Friday, October 4, 2019

National Federation of Postal Employees
1st Floor North Avenue Post Office Building, New Delhi-110 001
Phone: 011.23092771                                             e-mail:
Mob: 9868819295/9810853981                           website:

No.PF-1(e) 2019                                                                                             Date: 04th Sep, 2019

            All General Secretaries / NFPE Office bearers
All Circle / Divisional and Branch Secretaries of NFPE Affiliated Unions


            AIPEU GDS has launched below noted agitational programmes as per the decision taken in its CWC held at Pudukottai (TN) on 8th & 9th September-2019  for the settlement of 20 Points Charter of Demands (Enclosed herewith).:

17.10.2019:   Submission of Memorandum to Hon`ble Minister of Communications &
                      IT & Secretary Department of Posts. Copy of Memorandum will submit
                      to all Divisional Heads/Regional PMsG/CPMsG.

15.11.2019: Mass Dharna in front of all Divisional Heads.

12.12.2019: Mass Dharna in front of all Circle Offices/CPMG Offices

We as NFPE appeal entire rank and file of NFPE to extend all solidarity support and Co-operation to make all the programmes a grand success.

With fraternal greetings.
                                                                                        Yours Comradely,

                                                                                        (R.N. Parashar)
                                                                                      Secretary General

1.  Grant civil servant status to all Gramin Dak Sevaks as per the judgement of Hon’ble Supreme Court which categorically ruled that GDS are ‘holders of civil post”
2.  Minimum five hours pay scale (wage scale) and maximum 7 ½ hours pay scale may be granted (instead of 4 hours & 5 hours. Remove artificial and unjustified cap of maximum 5 hours limit for GDS. Grant pay scale up to 7 ½ hours.
3.  GDS wage revision may be given effect from 01-01-2016 as already implemented in case of Central Government Employees and grant revised pay scales as per the formula recommended by Kamlesh Chandra Committee from 01-01-2016 and full arrears of TRCA may be paid instead of 2.57 multiplication.
4.  Complete Membership verification under Gramin Dak Sevak (EDA) Recognition Rules 1995 immediately and grant recognition to AIPEU-GDS and extend all Trade Union facilities. Order recovery of subscription to the members of AIPEU-GDS, being the participant union during last verification.
5. Count GDS service for pension in the case of (a) GDS who are promoted as MTS, Postman & Mail Guard (b)GDS who retire from GDS service without any promotion as per the judgement of CAT, Chennai Bench (upheld by Hon’ble High Court & Hon’ble Supreme Court), CAT, Bangalore Bench (upheld by Hon’ble High Court of Karnataka) and CAT, Principle Bench, New Delhi judgement dated 17-11-2016. Amend Rule-6 of GDS (Conduct & Engagement) Rules, 2011.
6. Grant Medical Reimbursement facility to GDS. Union Cabinet had already given in principle approval for introduction of Health Insurance Scheme for GDS while approving the Natarajamurthy Committee recommendations. This should be implemented immediately.
7.  Grant of full Composite Allowance @ Rs.2400/1600/800 as recommended by Kamlesh Chandra Committee.
8.  Ceiling on ex gratia gratuity to be enhanced to Rs.5,00,000/-,
Ø  Enhance coverage of GDS Group Insurance Scheme to Rs.5,00,000/-,
Ø  Enhance Department contribution to Rs.300/- per member in the Circle Welfare Fund,
Ø  10% hike in the prescribed limits of grants and assistance from welfare fund,
Ø  One week paternity leave for male GDS,
Ø  Leave accumulation and leave encashment upto 180 days,
Ø  Further relaxation of limited transfer facility for GDS,
Ø  Provision of one-time discharge scheme for guaranteed employment &
Ø  Voluntary retirement scheme after 20 years of service,
Ø  Enhance cash conveyance allowance,
Ø  Enhance ex gratia allowance during put off duty,
Ø  Shifting of retirement date to the last date of the month,
Ø  Revision of eligibility for appearing to departmental promotion examinations to Minimum one year qualifying service for GDS.

9. Drawal of arrears to substitutes worked in place of vacant posts of GDS & stop gap arrangements, after fixation of new wages from 01-01-2016.

10. Financial upgradation at 10 / 20 / 30 years of service.

11.Govt contribution to Service Discharge Benefit Scheme (SDBS) to be enhanced to 14% and GDS contribution to 10% as in the case of regular employees.

12. Instead of fixing wage level of new entrant at minimum TRCA (level-1), the same may be fixed at the corresponding wage level of the previous incumbent who worked in the same post, without waiting for six months for review and revision.

13.  Avoid combination of duties wherever it is not feasible due to heavy workload in BOs.

14.  ‘Service weightage’ increment for every three years service to be granted while fixing pay in the new scale to avoid fixing of TRCA of senior with more service equal to that of junior / new entrants.

15. Stop proposed move to Corporatize various functions of Postal Department.

16. Fill up all vacancies in the Department of Posts.

17. Stop fixing unjustified and unrealistic targets for canvassing business under IPPB, RPLI etc,.

18. Provide better infrastructure and basic amenities including band width for hassle free functioning of RICT / Darpan in BOs.

19. Withdraw the orders issued by the Department imposing break-in-service on GDS who participating in strike.

20. TRCA once granted should not be reduced under any circumstances even if the workload comes down due to circumstances beyond the control of BPM/ABPM.

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