Monday, June 22, 2020


No.NC-JCM-2020/Health (COV)                                                              June 20, 2020

The Secretary
Government of India,
Ministry of Health
New Delhi. 110 011

Dear Sir,

 Sub:-  Stipulating charges for covid 19 treatment in private hospitals
                         For the CGHS beneficiaries.

We solicit your kind attention to the directive issued by the Government of India to all State Governments in the country asking them to empanel and involve the private hospitals for treating the corona covid 19 patients.  In most of the States in the country, the concerned State Governments and their health departments centrally controls and regulates the treatment of covid affected patients. The Central Government employees if they are afflicted with covid 19 would be required to be shifted to hospitals for which their choice is seldom asked for. The Government of India has also stated in their order that the State Government might fix the charges for such treatment in the private hospitals  depending upon the facility the concerned private hospitals offer.  Naturally, the State Governments would be compelled to ask the patients about his financial capacity before he is shifted to such private hospitals. 

In the circumstance, it is necessary that the CGHS beneficiaries are informed of the charges the Central Government is prepared to reimburse in case any of the beneficiaries is afflicted by the corona disease and the  type of facilities they are entitled to .

We, therefore, request you to kindly cause an order to be  issued by the CGHS authorities  specifying the rates for each State or metro cities as the case may be . 

Thanking you,

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