Monday, May 11, 2020

National Federation of Postal Employees
1st Floor North Avenue Post Office Building, New Delhi-110 001
Phone: 011.23092771                                              e-mail:                Mob: 9718686800/9319917295            website:

No. PF-Covid-19/2020                                                                     Dated: 10th May, 2020

            Secretary, Department of Posts,
            New Delhi- 110001.

Sub: Regarding temporary closure of Post offices and exemption for attending the Post offices to officials/officers in Hotspot areas and High containment Zones of Maharashtra Circle during lockdown 3.00 and unprecedented situation of COVID-19- Request for personal intervention & immediate positive directives.


            Your kind attention is invited to the outbreak of pandemic COVID-19 in Maharashtra Circle as well as Mumbai/Pune/Malegaon like hay fire. Already more than 20,000 infected cases have been reported in Maharashtra Circle in which more than 15,000 positive cases are from Mumbai/Pune/Malegaon with more than 5000 hotspots and High Containment Zones till this date. Now many references have been received from Maharashtra Circle and it is very unfortunate to inform that five COVID-19 positive cases of Postal employees from Mumbai, Dhule including two deaths have been reported in Maharashtra Circle which are self-explanatory and showing the gravity of preventive measures.

            Directorate have already exempted the officials/officers in Delhi/NCR from attending the offices in containment Zones vide Dte.No. AD-91/10/2020-Admin dtd. 28/04/2020. But still the Postal employees in Maharashtra Circle are rendering essential services and travelling during lockdown in fatal conditions which will invite more infections and deaths in such hayfire of Novel Corona virus.

            Your kind honour is therefore, requested to consider the serious gravity of spread of pandemic COVID-19 during lockdown 3.00 and issue necessary instructions / orders to all the concerned authorities of Maharashtra Circle as well as Mumbai/Pune/Malegaon to close the Post offices temporarily and exempt the officials/officers from attending the duties in Hotspot areas and High containment Zones of Maharashtra Circle as well as Mumbai/Pune/Malegaon with immediate effect.

Hoping for an early and positive action

With regards,
                                                            Yours Sincerely,
(R.N. Parashar)
Secretary General

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