Saturday, June 20, 2020


The following statement was issued by the Central Trade Unions on 19th June,2020

The Central Trade Unions extend full support to the 3 days Strike of Coal Workers

The Central Trade Unions extend full support to the Strike call given by all Unions and Federations active in the coal industry in all places of activities in the coal sector for three days on 2nd,3rd,and 4th July 2020. The Unions/Federations have served the strike notice on 18th June 2020. We congratulate them for organizing the protest simultaneously while serving the strike notice on 18th June to the respective managements.

Their two day protest on 10th and 11th June 2020 did not deter the Government to review its decision of commercial mining, privatization and decision to de-link CMPDI from CIL among other demands .Rather Prime Minister himself came forward to launch the process of auction on 18th June, which was announced on 11th June, hence the decision of unions to choose this day to protest and give strike notice.

The fact of the matter is that even the earlier auctioned and allotted coal blocks could not be started as per schedule period which need to be cancelled immediately.

The unions have raised five demands in:

1. Withdraw the decision of Commercial Mining in Coal Industry
2. Stop all steps towards weakening or privatization of CIL or SCCL
3. Withdraw decision to De-link CMPDIL from CIL
4. Enforce HPC/CIL enhanced wages to contract workers in CIL and SCCL
5. Implement the clause 9.3.0, 9.4.0 and 9.5.0 of National Coal Wage Agreement

The Coal unions and the CTUs have been opposing the Government policy of 100 percent FDI in Coal sector. We call upon all our respective state chapters to extend their solidarity support to this agitation to defend this core public sector in the national interest and for our nation’s self reliance in this sector.
        INTUC     AITUC                    HMS                     CITU          AIUTUC
                  TUCC           SEWA          AICCTU           LPF            UTUC

We as Confederation of Central Government Employees and workers extend solidarity with Coal workers and their strike against privatisation of Coal Industry.
                                    R N PARASHAR
                             SECRETARY GENERAL
                       CONFEDERATION OF CGE&W

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