Monday, June 22, 2020

                  National Federation of Postal Employees
1st Floor North Avenue Post Office Building, New Delhi-110 001
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No.PF-1(e) 2020                                                                               Date: 20th June-2020
            All General Secretaries / NFPE Office bearers
All Circle / Divisional and Branch Secretaries of NFPE Affiliated Unions


            NFPE Federal Executive Meeting was held on 19.06.2020 at 11 A.M.  through Video Conferencing

Com. P.V. Rajendran President, , Presided Over the Meeting:

Secretary General, Welcomed all General Secretaries and NFPE Office Bearers and stated about the need of Federal Executive Committee Meeting through Video Conferencing as the physical meeting is not possible  due to Covid-19 Crises. After Federal Council held at Mathura in November -2019 , Federal Executive meeting was notified to be held on 1st February -2020 but after spread of Corona Virus and due to so many restrictions imposed on travelling and gathering by Government of India , the same was postponed.

Most of the General Secretaries and NFPE Office Bearers participated in meeting. Some could not take part in deliberations due to technology related problems. They were requested to send notes and they have sent notes.

The agenda as mentioned below was read out by Secretary General on direction of President which was approved by the house.


1.    Organizational Review.
2.    Review of situation arisen out of Covid-19
3.    Review of  agitational programmes on 1st May and 22nd May -2020 on the call of NFPE and Confederation of Central Government Employees & Workers.
4.    Membership Verification.
5.    Any other items with the permission of Chair.

Homage was paid to the Martyrs who scarified their life in saving the mother land after clash with Chines Army. Besides this homage was paid to all Trade Union activists , political and social leaders and common man who expired during this period and who lost their lives due to Covid-19 and other natural calamities e.g. Amphan and Nishang Cyclone. One Minute Silence was observed to pay tributes to all.

Initiating the discussion Secretary General stated that organizationally more problems are being faced. Due to Covid-19 Circes, organizational meetings are not being held. Conferences at all level are not being held due to restrictions on gathering and movement. We have requested administration to extend Trade Union facilities at all level till normalcy is restored. Periodical & JCM meetings are also not being held resultantly the issues are lying unsettled.

Membership Verification was announced to be carried out online, which we have opposed. New enrolment of new membership and modification which takes place every year in the month of April , on our request  the period was extended up to June-30 and will be carried out through Check off system i.e. through submission of letters of authorization.

On unilateral decision of Government to freeze the DA & DR of employees  and pensioners, protest demonstration call was given by Confederation/NFPE and it was observed  throughout the Country

On 22nd May,  protest demonstration  call was given by Confederation and NFPE  against change of labour laws and other policy offensives being unleshed by the Government of India and it was also observed at all work places throughout the Country maintaining the norms of  NDMA  due to Covid-19 Crisis .

During this period of Crisis due to Covid-19 Crisis Postal/RMS and GDS staff has suffered a lot. After being declared postal services as essential service. Official were put on duty at their risk without providing them adequate security measures and safe transportation facilities. So many Guide lines , advisories and instructions were issued by MHA , Health Ministry, DOPT and Department of Posts. But at lower level officers did not comply with the same and forced the staff to work under risky conditions. The most dangerous work was given i.e. Aadhar enabled Payments Service through IPPB and it caused infection to Postal employees and at some places some employees expired after being infected from Corona Virus. Which is very unfortunate?

All General Secretaries and NFPE Office Bearers deliberated on all the issues and the gist of the discussion on important issues  and decision as under:

1.         Compassionate Appointments should be given to the ward of deceased employees due to Covid-19, immediately relaxing the norms and all pensionery benefits and ex-gratia Rs.10 lakh should be given to the family.

2.         Special Casual Leave should be granted to all the employees who could not join duty under compelling circumstances due to lockdown. Leave period should also be regularized.

3.         Regarding Membership Verification, for regular & GDS employees it should not be done online. It should be through check off system as per provision of CCS (RSA) Rules.

4.         Casual, Part-time, Contingent, Daily rated Mazdoors and out sourced workers should be paid wages for lockdown period.

5.       Road Transport Net Work proposal should be dropped in RMS.

6.    Decentralization of DAP should be dropped.

7.    Roaster should be continued till Covid-19 Crisis is over.

8.    Stop Common Service Centres in Post Offices.

9.   Risk allowance should be granted to Postal and GDS employees temporarily till Covid-19  Crisis.

10.   Aadhar service should not be started and unscientific targets for opening of accounts in IPPB and Aadhar enabled payments service should not be imposed on employees.

11.  One Day Protest Demonstration on 3rd July-2020

Opposing Change in Labour laws, migrant labourers  issues, against freezing of DA/DR , Scrapping  NPS and restoration  of OPS , should be held at all work places.

Further it was also decided that there are so may other sectional issues. But the Directorate is also not functioning in full fledged manner due to Covid-19 Crisis. After normalcy restores, a detailed memorandum on all issues will be submitted to Secretary Posts for settlement in a time bound manner after convening a meeting with unions failing which serious agitational programmes will be lunched culminating into definite or indefinite strike.
 Again making appeal for holding protest demonstration on 03rd July-2020 at all work places maintaining the norms of NDMA. We on behalf of NFPE, convey revolutionary greetings to all.

                                                                                 Yours Comradely,
                                                                            (R.N. Parashar)
                                                                         Secretary General
Copy to :

1.         The Secretary, Department of Posts , Dak Bhawan, New Delhi-110 001
2.         The Director General, Department of Posts , Dak Bhawan, New Delhi-110001
3.         The Member (P), Department of Posts, Dak Bhawan, New Delhi-110001
4.         The DDG( SR & Legal), Department of Posts Dak Bhawan, New Delhi-110 001.
5.         The Director (SR & Legal) Department of Posts , Dak Bhawan, New Delhi : for necessary action

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