Friday, January 10, 2020

Central Headquarters , New Delhi - 110001.
1.All National Secretariat Members.
2.Chief Executives of All Affiliated Organisations .
3.General Secretaries of all COCs .

Dear Comrades ,

Confederation National Secretariat thanks and congratulates all Affiliated Organisations and State/District level C-O-Cs for their sincere  and dedicated  efforts in making the 2020 January 8th Nationwide Strike a resounding success.

1. Please send a brief report about the participation of employees in the strike at various Central Govt Offices/Departments in your state/ COC jurisdiction.

2. Affiliated organisations are requested to send a brief report of the strike at National level and also state-wise in their Department.
3. Special incidents , if any , in connection with the strike may also be mentioned in the report .

4. Report may be sent either through whatsApp to 09447068125 OR by Email to 

5. Please send the report on or before 13th Janiuary 2020.

6. Please ensure maximum participation of Delegates & Visitors in the 26th National Conference of Confederation to be held on 2020 February 7th & 8th at Nagpur. Decide your Delegates/Visitors , inform them now itself , tell them to book the travel tickets immediately. This may be done on top priority basis. Don't delay . Delegate/Visitor Fee is Rs 1000 per head.

7. Exact number of Delegates/Visitors participating in the Conference from each Affiliate and each COC may be intimated by whatsApp or SMS to Com Nilesh D Nasare , General Convenor  , Reception Committee ( Mob: 09850354898) on or before 20th January 2020 WITHOUT FAIL.

8. Com Amarjeet Kaur , General  Secretary  , AITUC and Com Tapan Sen , General Secretary  , CITU will address the Open Session of the Conference as CHIEF GUESTS on 7th February at 10.30 AM.. COC , Vidarbha Region , Nagpur should ensure maximum participation in the OPEN SESSION.

   Secretary General 
   Mob: 09447068125.

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