail Guard.  Regarding the aforesaid burning issue from Central Headquarter of All India Postal Administrative Union, Group-C & MTS (NFPE), representations have been submitted on 31-10-2017, 18-12-2017 & 12-02-2018. From this federation, the matter is taken up and correspondence has already been made to Postal Dte. on 01-11-2017.

          But it is surprising to note that no letter of Postal Dte. as reply on the score has been received till date though the matter is highly sensitive. This Federation opines that the aforesaid proposed recruitment rules is related with all the sections of Postal employees and if implemented, will promote pick and choose by the top bosses in Circle Administrative Offices by indulging favoritism and nepotism.  Naturally, it will certainly cause adverse effect in effective functioning of the Postal Offices as a whole and Circle Administrative Offices, in particular.

          It is also to mention that this type of change may also promote corruption which will damage the deep rooted administrative efficiencies of the department and invite a disaster as a whole for the department at this critical juncture. 

          Therefore, it is requested to kindly  refrain from taking any decision for amalgamation of PA & PACO cadre and  arrange for an early discussion on the said issue with this Federation and All India Administrative Union (affiliated with NFPE) at the earlist possible

            With  regards,

Yours Sincerely

(R. N. Parasar)
Secretary General

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