Friday, December 20, 2019


National Federation of Postal Employees
1st Floor North Avenue Post Office Building, New Delhi-110 001
  Phone: 011.23092771                                           e-mail: Mob:  
   9718686800/9319917295                         website:
No. PF-01(a)/2019                                                              Dated : 19th December,2019

            The Secretary,
            Department of Posts,
            Dak Bhawan,
New delhi-110 001

Sub:   Submission of resolutions passed by 11th Federal Council of NFPE at 
           Mathura (UP) from 25.11.2019 to 27.11.2019


            The resolutions passed by 11th Federal Council of NFPE held at Mathura (UP) from25.11.2019 to 27.11.2019 are submitted herewith for favour of taking necessary action.

Yours Sincerely,
(R.N. Parashar)
Secretary General

1.         This Federal Council records its concern against the move of Department to corporatize the Postal Services, opening outlets under Common Service Centre for private persons to look after the Postal Services. This Federal Council demands that none of the service of Postal Department should be corporatized or out sourced.

            This Federal Council further resolves that the services under India Post Payment Bank should remain as part and parcel of Department of Post as Government service.

2.         This 11th Federal Council records its concerns on the impracticable, unreasonable, unjustified and unscientific targets fixed for opening of 5 Crore SB Accounts for IPPB by the Postal Staff. The staff engaged in IPPB is doing no practical work and all the pressure is being put on Postal Staff. The Staff of IPPB is only monitoring the work done by the Postal Staff.

            Therefore this Federal Council resolves that either the staff deployed in IPPB  should be ordered to do the practical work on ground or they should be sent back to their original posts and supervision work should be got done by the IP/ASP and SPOs . This will help to reduce the financial burden of salaries on IPPB.

            This Federal Council further resolves that in respect of SB and PLI work reasonable and practical targets should be allotted so that the Postal operative staff should not come under undue stress.

3.         This 11th Federal Council records its resentment and protest against the proposal of Department to enhance the working /business hours. No enhancement should be done against the provisions of statutory Rules. This Federal Council resolves that this proposal of enhancement of Working / business hours should be withdrawn.

4.         This Federal Council records to request the Department to implement 5 days Week in the Department of Post. After computerization and after implementation of so many new schemes there is tremendous pressure on staff. Therefore, in order to relieve from the stress, the officials require two days rest in a week.

            Therefore, this Federal council demands to introduce 5 days week in Department of Post like other Central Government Departments.

5.         This 11th Federal Council resolvers to request the Department of Post to provide opportunity of one time review of APAR written by the Divisional head for enhancing the grading to grant Financial upgradation under MACP and regular promotion  as the benchmark has been upgraded by th 7th CPC from “Good” to “Very Good”.

            We further demand to drop benchmark application for grant of MACP as it is not a regular promotion and only financial upgradatin.

            This Federal Council further resolves to introduce the provision of review of APAR while writing by the Divisional Head..

6.         This 11th Federal Council  resolves to implement  Cadre restructuring for all left out categories e.g. RMS/MMS/Postmen/PA CO/PA SBCO/Postal Accounts and Civil Wing as it is abnormally delayed after implementation in Postal Group-C category.

7.         This 11th Federal Council resolves to scrap the New Pension Scheme implemented for the Central Government Employees recruited on or after 1.1.2004 under which 10% less pay since begining  is being given. There is no security of getting any pension under this scheme. Therefore, this 11th Federal Council resolves to restore Old Pension Scheme for postal Employees.

8.         This 11th Federal Council resolves to drop the introduction of LDCE in HSG-III & HSG-I.

In respect of LSG it should be restricted up to 20% only.

9.         This 11th Federal Council resolves to enhance the limit upto 19 percent for General Line for PSS Group-B examination.

10.       This 11th Federal Council resolves to declare all the Post Offices as no quarter office as it has no relevance now after abolition of Telegraph Services.

11.       This 11th Federal Council resolves to keep the revised norms under abeyance as the same are not scientific. The Co-efficient factor has been taken away arbitrarily. We demand that scientific study should be conducted for determining the norms based on actual work load.

12.       This 11th Federal Council records its concern that the problems and difficulties being faced by the staff after implementation of CBS/CSI/CIS and RICT are not being tackled properly. Proper infrastructure including necessary equipments and internet connectivity is not being provided at most of the places.

            This Federal Council resolves to take action to mitigate the problems and difficulties being faced by the staff immediately as reported by NFPE HQ at several times.

13.       This 11th Federal Council records its concern over the fixation of 75 percent marks for LGO & GDS to PA Examination which is not practical.

            Therefore, we demand to keep it as minimum as possible.

14.       This 11th Federal Council resolves for grant of special allowance for PO & RMS Accountants and separe line to grant them HSG-II , HSG-I & NFG scale should be carved out.

15.       This 11th Federal Council resolves to grant one time relaxation for filling up the vacant posts of HSG-II and HSG-I by reducing the periodicity as 3 years and 2 years instead of 6 & 5 years.

            This Federal Council further resolves to declare the LSG as Divisional Cadre.

            We demand further to initiate action for 2nd Cadre review after implementation of 7th CPC report.

16.       This 11th Federal Council records its concern over torture of Postmen Staff by fixing unrealistic and unscientific targets. Further the Postmen are given advance of thousands of rupees under IPPB business without any security.

            This Federal Council demands that realistic targets should be given and proper security arrangements should be made.

17.       This 11th Federal Council record concern over non grant of Rs. 10000/- as Dress Allowance to Postmen staff at par with constable of Central Police forces as they are now being paid Rs.5000/- only.

            This Federal Council therefore, demands to treat the Postmen staff at par with Constable of Para Military Forces.

18.       This 11th Federal Council records its concern over deployment of MTS staff as guard of ATM. There is acute shortage in MTS Cadre.

            Therefore we demand that MTS should not be deployed as guard for ATM.

19.       This 11th Federal Council resolves to grant OSA and OTA to RMS Staff on enhanced rates as the same has not been revised since long.

            This Federal Council further notes with concern that in some Circles L-2 offices are being closed arbitrarily.

            We demand that no RMS Office should be closed.

20.       This 11th Federal Council resolves that the positive recommendations of Shri Kamlesh Chandra Committee Report should be implemented e.g. 3 financial up- gradations, Medical Insurance, enhancement of Gratuity and leave etc.

            This 11th Federal Council further demands that Civil Servant Status should be granted to all GDS employees and all facilities at par with regular employees should be extended to GDS employees.

            This Federal Council further resolves that Membership verification should be conducted as early as possible.

21.       This 11th Federal Council resolves  that the cutoff date as 1..9.93 for grant of Temporary Status to Casual Labourers should be extended as 1.1.2016 and all full time Casual Labourers should be granted temporary status and the Casual Labourers should be paid wages at par with regular employees and all facilities should be extended to them.
Yours Sincerely,
(R.N. Parashar)
Secretary Genera

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