Monday, October 29, 2018

Message of PJCA

Postal Joint Council of Action comprising NFPE & FNPO call upon All General Secretaries/Circle Secretaries, Divisional and Branch Secretaries of NFPE and FNPO affiliated unions to hold Lunch hour demonstration in front of all Head Post offices, General Post offices, Divisional, Regional and Circle offices against the incident of Allahabad Kutchery HO (Uttar Pradesh) starting since today dated 29.10.2018 and continue up to 03.11.2018.

Ask all members to bear black badges during the whole period of duty from today dated 29.10.2018 to 03.11.2018 in protest of this incident and non-functioning of CSI.

We have already reported matter to Secretary (Posts) with Photos on 27.10.2018. Our circle union of Uttar Pradesh circle has also reported matter to Chief PMG, Uttar Pradesh, Lucknow.

Some advocates of Allahabad Distt. Court assaulted on our postal employees as their Regd. Letter were, not being booked due to failure of internet connectivity under C.S.I. They have vandalized the post office property including counters, computers and other equipments and put on fire two motor bikes of staff.

This all happened because of non-functioning of CSI.

We have approached Postal Administrative several times, but there is no improvement.

If corrective and remedial measures are not taken immediately, we shall be compelled to launch serious trade union action after consultation with all constituents of NFPE and FNPO

Photos of incidents are published below.

(R. N. Parashar)                                                  (T. N. Rahate)           
Secretary General                                               Secretary General
NFPE                                                                 FNPO

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