Thursday, June 6, 2019

National Federation of Postal Employees
All India Postal & RMS Pensioners Association

Dear Comrades!

The monthly salary for Postal Employees as well as pension to Pensioners having SB Account in Post Offices are facing acute problem of non-credit of pay and pension on the last working day of the month (31.05.2019 and 30.04.2019). Payment of salary and pension on the last working day of the month is mandatory and violation of payment in time is viewed seriously and the responsible persons are always to answer to the problem. Incidentally, there appears to be a technical problem on the part of the Infosys who is entrusted with the job of providing the software for transferring the salary and pension into the POSB Accounts. When the payment of salary and pension paid to officials in Banks is not facing any such problem, but only the officials and pensioners having payment through the POSB are facing the problem, clearly pins the responsibility on the software provider viz., the Infosys. Either the volume of the traffic involved is not known to the software provider or the volume was not properly assessed and informed to the software company by the Postal Authorities! Either way the responsibility lies with the Department for ensuring payment of salary and pension to employees and old pensioners in time every month. It is paramount to correct the issue on war footing as such delay is becoming a recurring problem every month. The sufferings especially the senior pensioners who are to return empty handed without drawing their pension is immense.
Taking the issue involved covers all employees and pensioners, the NFPE and AIPRPA have come together and issuing a joint call to stage a protest Demonstration effectively all over India in all Divisions on 18.06.2019 in front of Divisional Offices / Head Post Offices and report the same to the Headquarters. The protest Demonstration is to focus attention on the part of the Postal Directorate so that it intervenes effectively with the service provider to set right the problem without any further delay.  Incidentally it is known to all that while making online payments a facility to transfer the money immediately or at a later date is provided in the software in all Banks. Such a facility provision by the software provider would have mitigated this type of problem altogether.

NFPE  and AIPRPA call upon all Circles / States and Divisions / Districts to mobilize the employees and pensioners in full force and organize the protest demonstrations on 18.06.2019 during lunch hour or at the close of the office in front of Divisional Offices / Head Post Offices according to the convenience of the Divisions. A compliance report about the performance of this protest may kindly be sent to the NFPE / AIPRPA headquarters by email or whatsapp. Our intention is to set right this problem immediately and the Postal Directorate is requested to take instantaneous remedial action to ensure payment on the last working day of every month as per Rules.

(R.N.Parashar)                                            (K.Ragavendran)
Secretary General NFPE                        General Secretary AIPRPA

All the Office bearers and Circle Secretaries are requested to implement the programme in proper manner at all the Divisions and work spot on 18-06-2019 as call given by NFPE and AIPRPA Central Headquarters. This is the need of the time.
                                                                                                (Debabrata Mohanty)
                                                                                                General Secretary
                                                                                                        AIPEU Postmen and MTS

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