Monday, February 11, 2019


Shiva Gopal MishraSecretary
National Council (Staff Side)
Joint Consultative Machinery
for Central Government Employees
13C, Ferozshah Road, New Delhi – 110001
E-Mail :
Dated: February 7, 2019

Resp. Shri Raj Nath Singh Ji,

Sub: Long pending prominent issues of the Central Government Employees

You may kindly recall that, aggrieved by retrograde recommendations of the VII CPC in general and particularly related to Minimum Wage and Fitment Formula as also on the issue of Restoration of Defined Old Pension Scheme for the Central Government Employees, the Central Government Employees, including Railwaymen, had decided to go on “Indefinite Strike” w.e.f. 11th July, 2016 since 06:00 the morning. With a view to resolve these important issues amicably, a meeting was convened by your good self on 30th June, 2016, wherein Hon’ble Finance Minister, Hon’ble Minister for Railways and Hon’ble Minister of State for Railways, were also present.

After detailed deliberations, the representatives of the Central Government Employees (NC/JCM) were assured that, the Union Government would favourably consider their demand of improvement in Minimum Wage and Fitment Formula, recommended by the VII CPC. It was also assured to look into the demand of Scrapping Contributory NPS in respect of the Central Government Employees and restoration of Defined Old Pension Scheme.

The representatives of the Central Government Employees were made to understand in the said meeting that, the Government would take decision in regard to above demands within a timeframe of four months by constituting committees for the purpose. On the assurance of the Group of Ministers, the proposed “Indefinite Strike” was deferred by the NC/JCM.

You may kindly appreciate that, substantially long time has already elapsed and the Federations of the Railways and other Central Government Employees, who had participated in the said meeting, have still been awaiting the positive outcome of the discussions held and assurances given by the Group of Ministers therein.

There is, therefore, serious discontentment brewing among the Central Government Employees, including the Railwaymen, and it is quite difficult to further contain the same any longer. There is, therefore, tremendous pressure to revoke the decision of the “Indefinite Strike” of the Central Government Employees due to non-settlement of the said issues.

It would, therefore, be largely fair and conducive for harmonious relations of the Central Government Employees with the Central Government, that, at least the following two major issues be settled without any further delay:-

(i) Restoration of Defined Old Pension Scheme for all Central Government Employees, irrespective of their date of appointment, which was available for the Central Government Employees appointed before 01.01.2004.

(ii) Improvement in Minimum Wage and Fitment Formula.
I earnestly hope that, your goodself will take these issues with all seriousness for resolving the same before it is too late, in the larger interest of conducive atmosphere in the country.
With Kind Regards,
Sincerely yours,
(Shiva Gopal Mishra)
Secretary(Staff Side)
Shri Raj Nath Singh,
Hon’ble Home Minister
(Government of India),
New Delhi


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