Tuesday, August 25, 2020


No. Confd./ Covid-19-2020                                                           Dated: 23.08.2020

1.      The Secretary,
         Government of India,
         Department of Personnel and Training,
         North Block, New Delhi.11000
2.       The Secretary,
          Government of India,
           Department of Expenditure,
          Ministry of Finance, New Delhi-110001

Sub: Non grant of transport allowance to Central Govt.  Employees in certain  
         Departments – reg

Dear Sir,
            It has been brought to our notice by various affiliates that many departments have denied payment of transport allowance for April and May, 2020 on the specious ground that the concerned employees had not attended the office even for a day in those months.  While we do not question their action, being in consonance with the extant instructions on the subject, their decision is certainly without appreciation of the ground reality.
            As you are aware the entire country was under a lock down due to the pandemic as per the directive of the Honorable Prime Minister in the month of April and May, 2020.  Except those organizations which had been specifically exempted from the operation of the directive being essential services, no office functioned during that period and the employees could not have attended the office. What is surprising is as to how the Departmental heads expect the employees to be present in the office during this period.  The denial was, therefore, purely technical and without appreciation of the situation obtaining at the relevant point of time. 
            We, therefore, request you to kindly cause an order to be issued exempting the abiding of the specific condition of attendance of at least for a day for the month of April and May, 2020 as a special case and direct all the departments to grant the transport allowance to the employees who were actually prevented from attending the office by the Governmental directive.
            Thanking you,
                                                                 Yours Sincerely   
                                                            (R.N. Parashar)
                                                                Secretary General
                                                            Confederation of CGE& Workers

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