Wednesday, March 10, 2021

 No. Confd. Circular-2021                                                                Dated: 10th  March 2021




Dear Comrades,.

In the Budget that was presented by the Finance Minister on Ist Feb. 2021 the major resource mobilisation besides indirect taxes was through disinvestment or outright sale of public enterprises.  Life Insurance Corporation, the largest organisation in the Insurance industry not only of India but perhaps even of the world has been specifically earmarked for sale.  It is one of the best performing enterprise in the Public sector today.  The return, s the Government of India has received from LIC  is several times of its investment, i.e. in the form of dividends, taxes etc.  While the sale of public enterprises was justified earlier on the plea of the recurring losses in the past, it is presently no more so..  BJP and all its predecessor formations had been opposed to public enterprises, itself , though such investment had been the key for the economic advancement of the country in the post independent era.  In fact the Prime Minister’s statement justifying the decision was a clear admission that the ruling party is not ashamed of bartering away India’s assets, acquired by the public money to selected private enterprises or even foreign nationals.  As part of the crony capitalism, the theme of governance of the present government, most of the public  enterprises, divested or sold  would be gobbled up by Adanis and Ambanis. Unashamedly and pretty well knowing that it is nothing but  atravesty of truth, they propagate the virtues of right wing policies and its capacity to propel growth.When millions were driven to the  shores of penury and poverty  due to the various such disastrous decisions taken by this government, like demonetisation, the hurry with which the GST regime was brought in, the separate duty regime for petroleum products whereby the prices have now been doubled despite the dwindling international crude prices etc., unending agony was inflicted on common people.  The ushering in of the new labour code, the anti farmers bills rushed through the Parliament are some of the recent anti-people steps taken by this government to please the corporates.  The country’s economic growth got extremely decelerated in the Covid period  that it went into  minus 23%  recently.  However, the number of billionaires in our country increased even in Covid days and India added 40 names to the list of billionaires of the world. The toughest resistance to the pernicious policies of the present Government came from the farmers agitation, which has now entered the most crucial phase.  It is heartening to note that they are determined to ensure the reversal of the recent enactments made solely for the purpose of enriching the selected corporate house.

1.    It is in this background that the Central Trade Unions met at New Delhi.  The meeting decided to call upon all its affiliates Associations and Unions and the friendly federations to observe 15th March 2021 as anti-Privatisation and anti-corporatisation day by organising central rally, Dharna, demonstration etc. preferably near the Railway Station or in front of any Central Govt. Office. 

2.    The bank and insurance employees will be on strike on 16th and 17th March, 2021. Solidarity and support actions would be organised on those days.

3.    To hold dharna /relay hunger strike etc. on 23rd, 24th and 25th March, 2021 jointly by all sections of the workers aa decided earlier as part of the mass mobilization programme. 

4.    To organise joint programmes on 23rd March, 2021 along with farmers organisations to commemorate the martyrdom of the National heroes; Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev and Rajguru.

Confederation has decided to endorse the above decisions of the Central Trade Unions and calls upon all affiliates and State COCs to carry out the programme.

           With greetings,

                                                                            Yours fraternally,

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  (R.N. Parashar)

                                                                           Secretary General.

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